New Super Mario Bros. 2

I haven't really touched online gaming yet in video games, because of my preference of the CPU as opponents. It's just what I heard about their online system being crappy.
I heard the online was good in Mario Kart 7 as well, just some few setbacks that keep it from being great. It's something about communities.
Only if I had the money to get the game twice, which I don't have.
Damn you, Wii U!
A friend who has it?
If you know where I exactly live...
I mean, nobody here gives a shit about Nintendo!
Well, I hope I'll find somebody at the Gamescom tomorrow, as it's somehow already available in France, since one week ago.
MKGirlism said:
I mean, nobody here gives a shit about Nintendo!


It's all about CoD or Battlefield here. The last time I saw someone say they liked Nintendo was... maybe like... a few years ago?
Majin Buu said:
Gee, I wonder why there are users on this forum

This might help you out

Read Yami's post. Then realize that she meant the place she lives. Then realize I also meant where I live. Then feel stupid (this part is optional)
People where I live only give a *bleep* about CoD and anything else on the XBOX 360 and PS3 and when it comes to Nintendo they talk NO sense. When I was arguing with on of my friends about they 3DS they said that the 3DS could hurt your eyes and I told them to turn of the 3D. Then they said "Then you might as well get a DSi." and then I told them that the 3DS has better graphics then we kept on arguing because they are n00bs. I wonder why they are still my friends. :P
Now that I'm in Cologne (Germany), I've got a grand total of 40 StreetPass Tags, of which ironically 25 of them were from Sony PlayStation Press Conference.

To be honest, their Press Conference at Gamescom is somehow a lot better, than on the E3.
Crackin355 said:
Read Yami's post. Then realize that she meant the place she lives.

I had a feeling once Call of Duty got involved this thread would derail, back on-topic, please.
Aoi Asahina said:
Crackin355 said:
Read Yami's post. Then realize that she meant the place she lives.

I had a feeling once Call of Duty got involved this thread would derail, back on-topic, please.

Hey, I was only saying how it is where i live. He was the one who misunderstood me and made explain it.
It's my little brothers birthday so he got the 3DS XL and NSMB2!! It is a really fun and awesome game u guys!! gonna try and play 2 players later with our other 3DS ;D