User Big Brother 5 - Cancelled

Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 2 - Toad85 HoH, Lily and NSM nominated, and expulsion

Challenge ended, winner will be posted shortly.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 2 - Toad85 HoH, Lily and NSM nominated, and expulsion

i hope its me
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 2 - Toad85 HoH, Lily and NSM nominated, and expulsion

I know that I listed a couple of words that weren't actually possible. I have a feeling I'm going to lose.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 2 - Toad85 HoH, Lily and NSM nominated, and expulsion

bmb youre dead and you were mafia
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 2 - Toad85 HoH, Lily and NSM nominated, and expulsion

The next day, Nabber called everyone to the backyard. The houseguests took a quick look around. They noticed a monitor that said "USER BIG BROTHER FIVE", and six booths in which they would be sitting.

"Hello everyone, it's time for the Power of Veto competition! Each one of you will be heading into one of the booths over there. You'll find some paper and a pen. You'll also see a small monitor similar to the big one, and each monitor says the same thing: "USER BIG BROTHER FIVE", the show's title. Your task is to try to think of as many words as you can from the show's title and write them down. The player who writes the most legit words within the time limit will win the Power of Veto. Good luck to all of you!"

Toad85, Lily, NSM, Packy, GD, and MCD ran over to their booths and began the challenge. Packy and Lily had a little trouble thinking of words at the beginning, but managed to get going after a few minutes. NSM, Toad85, and GD wrote constantly, but stopped to think of more words every now and then. MCD seemed to show little signs of any trouble, however. He was writing practically every second that he was in the booth. After a short time, Nabber called them out of the booths.

"All right everyone, time's up! Big Brother will now look at your results and use the big monitor to reveal the player who thought of the most words."

Everyone began starting at the monitor, waiting for the results to be revealed. After a few seconds, a name appeared on the screen: MrConcreteDonkey.

"Congratulations MCD, you have won the Power of Veto!"

MCD smiled as the houseguests headed back into the house. Both Lily and NSM looked worried after the competition was over.

The next day, MCD called the rest of the house into the living room for the Veto Ceremony.

"This is the Veto Ceremony. NSM and Lily have been nominated for eviction this week. As the winner of the Power of Veto, I have the power to remove one of them off the block."

"After consideration, I have decided not to use it this week. I'm sorry Lily and NSM, but I am leaving Toad's nominations the same."

Both of them nodded, realizing that MCD could have just sealed their fate.

"This veto ceremony is adjourned."

MrConcreteDonkey has won the power of Veto.
He has decided NOT to use it.
Either Lily or NSM will be evicted this week.
Eviction time.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 2 - Eviction: NSM vs Lily

New Super Mario said:

look, he has a cold! we shouldn't keep him in or else we'll catch it. :(
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 2 - Eviction: NSM vs Lily

I guess this will be the season where the players that usually survive to the end are all evicted first.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 2 - Eviction: NSM vs Lily

everyone except the nominees has to every week. i'm afraid that's how the game works.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 2 - Eviction: NSM vs Lily

Meowth said:
everyone except the nominees has to every week. i'm afraid that's how the game works.
Well, the nominees and HOH, right?
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 2 - Eviction: NSM vs Lily

Lilith said:
HOH has to vote in a tie, iirc.
But if it isn't a tie then the HOH doesn't vote, right?
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 2 - Eviction: NSM vs Lily

yeah that too

there's no possibility of a tie with only eleven voters though

It was eviction day. Everyone was gathered into the living room, except for Packy, who was being yelled at by the producers because he tried to eat the monitor outside. Eventually, he was let out and joined the rest.

"Hello houseguests. It's time for eviction. NSM and Lily, as the two nominees you cannot vote. Toad85, as Head of Household, you cannot vote either. Everyone else will take turns going into the Diary Room and casting their vote. MCD, you're up first."

MCD nodded and he walked into the Diary Room and voted. Everyone else began to follow. In the living room, both NSM and Lily were nervous, hoping that the majority of the houseguests would vote to keep them in. Finally, RandomYoshi, the last player to vote, walked out of the Diary Room, and Smasher began speaking again.

"All votes have been cast. When I reveal the results, the evicted houseguest will have a few moments to say their goodbyes, gather their belongings, and walk out the front door."

"By a vote of 7 to 4, Lily, you have been evicted from the Big Brother House."

Lily nodded and she got up and picked up her bag. She wiped a few tears from her eyes, but was able to give a hug to some of the houseguests. NSM just stood there, happy that it wasn't him, but sad for Lily. Lily then gave a final goodbye before walking out of the House.

The other houseguests began talking amongst themselves, and then looked at Lily's picture on the memory wall. After a few moments, it turned gray. Three houseguests down, twelve to go.

Lily has been evicted from User Big Brother 5.
NSM, you're safe this week.
Week 2 has ended.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 2 - Lily evicted

seven of the eleven voters
Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 2 - Lily evicted

Traitors ;-;.
Hopefully I can still do well in world, and BMB eviction team, I thought you were on my side.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 2 - Lily evicted

oh wow i just noticed

bmb was the first to sign up and the first to leave the house

nsy was the second to sign up and the second to leave the house

lily was the third to sign up and the third to leave the house

Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 2 - Lily evicted

Meowth said:
oh wow i just noticed

bmb was the first to sign up and the first to leave the house

nsy was the second to sign up and the second to leave the house

lily was the third to sign up and the third to leave the house

Palkia is destined to leave next!

Thanks to whoever saved me though!
Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 2 - Lily evicted

who didn't see this coming
Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 2 - Lily evicted

Lilith said:
Traitors ;-;.
Hopefully I can still do well in world, and BMB eviction team, I thought you were on my side.

I agree, but tbh lily...

I'm so glad you got evicted. I was waiting for you to be evicted after four seasons, and though I wasn't going to do it myself because we work well together, I'm glad to see that the two never-evicted-regularly get evicted.

Okay, this makes up a lot for UBB4 now that you got evicted.