Fire Emblem: Awakening

Joey Tribbiani said:
i'm on easy difficulty, most of my units have already gotten up to level 20 and second seal'd, so they're pretty high up in strength and HP, stuff like that

I'm currently heading up to chapter 22, so here's hoping it doesn't go too hard on me

even though my characters don't die once ko'd, I still treat the game as if they do die, so I soft reset once a character dies

I want to be able to promote Donnel, but I know that either way he goes, I'm gonna have to end up giving up his lance, which is currently at A level right now. Frederick's been to Wyvern Knight, then to General, and now he's back to Great Knight, now that Gerome's on the team. Apart from him, I haven't changed many people that much.
holy poop you're using donny and haven't reclassed him at Chapter 21?? I changed him to a Mercenary at Paralogue 3, without grinding lol
Yeah you want to reclass Donnel ASAP. Sure, you lose the lance, but you gain new skills and class options. I usually reclass him as soon as I learn Underdog at Lvl 15.
I wish donnel was better. If soldiers were playable in this FE, then donny should have the option to reclass to them to keep his rank.
Also neptune, did you raise Donnel to Level 30 like a certain person i know irl?
if you're playing on lunatic like i am currently you'll need more than just avatar.
Time Turner said:
all this intelligent talk is flying over my head

can't i just stab people until i get to level 20
Don't worry, I still consider myself a Hardcore Fire Emblem player and don't really talk about all these skills that much either. :P
I feel like a lightweight as I don't force everyone to get galeforce, seriously, galeforce is overrated imo and I don't see the point in making people dark fliers in order to get it.
on another forum there was a huge debate about galeforce...
but yeah I think it's a little overrated, even if it is great
Ultraluigi said:
Also neptune, did you raise Donnel to Level 30 like a certain person i know irl?

well, I guess it's time he learned something else

will he be able to use the lance again sometime, though?
well neptune, i'd suggest reclassing to hero. You can get sol (one of the best skills) ASAP.
At the moment, I've set him as a mercenary, and I'm just training him up, and let me tell you guys, he's invincible

It's pretty damn awesome, any boss on the risen levels that he faces just bounce off his armour

although he doesn't have his A-level lances, he's got a bronze sword and he's kicking ass
neptune, if you EVER try a no-grind run or try to play an fe game that is not sacred stones or this game.... let me just say it's a lot harder to use units like donny.
galeforce is the best female-only ability though, so make sure to have lissa, olivia, and maribelle get it before you recruit owain, inigo, and brady
it's such a pain to get though
especially for olivia, she could be dancing for people instead of spending time in peg knight tree
actually olivia is pretty sweet if you give her all the abilities she can use. she has access to swordfaire, astra, galeforce, and special dance.

the fourth spot to me is always a toss-up between luck +4, avoid +10, or vantage
Okay I've finally started playing this after I picked it up about half a month ago. So far it's pretty great. I'm at the part just before Chapter 4. Anything I should watch out for or whatnot?
DCI Gene Hunt said:
Okay I've finally started playing this after I picked it up about half a month ago. So far it's pretty great. I'm at the part just before Chapter 4. Anything I should watch out for or whatnot?
Start shipping asap. Seriously, it's best to get your couples worked out early and consider units you don't use much too.