What inspired YOUR username?

My name is simple.

I like Russia and I like Baby Luigi and not much people on here can read "Русский Малыш Луиджи"
My name is inspired by wa., I really like his music, and his name is so simple and easy to say that I wanted mine to be similar.
(What inspired YOUR username?) CUNNING GOD OF DEATH

For SuperDoom, it was from an odd fanfic about Plants VS. Zombies that I kept only in my mind where I was a Doom Shroom named Super Doom. I refuse to return to it.

As for Creature from the Depths of Hell Itself...I just pulled that one straight outta my mind.
well you see, i wanted to be on the Kyoobur Company (Which i am on, btw) so i decided to go with "MediaVideoEditor"as my basis. why? because a lot of kyoobur company users have "Media" In there name. (eg, MediaFilipinoEditor254, MediaLogoEditor606 (Btw, MediaLogoEditor606 chaged its name to NeoVideoEffects, that was his old name))and so i put "MediaVideoEditor" there because it sounded like it. and for "856" well, i went to random.org (Not a sponsor) and put 1000 and see what i got. I got the number "856" so thats were 856 came from. And why did i shorten it? well, thats because my old account had the Full Name, MediaVideoEditor856. So i decided to shorten it to letters "MVE", btw, so thats why i go just under "MVE" i got under "MediaVideoEditor"almost everywhere else. so yeah!
My Nintendo network ID (also Toadettefan14)

My current and upcoming display names are named after characters from video games I like/love(Toadette is my favourite video game character of all time and my favourite Mario character)
Well, Marchionne is Mario, just from a previous life. However, he is not my creation. He was created by Marios-friend9 for her fangame, (Mario) The Music Box [Arc]
i havent posted here? anyway zelenpixel is the username i go with everywhere, though i go with just zelen sometimes like what everyone calls me
zelen comes from russian for green but its not pronounced the same at all lmao. its like. zyelyon(yi) versus "helen with a z"
pixel is because i do pixel art also just sounds nice
Well first off, Silver is cool. It was the color of a forgotten superhero called the Silver Surfer. Then the fact that it has a nice ring to it and it is completely unique. Another thing is I like Alex95's game PowerMaster and he has a character called Silver Knight. Also it's a theme that fits any character.
I had a question that I wanted to ask here regarding sprites in a game from the Mario series, so I just combined elements of my purpose for signing up and the Mario series into a username.
Trab Pu Kcip came from an Simpsons episode, Brother From Another Series, when Homer forgets to pick up Bart (basically pick up bart is backwards for Trab Pu Kcip).

I don't know how I got the name, it just came up to me.
Well my normal username (Princess Viola) is literally the online handle I try and use on every website, it's like literally my actual name (well, the Viola part is, I'm not a princess IRL)

The current name I'm using is because I'm, rather obviously at this point, a massive fan of Thomas and Friends and Emily is probably my favorite character in the entire show.
I came up with my name because i'm a big fan of falco and i have a neighbor next-door that i like and he lives in apartment 14 right across from me.
My real name "Tyler" inserted into "Nintendo" as a pun for my friends to call me (I gave a lot of my close friends I've met before codenames after all and mine is) - NinTylo.
My character, Ray Trace, is named after ray tracing, defined by Wikipedia thusly as:

a rendering technique for generating an image by tracing the path of light as pixels in an image plane and simulating the effects of its encounters with virtual objects.

I've named him after that because it's in par with my other OCs' naming scheme, such as my red-colored OC being named "Redshift", themed after light or light-related properties such as waves. So for his name, his favorite color is yellow, so when I think of the color yellow in relation to light, I thought of a ray of light permeating through the sky, so that's where the "ray" came from, and I added "Trace" because I like to have a touch of 3D modeling knowledge come into play.
my current theme is because "Growing up is hard to do" was my first episode of MLP:FiM and so far sweetie belle is my fav character from said show
Spanish for my daughter?
Oh mine! Simple: My 1st Name combined with Shy Guy! Elijah + Shy Guy = Elijah Guy! (It's Also beause I couldn't come up with a Good Username -_-)