Unpopular opinions about the Mario series

Santa Yoshi said:
Wrecking Crew was probably good back in 1983, but now? It's decent, but hasn't aged well at all.

Visuals are kind of boring but I everything else has aged well enough for me.

WC98 looks better but I don't like it as much besides character redesigns and that weird ass rice ball. Bowser also killed Spike in that game so that makes it worse objectively.
I hate purple coins. They are tedious as hell to collect and 100 of them is too much.

I liked collecting 8 red coins a lot more.
Saltman said:
I hate purple coins. They are tedious as hell to collect and 100 of them is too much.

I liked collecting 8 red coins a lot more.
The Purple Coins were replacements for the 100-coin stars (although Star Bits were originally shown to have that function instead). The red coins are something else entirely.
100 coins stars sucked in SM64 but that doesn't make purple coins good. They also have a different color than regular coins and there are no red coins in the game, so I also think they're a replacement for red coin stars.

also what happened to your ultimate Mario face off thread?
I agree with this post from GameFAQs:

[quote author=Michaeloll]Pink Gold Peach is a wonderful newcomer.

Metal Mario and Baby rosaline are not -_-[/quote]

(except for the Baby Rosalina part, because I like Baby Rosalina)

At least I'm not the only one who likes Pink Gold Peach, but hates Metal Mario.
The last thing I need to see is a quote from that guy.
I like Baby Rosalina, although it's unfortunate that she kinda threw away Rosalina's backstory in Mario Galaxy.

Metal Mario and Pink Gold Peach are 100% pointless additions to the Mario Kart roster but I don't hate em.
I wouldn't say 100% pointless is accurate. Metal Mario in Mario Kart fulfilled the niche of a compact heavyweight. Yes, it's not that much of a reason, but it's there, but that's definitely a unique component. What do the either two bring? Nothing.
I consider them as skins with different animations.
Mcmadness said:
The last thing I need to see is a quote from that guy.
Isn't he the guy who first made Daisy fans look bad?
I honestly don't see the appeal of the new villains in the RPGs besides the Shroobs and Dimentio. In actual practice they're either just Bowser in another name or Count Bleck's posse besides Dimentio with their forced redemption.
What about Bleck himself? His entire story was about being heartbroken, corrupted and redeemed once he broke out of his corruption.

Honestly I can't see Fawful as "Bowser with another name" no matter how hard I try. I mean there's a reason he needed Midbus around, and in SSS he's a minion himself, which Bowser would never be. He doesn't have an army other than what he builds or creates, so that's why he brainwashed some of Bowser's army. He's more comparable to an evil E. Gadd, something that I think very much has merit to exist. But maybe I'm not quite the right person to give objective commentary on that, given my profile, so lol.
I love Donkey Kong's expressions when he shows his teeth. It's probably the biggest indicator of modern Donkey Kong since he shows his teeth more often. It's a similar reason I love the expressions from Wario and Waluigi, since they almost always show their teeth.

Qayin said:
I honestly don't see the appeal of the new villains in the RPGs besides the Shroobs and Dimentio. In actual practice they're either just Bowser in another name or Count Bleck's posse besides Dimentio with their forced redemption.

I guess that's why the newer Mario RPGs resorted to Bowser.

Thank you for reading.
Qayin said:
I honestly don't see the appeal of the new villains in the RPGs besides the Shroobs and Dimentio. In actual practice they're either just Bowser in another name or Count Bleck's posse besides Dimentio with their forced redemption.
Hey, at least they have stuff that makes you understand the viewpoint of fans of those characters.
Not like, say, Wart.
Fawful Claus said:
What about Bleck himself? His entire story was about being heartbroken, corrupted and redeemed once he broke out of his corruption.

I don't find his redemption convincing. As in him sincerely repenting rather than figuring out that Timpani isn't dead and so he stops trying to kill the universe.
I see it more as him being corrupted by the Dark Prognosticus. The prologue said it wasn't meant for people's eyes, before he opened it he was just a desperate guy, probably not with any chaotic intentions, just wanting answers. His heart was weak and he opened the forbidden book, so he was easily taken hostage by it. Notice that he at first still attacks you even after he knows Tippi is Timpani, he's still corrupted. It takes his actual physical defeat to subdue the evil that had taken him over and allow his peaceful side to regain control.

There's lore.

I guess I'm not so keen on deep lore in Mario, these days, which is probably why I am fascinated by Color Splash, I guess.

Is that unpopular?
I wouldn't consider "wanting more lore" to be an unpopular opinion per se, it's more like most of us don't take Mario seriously and thus not something to be invested on when we play Mario games. Super Paper Mario is a game I take even less seriously than New Super Mario Bros. 2, so there's also that.
I find myself just not caring as any lore or story they make is so simple, cliched and basic. Thats why I think they should always make fun of them with jokes and humor instead. Or get really wacky.

If I wanted an in depth thing I'd play something else.