Fire Emblem: Awakening

Ultraluigi said:
New Super Mario said:
Virion is awesome guys, stop denying it.
I shall make you...FAMOUS
welp made it back to chapter 16 after all, also tiki is very suggestive.

And now to chapter 17 yay

and also virions WELL FANCY THAT is kinda hard to understand.
Ultraluigi said:
what difficulty are you playing on zae? normal or hard?

normal, usually what i play games on first playthrough.

Will be playing on hard afterwards.
Viridi said:
Zae said:
and also virions WELL FANCY THAT is kinda hard to understand.
*Fancy zat.

I think it's a vaguely french accent.

might explain why i have a hard time understanding him in his voice overs haha
So... according to your avatar you married Lucina?

I'm curious because marrying a second gen character might make an even more awesome Morgan.
Viridi said:
So... according to your avatar you married Lucina?

I'm curious because marrying a second gen character might make an even more awesome Morgan.

indeed, if morgan takes after either one of us he/she is guaranteed to be badass. I kind of wonder if i should have chosen hard at this point because me and lucina are top of the line broken atm.

oh and donnel is too, seems like everything that fights with him has a 30% or lower chance to hit him at all(and physical attacks are a joke for donnel).
the problem with hard mode is that reeking boxes cost 5000, meaning you can't really grind. to me grinding is fun because i can make all my characters have awesome abilities and such.

i would use another file to play for difficulty.
You can summon spotpass characters to the world map and fight them.

Each character has a different team, so it can be difficult finding one to properly grind against, but I've found Edward to be the easiest for your more lower-leveled characters.
So you can keep summoning them after you defeat them?

I figured after you defeated a team they were gone forever.
You most certainly can.

Viridi said:
So... according to your avatar you married Lucina?

I'm curious because marrying a second gen character might make an even more awesome Morgan.
I did that with my female avatar file. She married a Donnel-fathered Owain. I can't wait to Limit Break him.
He already does. Along with Armsthrift and a 51 Luck stat so it never breaks.
I had to pad my army with filler Spotpass units. r.i.p. ashnard, lyon, and black knight

Also galeforce. Lots and lots of galeforce. Maybe a Counter/Sol unit or two.

I did Radiant hero!!!
I had to use lot of the tonics to get peoples luck and speed up. Plus fortify.
RIP to King Marth, Sephiran, Ephraim, My brother avatar and Eliwood who gave their lives (I recruited them again straight after though 8) )
Now back to trying to do Rouges and Redeemers 3...
There's actually the characters I always use, as a sort of team, if you will.

It's comprised mainly of Chrom, Rowan (my Avatar), Fredrick, Lucina, Tharja, Say'ri, Virion, Vaike, Gregor, Donnel, Anna and Lon'qu, and if I need them, Tiki, Gerome and Black Knight (DLC Character)

I also like to keep them with certain items.
My main team is Chrom, Lily (MU), Olivia, Gaius, Lucina, Gerome, Henry, Tharja, Cordelia, Stahl, Inigo, Severa, Sumia and Frederick and if needed I use Morgan, Cynthia, Owain, Noire, Lissa, Libra, Maribelle and Lon'qu and for levels that require riddiculously huge teams I usually throw in Laurent and Kjelle too.
I love the levels with a shit loada characters in it, really brings the band together

I'm only up to like chapter 21, are there any chapters I need to be careful about in the future?
chapter 23 is pretty hard
what are your levels and what difficulty are you playing on?
i'm on easy difficulty, most of my units have already gotten up to level 20 and second seal'd, so they're pretty high up in strength and HP, stuff like that

I'm currently heading up to chapter 22, so here's hoping it doesn't go too hard on me

even though my characters don't die once ko'd, I still treat the game as if they do die, so I soft reset once a character dies

I want to be able to promote Donnel, but I know that either way he goes, I'm gonna have to end up giving up his lance, which is currently at A level right now. Frederick's been to Wyvern Knight, then to General, and now he's back to Great Knight, now that Gerome's on the team. Apart from him, I haven't changed many people that much.
I've already beaten the game, and now I'm trying to train up my guys for all the end-game paralogues.
