Fire Emblem: Awakening

I just beat whatever chapter it is where the vanguard of the Valmians or something landed and we killed them all.

This game is quite possibly the best game I've ever played.

Here's what my main party looks like:

Lissa (Sage) - I'm trying not to use her much until the rest of the units catch up. S support with Javelin, C with Stahl.
Javelin (Lvl 19) - I picked HP as my weakness which I now believe was a blunder as I die in two hits from practically anyone. I'm a pretty good glass cannon though. S support with Lissa and B with Kellam.
Chrom (Lvl 16) - Chrom is okay. I wish he was either more powerful or faster, as he's sort of halfway which makes him not that useful. Good when comboed with Sumia, who he has S support with, that Dual Strike ability is awesome. Also has C support with Gaius I think.
Sumia (Lvl 18) - AH HA HA it's the Tana of this game. Seriously. Sumia is awesome. I also randomly picked up a weapon called the Shockstick, which is a lance that deals magic damage based on her actually pretty good Mag stat. I can't decide whether to promote her to Dark Flier or Falcoknight though. I'm leaning towards Dark Flier to take better advantage of her rather high Mag stat. S support with Chrom.
Stahl (Lvl 20) - I decided to pick Stahl over Sully because it was pretty obvious that they were a Kyle/Forde duo, and I wanted more defense. Stahl hits hard and can take a bunch of hits. Kinda slow though. Has S support with Miriel, and I basically just throw the two of them out there and they kill everything. Also C with Lissa.

What should I promote him into? I was going to go with Great Knight because I have zero axemen but I heard something about a Paladin's ability that's awesome.
Miriel (Lvl 15ish) - Miriel is like an adult Lute. Which is in no way a bad thing. Pretty fast and powerful, but she's not very defensive, which is why I either have her standing behind Stahl or if there's a ranged person coming I pair them up. S support with Stahl.
Kellam (Lvl 15ish) - Knights are always good. Fact of Fire Emblem. That said, I don't think Kellam is my best unit, but he's far from the worst. Really slow though. A support with Donnel and B with Javelin.
Gregor (Lvl 15ish) - This guy is pretty good, and not just because of his voice. He seems like a slightly less awesome Gerik to me. A support with Corderia.
Corderia (Lvl 9 Mercenary) - She was a pretty good Pegasus Knight, but then I noticed that her Mag stat was abysmal. Considering that Falco Knight and Dark Flier both need decent magic power I used a Second Seal to transfer her to Mercenary. She's really good there, same or better stats as Gregor but she can only use an Iron Sword at this point which is lame. I'll probably promote her to Bow Knight so I can have a speedy archer to balance out my slow powerful archer (Virion). A support with Gregor.
Tharja (Dark Knight) - so amazing. Really, her only bad stat is her Speed, but I supported her with Gaius to counter that and she basically has zero flaws now. I went with Dark Knight because it seemed more defensive than Sorcerer, and also because swords. S support with Gaius.
Gaius (Lvl 17ish) - He's okay, I'm using him as a replacement for Lon'qu because he died early on. A lot better than I thought he would be, considering my low opinion of Colm from Sacred Stones. I gave him the Killing Edge and he smashes everything. Planning on promoting to Assassin because I already have Anna as a trickster and I could always use more bowmen. S with Tharja.
Donnel (Lvl 11) - I got to training this guy pretty late, and he's lagging behind the group. Still pretty good though. I usually train him on Risen skirmishes. A support with Kellam.
Virion (Lvl 13ish) - Another backup character. I haven't trained him as much as the rest, but he's good. Too slow to go twice though which is a pain. No supports yet.
Is that... Chapter 14?

Stahl could go either way, I've had him as both at least once and he's been pretty good with both. GK actually might pander to his stats better since it's more defensive, I think. (Although a little slower, and has bad res)

Here's a list of skills:

I'd tread lightly though since there's a few spoilers.
I actually have Stahl set up as a Great Knight and Sully set up as (yet another) Swordmaster. She makes for a pretty good one, given that she's more speed-oriented than Stahl.

Also Javelin, always go with Dark Flier. Always. Galeforce is too awesome of a skill to ignore.
Cynthia said:
Is that... Chapter 14?
I think it's chapter 13 or so, I'm not sure.
Cynthia said:
Stahl could go either way, I've had him as both at least once and he's been pretty good with both. GK actually might pander to his stats better since it's more defensive, I think. (Although a little slower, and has bad res)
Fortunately Miriel can always pair up with him to boost both Speed and Res.
Cynthia said:
Here's a list of skills:

I'd tread lightly though since there's a few spoilers.
Okay, I'll wait until finishing the game to read that then.
'3Kraid said:
Also Javelin, always go with Dark Flier. Always. Galeforce is too awesome of a skill to ignore.
all righty then
Oh, well then Great Knight will bag you the skills Luna (Ignores half the enemy's Defence or Resistance), and Dual Guard (Adds 10% to the Dual Guard rate)

And then the Pally gets Defender (All stats +1 when paired up) and Aegis (Halves damage from bows, tomes and dragonstones)

also unrelated


just by sheer coincidence my tactician was named brandon.
Paladin's abilities seem slightly better, but not enough to balance out the use of axes. Great Knight's abilities are good enough.
Marisa said:
I just beat whatever chapter it is where the vanguard of the Valmians or something landed and we killed them all.

This game is quite possibly the best game I've ever played.

Here's what my main party looks like:

Lissa (Sage) - I'm trying not to use her much until the rest of the units catch up. S support with Javelin, C with Stahl.
Javelin (Lvl 19) - I picked HP as my weakness which I now believe was a blunder as I die in two hits from practically anyone. I'm a pretty good glass cannon though. S support with Lissa and B with Kellam.
Chrom (Lvl 16) - Chrom is okay. I wish he was either more powerful or faster, as he's sort of halfway which makes him not that useful. Good when comboed with Sumia, who he has S support with, that Dual Strike ability is awesome. Also has C support with Gaius I think.
Sumia (Lvl 18) - AH HA HA it's the Tana of this game. Seriously. Sumia is awesome. I also randomly picked up a weapon called the Shockstick, which is a lance that deals magic damage based on her actually pretty good Mag stat. I can't decide whether to promote her to Dark Flier or Falcoknight though. I'm leaning towards Dark Flier to take better advantage of her rather high Mag stat. S support with Chrom.
Stahl (Lvl 20) - I decided to pick Stahl over Sully because it was pretty obvious that they were a Kyle/Forde duo, and I wanted more defense. Stahl hits hard and can take a bunch of hits. Kinda slow though. Has S support with Miriel, and I basically just throw the two of them out there and they kill everything. Also C with Lissa.

What should I promote him into? I was going to go with Great Knight because I have zero axemen but I heard something about a Paladin's ability that's awesome.
Miriel (Lvl 15ish) - Miriel is like an adult Lute. Which is in no way a bad thing. Pretty fast and powerful, but she's not very defensive, which is why I either have her standing behind Stahl or if there's a ranged person coming I pair them up. S support with Stahl.
Kellam (Lvl 15ish) - Knights are always good. Fact of Fire Emblem. That said, I don't think Kellam is my best unit, but he's far from the worst. Really slow though. A support with Donnel and B with Javelin.
Gregor (Lvl 15ish) - This guy is pretty good, and not just because of his voice. He seems like a slightly less awesome Gerik to me. A support with Corderia.
Corderia (Lvl 9 Mercenary) - She was a pretty good Pegasus Knight, but then I noticed that her Mag stat was abysmal. Considering that Falco Knight and Dark Flier both need decent magic power I used a Second Seal to transfer her to Mercenary. She's really good there, same or better stats as Gregor but she can only use an Iron Sword at this point which is lame. I'll probably promote her to Bow Knight so I can have a speedy archer to balance out my slow powerful archer (Virion). A support with Gregor.
Tharja (Dark Knight) - so amazing. Really, her only bad stat is her Speed, but I supported her with Gaius to counter that and she basically has zero flaws now. I went with Dark Knight because it seemed more defensive than Sorcerer, and also because swords. S support with Gaius.
Gaius (Lvl 17ish) - He's okay, I'm using him as a replacement for Lon'qu because he died early on. A lot better than I thought he would be, considering my low opinion of Colm from Sacred Stones. I gave him the Killing Edge and he smashes everything. Planning on promoting to Assassin because I already have Anna as a trickster and I could always use more bowmen. S with Tharja.
Donnel (Lvl 11) - I got to training this guy pretty late, and he's lagging behind the group. Still pretty good though. I usually train him on Risen skirmishes. A support with Kellam.
Virion (Lvl 13ish) - Another backup character. I haven't trained him as much as the rest, but he's good. Too slow to go twice though which is a pain. No supports yet.

I think Chrom is so beast, actually, once he learns Aether. I paired him with myself and they were pretty unstoppable. Again, I never really use Stahl since I had more training with Sully and stuff, but I'm going to try him on my next playthrough. Mirel, for me, was just terrible, but probably because I didn't build supports early enough. I think Kjelle turns out to be way better than Kellam though. And ew Gregor. Sorry, I just rarely ever used him. Cordelia is probably my second pegasus knight. Tharja is beast. I have her as a Dark Knight and she's unstoppable. (S support with Lon'qu too!). Your Donnel sounds exactly like mine just worse...... And VIRION is awesome.

Anyway, going to try and beat this this weekend, so we'll see. I'll start a new playthrough and see how much better I can be too.
Virion said:
Mirel, for me, was just terrible, but probably because I didn't build supports early enough.
That's the only downside I can see to the new awesome support system: if you don't support a unit then they're pretty much useless.

For example I wasn't able to support Virion with Gaius, even though they would have been an awesome team. But then
Virion's servant lady came in and now I can support them so it's all good. Chercen or something? These names can be hard to spell sometimes. ._.
Marisa said:
Virion said:
Mirel, for me, was just terrible, but probably because I didn't build supports early enough.
That's the only downside I can see to the new awesome support system: if you don't support a unit then they're pretty much useless.

For example I wasn't able to support Virion with Gaius, even though they would have been an awesome team. But then
Virion's servant lady came in and now I can support them so it's all good. Chercen or something? These names can be hard to spell sometimes. ._.
Yeah, I ended up pairing Nowi with Virion and they worked pretty good together.

Not building enough supports was probably my biggest mistake throughout my playthrough.
So I just tried out the final SpotPass paralogue.

It's called "The Radiant Hero".
You face an army led by a new character named Priam who, as the name of the chapter suggests, is a descendent of Ike. You face it with almost everyone in your army. A good third of mine died and this is the same army that can take on the final chapter and come out virtually unscathed. Priam himself is equipped with Ragnell and has the skills Swordbreaker, Axebreaker, Lancebreaker, Sol, and Luna. And there's 50 enemy units.

It's incredibly hard to beat without friendly casualties, so I might resort to Spotpass units to beat this. And it's an excuse to recruit Ephraim, so...
On the endgame now.

Feel kinda guilty since I pretty much only used Tharja and Lon'qu on the last chapter......

Chrom's aether skill is so useful though on the endgame chapter (I still lost him though and had to try again).
Virion said:
I think Kjelle turns out to be way better than Kellam though.

I think that's kind of the case with all second generation characters, they'll most often trump all of their predecessors.
Cynthia said:
Virion said:
I think Kjelle turns out to be way better than Kellam though.

I think that's kind of the case with all second generation characters, they'll most often trump all of their predecessors.
Can't say myself since I only got like 4 of the children. But maybe
so i just got brady, and i'm wondering what i should do with him. he's still level 10, so should i use him as a priest, or just promote/reclass him?
So, for my new playthrough, I've decided on marrying the following (so far):

Chrom and Sumia
Avatar and Stahl
Vaike and Lissa (again)
Sully and Virion
Mirel and Kellam

What, I'm hoping is that when Sully and Stahl get good enough, I can just drop Frederick all together.

I'm still debating if I want to put Lon'qu with Tharja again or maybe Olivia this time around. Might put Donnel with like Nowi or something, Cordelia and Gauis, and maybe like Libra and Maribelle or something.

I might put Tharja with Henry or someone if I put Lon'qu with Olivia, and maybe I'll pair up Panne and Gregor or something (even though I never really used Gregor in the first place)

Than, I still don't have Gerome covered, so maybe I'll just place Frederick in there with Cherche or something.
Marrying Vaike w/ Cherche results in a ridiculously strong Greome. Also would recommend marrying Panne and Frederick.
'3Kraid said:
Marrying Vaike w/ Cherche results in a ridiculously strong Greome. Also would recommend marrying Panne and Frederick.
Would Gregor make and equally strong Gerome?

I suppose I'll marry Panne and Frederick though.
On the topic of S-rank supports...

I have a fairly ludicrous amount at the moment actually. Let's see.

Chrom + Sumia
Javelin + Lissa
Tharja + Gaius
Virion + Cherche
Stahl + Miriel
Gregor + Cordelia