Control the Throne

just say something so that i can continue the story without double posting
Dr. Javelin said:
Kingbowser99 said:
which basically makes this game over now, if you think about it. I bet you all hate the fact that I godmodded my way through that, and that's what makes the new game much better, the fact that you can't godmod the game, and it actually tells a story instead of just "I kill you throne get" and shit like that.
"can't godmod the game"

Yet you have convinced nearly every single player that the throne is "evil".
because it is evil

that's kinda the premise of the game

even bowser45, who basically came up with the story of the game stated it was evil

in fact I'm pretty sure he was the one who said it first

silly javelin *pats on head*

Dr. Javelin said:
no but it's way too meta now

now it's more like a lame talk show instead of the epic quest for the throne that it could have been

wow they have talk shows with wizards and evil thrones and burning houses? I absolutely must see this!
I was recently given the hosting job for the talk show. Because I had spare time. What else am I supposed to do at the top of a tower? Write my thoughts in a QuickTopic? I should totally do that anyway.
*stands in the doorway to prevent Neptune from leaving*

Dr. Javelin said:
no but it's way too meta now

now it's more like a lame talk show instead of the epic quest for the throne that it could have been

Pretty much this. I left the game ages ago as it was getting hard to try and keep up. I was probably crushed into vim by the Shroobs.
how is it a talk show though

this is basically what you wanted javelin, are you now stating that you might have been wrong about this?
tbh i think the whole thing has ended up pretty bad, it's hard to keep up with, and the "twists" seem pretty dumb (no offense to anyone). i think this idea was better on paper than it was in action
'Talk show' meaning that the game has now been reduced to back and forth banter between a few users with no real substance (I think godmodding is now semi-tolerated, which gives an indication of how much the game has decayed).

With CTT2, It's no longer a game about getting the throne, it's a now a thread where we write a continuous story that revolves around getting it. I've never posted here before, but at least the ridiculous macguffin plot of Control The Throne kept the 'game' aspect in tact, however idiotic it became. Encouraging creativity and adding continuity (and thus adding a cohesive plot line, initially something I encouraged) was supposed to cleanse CTT of those uncreative, one-liner posts, but with CTT2 the amount of arcs and plot twists that are constantly being introduced make the game unplayable unless you are part of the elite group that's writing it.

So basically, we tried being creative and lost the plot in the process. Really, the game could still go on, but right now no one really wants to infringe on the rather ridiculous arc we're going through at the moment.
I suppose it isn't impossible to join the game now. I mean, I joined rather late in the game, and I'm still alive. Although I do agree that it would be rather hard to now because of the walls of text one must read through, but if you're introducing your character into the story, they probably shouldn't know anything anyways. And what options do we have anymore? The original premise of Control the Throne had been stamped out long ago, and Control the Throne II is too much like a story and can't be joined at a bad time. Perhaps we should do what Lolcrawler and YoshiMonsta were doing a few pages ago:

YoshiMonsta said:
"No!!!!" I shout "Admiral Yoshimo!"
I quickly shoot the murderer who killed my comrade and hold the body of the Admiral.
"Don't die on me Yoshimo, not after all we've been together!!"
I sit on the throne overcome by loss.
Was it really worth it just to sit on some crappy throne?
Well, there's no turning back now.
It's in the middle of the two extremes; not crappy uncreative posts like "I kill your face THRONE GET LOLOLOL!!1!", but you'd still get the throne in one post, so recaps wouldn't be needed. But it wouldn't work either, based on our previous conclusions; this would be even more like a talk show than what we're currently doing. I can't think of what we could do with this game anymore, so does anyone have suggestions?
Radagast the Brown said:
this is basically what you wanted javelin, are you now stating that you might have been wrong about this?
what i wanted was





which is why i'm jumping in with a giant army now to liven things up
I sneak in, replace the throne with a cardboard box full of mayonese, take the throne to a secret location and sit on it
Neptune looks up mid-swing and notices Kylie Koopa hanging from the rafters, slicing the rope with a knife. The rope snaps and Neptune is propelled into a wall, throwing the box of mayonnaise to the other side of the room. Kylie jumps down to claim it, but not before she photographs Neptune embedded in the concrete slab. "Humiliation! That's a hot story for sure!"
Neptune wasn't actually in the slab, and Kylie hands in a photo of a concrete slab. She gets humiliated and fired, where she dies on the side of the road. Neptune reclaims the mayonnaise
Neptune is invited to the funeral, where Kylie's remaining fans mourn her death. Neptune couldn't help but laugh during the middle of the event, and was beaten to death in the graveyard by distressed Kylie fans. One of them rips the mayonnaise from his hands and tosses it into the grave. The magical properties of this mayonnaise revive Kylie, and she sneaks into the church to get away. She finds MarioFan sitting on the throne. "Here's the scoop..." she states, before knifing MarioFan in the neck. She inconspicuously exits the church holding the throne, and chuckles to herself as her fans rip Neptune apart.
Re: Control the Mayonnaise

Forget the throne, this mayonnaise is amazing. GBAToad finds Kylie's grave and revives her with a 1-Up Mushroom. They both set out to search for Neptune and the mayonnaise.
Geez, this game died. Sorry about that.

There is a room, and in that room is a throne. I sit on the throne and claim it as my own.