Fire Emblem: Awakening

I hope some of the Japanese DLC like Future of Despair gets released here.

Also is it just me or does Owain sound like Dug from Up
Never seen it. :P

Also a new Spotpass paralogue arrived today and it turns out that
Emmeryn is still alive, though it hasn't really explained how yet. I'm working on building support between her and MU to see if I can get some light shed on the subject. I'm not sure how to feel about it, because on one hand, it's nice to know that she's still alive but it kinda takes away what made Ch. 9-11 stand out to me.
Owain said:
Emmeryn is still alive, though it hasn't really explained how yet.
She was probably playing on casual.

Is it possible for Risen to naturally appear on the midmire?
So I ended up marrying Kellam to Sully, and so far she's been pretty good.

It's pretty entertaining to watch Kellam and Kjelle talk, since they pretty much take up the entire screen.
Tharja said:
So I ended up marrying Kellam to Sully, and so far she's been pretty good.

It's pretty entertaining to watch Kellam and Kjelle talk, since they pretty much take up the entire screen.
That's gonna be my sort of strategy for my next playthrough: give the future kids parents most like they are. Lon'qu and Lissa for Owain, Kellam and Sully for Kjelle, and so on.

I also started my hard mode playthrough (with a female MU), and if this is any indication I probably won't even touch Lunatic.
Got up to like Chapter 16 I think.

Promoted Sully to Paladin, Virion to Sniper, and Tharja to Dark Knight. Going to promote Frederick and myself soon.

Do you guys use Say 'ri? I like swordmasters, so I might.

And first time I found someone to "parley" with.

Tried to battle him but he was way better than me, so I kinda sucked. Sully was a Griffin Rider. :D
New Super Mario said:
Do you guys use Say 'ri? I like swordmasters, so I might.
Yeah but since I had Lon'qu and Gaius also set up as Swordmasters (with better stats) she hasn't seen much use.
Say'ri is pretty decent for me so far.

Also, is Henry worth using BESIDES his jokes? As a dark mage, he doesnt seem to be any better than what my Tharja did when she was a dark mage...
Lucina said:
Say'ri is pretty decent for me so far.

Also, is Henry worth using BESIDES his jokes? As a dark mage, he doesnt seem to be any better than what my Tharja did when she was a dark mage...
You're already ahead of me. HOW. (I'll beat it next week though during Spring Break).

And I don't use Henry.
I classed him down to a cavalier at first, trained him, and now he's a fairly decent griffon rider.
Lucina said:
Say'ri is pretty decent for me so far.

Also, is Henry worth using BESIDES his jokes? As a dark mage, he doesnt seem to be any better than what my Tharja did when she was a dark mage...

in your face, turb

I think I'd use Say'ri and Anna more if they had more support options.
Going to get around to working on the rest of supports now so I can get the
children units.

Otherwise, doing that and grinding before starting Chapter 18 because holy hell.
Have you guys been using Panne? Really I only use her every now and then, so I was just wondering.


Basilio is dead..... And was Yen 'fay recruitable? I mean, I killed him so I wasn't sure.
New Super Mario said:
Have you guys been using Panne? Really I only use her every now and then, so I was just wondering.
Panne was one of my mainstays early on and I wound up marrying her with Frederick. I had her go through the thief/assassin route to get lethality and now she's back to the taguel class again. I did the same thing with Yarne because it just works. Yarne also got Luna from Frederick and he's pretty unstoppable.

And was Yen 'fay recruitable? I mean, I killed him so I wasn't sure.
Short answer: no. HOWEVER he will be recruitable in a spotpass paralogue that will be releasing next week. The spotpass paralogues are all free in case you were wondering.
Good enough to the point where I haven't played anything else since I picked it up.

except for a game of tetris on my phone, but w/e
Tharja said:
Is it strange if hair color inheritance factors into my pairings?
That's adorable. :3

I haven't married anyone yet. Might do Tharja and Lon'qu though. Their personalities would match up perfectly.

and Virion and maybe Nowi or something