Fire Emblem: Awakening

because they were just too lazy, a shame too.

also man that king of plegia makes me irritated, not only does he sound like he has a bottled rocket cuco up his butt, but he never fought me!

Also is it me or does tharja's english voice seem very.....unsuitable....

poor emm
well it would have taken like a million years to make special models for all the over 100 spotpass/dlc chars
tharja english voice is like that because she's supposed to be creepy, and she doesn't care about anything
Ultraluigi said:
well it would have taken like a million years to make special models for all the over 100 spotpass/dlc chars
if they just did the hair it wouldn't have taken so long

and fixing the hair would have really improved their models
Zae said:
also man that king of plegia makes me irritated, not only does he sound like he has a bottled rocket cuco up his butt, but he never fought me!
minor spoilers: you'll enjoy chapter eleven
semi-major spoilers

If you have SpotPass active, you can recruit him into your army before endgame. He's a surprisingly good unit.

It's completely optional though and has virtually no bearing on the ending.
well i did make progress, defeated the mad king, class changed, did some more stuff some more stuff, and will probably play later.
if you enjoy strategy games and/or rpgs at all, then yes.

if you're not a fan of those genres, then it probably won't suit you.
Well you know what we're all gonna say. Go for it. You don't have to know anything about the lore of the series to enjoy the story and there's the option to turn permadeath off so difficulty shouldn't be too much of an issue. Unless you want it to be, of course.
Proto Man said:
semi-major spoilers

If you have SpotPass active, you can recruit him into your army before endgame. He's a surprisingly good unit.

It's completely optional though and has virtually no bearing on the ending.
He's good? He sucked for me :(
Ultraluigi said:
well it would have taken like a million years to make special models for all the over 100 spotpass/dlc chars
Not if they only did it for the paid DLC models
Phantom L said:
Ultraluigi said:
well it would have taken like a million years to make special models for all the over 100 spotpass/dlc chars
Not if they only did it for the paid DLC models
just for paid dlc would have worked yup
I did Rouges and redeemers 2.
I was suprised as I decided to use Lissa and Libra to see what happens and did it easily.
Now for the fun of the third one...
so ive been playing around and class changed some people, well when i say some i mean tharja and chrom.

I've also have lissa at level 15 and still a cleric, so should i just class change her right now since clerics take ages to level up?
What I did was...
When she was level 10 I reclassed her to pegasis knight
Then made her a dark flier at level 20
Then when she had galeforce put her back as a war cleric and now she has epic stats.

Though thats just me and I'm weird. I know some people keep her as a falcon knight/dark flier...
Phantom L said:
What I did was...
When she was level 10 I reclassed her to pegasis knight
Then made her a dark flier at level 20
Then when she had galeforce put her back as a war cleric and now she has epic stats.

Though thats just me and I'm weird. I know some people keep her as a falcon knight/dark flier...

well i made her a pegasis knight, it seems to work.....when paired up.

oh well though, see how that works out i guess, it sucks for units not be able to attack.
Zae said:
Phantom L said:
What I did was...
When she was level 10 I reclassed her to pegasis knight
Then made her a dark flier at level 20
Then when she had galeforce put her back as a war cleric and now she has epic stats.

Though thats just me and I'm weird. I know some people keep her as a falcon knight/dark flier...

well i made her a pegasis knight, it seems to work.....when paired up.

oh well though, see how that works out i guess, it sucks for units not be able to attack.
It is an ass to begin with, but soon she will get stronger.
okay uh as said in another thread, i actually started over and made it to chapter 11.

I'm also a hero instead of a grandmaster, because they look more awesome, plus i dont really like mixing magic and strength as it's kinda annoying to keep up with both of them(especially since i always seem to have much higher strength then magic, even though both of them are neither my asset or flaw).

Also virion with blessed bow seems kinda outrageous, but eh who cares? I do love the guy regardless, he's good as a character and as a unit.
>good unit
jk it's your playthough but i do love virion's character, he's simply MAGNIFICENT
Ultraluigi said:
>good unit
jk it's your playthough but i do love virion's character, he's simply MAGNIFICENT
I never really use Virion that much. I prefer to use Noire (sniper) or Severa(Bow knight) for bows.

When will Smash Brethen be out in Europe D:. I want it so I can get some brides I have plans to make my avatar, Sumia and Noire as brides
Phantom L said:
Ultraluigi said:
>good unit
jk it's your playthough but i do love virion's character, he's simply MAGNIFICENT
I never really use Virion that much. I prefer to use Noire (sniper) or Severa(Bow knight) for bows.

When will Smash Brethen be out in Europe D:. I want it so I can get some brides I have plans to make my avatar, Sumia and Noire as brides
in one million years it will be out
I have femu as a bride, gloat gloat
Lances/Bows/Staves seems like such an odd combination to me.

but eh what do i know