Pokemon X and Pokemon Y

So some of you may have already seen this in another thread, but perhaps looker will reappear? It does seem like his native area.
Sochies said:
So some of you may have already seen this in another thread, but perhaps looker will reappear? It does seem like his native area.

What? Did I miss something?
Lol, it's more likely to be that Team Rocket Grunt in GSC Kanto's native area.
Cirdec said:
Sylveon said:
Iggy Koopa Jr said:
OMG the X and Y looks so great

Pity I don't have a 3DS :'(
there's a 3DS emulator in the works.

that reminds I oughta try it out now.

You know emulators are illegal if you don't have the original games?
emulators aren't illegal.

it's actually the roms that are.
The Virtual Console in the Wii? Yeah, it's an emulator.

The problem is that you're mixing up the emulator with the ROMs that are needed to play the emulator in the first place. The free distribution of ROMs is obviously illegal.
Mikan Tsumiki said:
Cirdec said:
Sylveon said:
Iggy Koopa Jr said:
OMG the X and Y looks so great

Pity I don't have a 3DS :'(
there's a 3DS emulator in the works.

that reminds I oughta try it out now.

You know emulators are illegal if you don't have the original games?
That is false. All emulators of video games for computers are illegal, period.
Oh I forgot to mention, in 75 years (at least in America) after they are first released, then you can make PC emulators
Mikan Tsumiki said:
Cirdec said:
Sylveon said:
Iggy Koopa Jr said:
OMG the X and Y looks so great

Pity I don't have a 3DS :'(
there's a 3DS emulator in the works.

that reminds I oughta try it out now.

You know emulators are illegal if you don't have the original games?
That is false. All emulators of video games for computers are illegal, period.

Nowhere here states that emulators are illegal. The only mention of illegal are the ROMs.
I don't get what's the fuss of NES, SNES and N64 roms being illegal... they don't even make 'em anymore. :/
Sylveon said:
I don't get what's the fuss of NES, SNES and N64 roms being illegal... they don't even make 'em anymore. :/

[quote author=Nintendo]The problem is that it's illegal. Copyrights and trademarks of games are corporate assets. If these vintage titles are available far and wide, it undermines the value of this intellectual property and adversely affects the right owner. In addition, the assumption that the games involved are vintage or nostalgia games is incorrect. Nintendo is famous for bringing back to life its popular characters for its newer systems, for example, Mario and Donkey Kong have enjoyed their adventures on all Nintendo platforms, going from coin-op machines to our latest hardware platforms. As a copyright owner, and creator of such famous characters, only Nintendo has the right to benefit from such valuable assets.
too bad no one cares hence why huge emulation sites still exist.

basically people are paranoid and think the law will get them because of something that isnt even looked at.
Well, of course emulation is illegal, in the same way piracy is illegal. Even if I paid money for the 2$ new release movie I got in China, that doesn't make it legal, because the money isn't going to the proper distributors. That devalues the price.
Purple Yoshi said:
Well, of course emulation is illegal, in the same way piracy is illegal. Even if I paid money for the 2$ new release movie I got in China, that doesn't make it legal, because the money isn't going to the proper distributors. That devalues the price.

Not necessarily. Stuff like garage sales are still legal since you already paid the distributors money.
As you may know, the anime usually promotes stuff for the games. Well, on the poster for the upcoming anime film (with Mewtwo and the shiny Genesect) there is a Sableye. No one has count one in the anime yet, so it won't appear until near the end of the Black and White anime. Something similar happend with Ash's Aipom. It appeared closets the end of the gen iii anime and followed Ash to Sinnoh. The whole reason he was brought in was to introduce its evolution, Ambipom. Something similar may happen with Sableye and he follow Ash to the Gen 6 region and evolve.

TL;DR Sableye may get an evolved form.
Baby Luigi said:
Purple Yoshi said:
Well, of course emulation is illegal, in the same way piracy is illegal. Even if I paid money for the 2$ new release movie I got in China, that doesn't make it legal, because the money isn't going to the proper distributors. That devalues the price.

Not necessarily. Stuff like garage sales are still legal since you already paid the distributors money.

unless they used flashcarts or r4's.
You know, I have been brainstorming some potential new Pokemon that could be considered. Here are some perspectives that I had in mind...

Name: Generain
Classification: Ancient Pokemon
Type: Ground
Height: 2' 11"
Weight: 44.7 lbs.
Ability 1: Rock Head
Ability 2: Sturdy
Dream World Ability: Mold Breaker
Gender Ratio: 87.5:12.5
Catch Rate: 45
Experience Growth: 1,640,000
Evolution 1: Generain ->lv. 40-> Cerarex
Evolution 2: Generain ->lv. 40 + Metal Coat-> Ankylett
Evolution 3: Generain ->lv. 40 + Sharp Beak-> Pteroraur
Egg Group 1: Monster
Egg Group 2: Water 3
Base Egg Steps: 10,240

Pokedex Entry: These prehistoric Pokemon possess a genetic trait that can determine their evolution. They were known for pursuing small animals in packs.

HP: 50
Attack: 90
Defense: 90
SP ATK: 50
SP DEF: 50
Speed: 30
Total: 360

lv. 1: Tackle
lv. 1: Leer
lv. 4: Bite
lv. 9: Rock Throw
lv. 13: Scary Face
lv. 17: Take Down
lv. 22: Bulldoze
lv. 28: AncientPower
lv. 33: Double-Edge
lv. 37: Endeavor
lv. 41: Crunch
lv. 45: Stone Edge
lv. 50: Earthquake
lv. 56: Thrash
lv. 62: Head Smash
lv. 68: Fissure

Egg: Autotomize
Egg: Body Slam
Egg: Curse
Egg: DragonBreath
Egg: Dragon Rush
Egg: Earth Power
Egg: Iron Head
Egg: Knock Off
Egg: Stealth Rock
Egg: Superpower
Egg: Wide Guard
Name: Cerarex
Classification: Savage Pokemon
Type: Ground/Dark
Height: 8' 10"
Weight: 542.9 lbs.
Ability 1: Rock Head
Ability 2: Sturdy
Dream World Ability: Mold Breaker
Gender Ratio: 87.5:12.5
Catch Rate: 45
Experience Growth: 1,640,000
Evolution: Generain ->lv. 40-> Cerarex
Egg Group 1: Monster
Egg Group 2: Water 3

Pokedex Entry: In prehistoric times, they were known for their pitiless personality. Their teeth and horns are powerful enough to even scratch a Carracosta with little effort.

HP: 110
Attack: 180
Defense: 130
SP ATK: 60
SP DEF: 60
Speed: 60
Total: 600

lv. 1: Tackle
lv. 1: Leer
lv. 4: Bite
lv. 9: Rock Throw
lv. 13: Scary Face
lv. 17: Take Down
lv. 22: Bulldoze
lv. 28: AncientPower
lv. 33: Double-Edge
lv. 37: Endeavor
lv. 46: Crunch
lv. 53: Stone Edge
lv. 59: Earthquake
lv. 64: Outrage
lv. 70: Head Smash
lv. 77: Giga Impact
Name: Ankylett
Classification: Armor Pokemon
Type: Ground/Steel
Height: 6' 7"
Weight: 796.2 lbs.
Ability 1: Rock Head
Ability 2: Sturdy
Dream World Ability: Mold Breaker
Gender Ratio: 87.5:12.5
Catch Rate: 45
Experience Growth: 1,640,000
Evolution 2: Generain ->lv. 40 + Metal Coat-> Ankylett
Egg Group 1: Monster
Egg Group 2: Water 3

Pokedex Entry: Unlike their relatives, these prehistoric Pokemon are known for only eating vegetation. Their armor can act as shields, due to being so durable.

HP: 110
Attack: 110
Defense: 230
SP ATK: 60
SP DEF: 60
Speed: 30
Total: 600

lv. 1: Tackle
lv. 1: Leer
lv. 4: Metal Claw
lv. 9: Rock Throw
lv. 13: Iron Defense
lv. 17: Take Down
lv. 22: Bulldoze
lv. 28: AncientPower
lv. 33: Double-Edge
lv. 37: Endeavor
lv. 46: Iron Tail
lv. 53: Stone Edge
lv. 59: Earthquake
lv. 64: Gyro Ball
lv. 70: Head Smash
lv. 77: Heavy Slam
Name: Pteroraur
Classification: Avian Pokemon
Type: Ground/Flying
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 120.4 lbs.
Ability 1: Rock Head
Ability 2: Sturdy
Dream World Ability: Mold Breaker
Gender Ratio: 87.5:12.5
Catch Rate: 45
Experience Growth: 1,640,000
Evolution 3: Generain ->lv. 40 + Sharp Beak-> Pteroraur
Egg Group 1: Monster
Egg Group 2: Water 3

Pokedex Entry: In prehistoric times, they were known for being huge rivals to Archeops. Like their relative, Cerarex, they're highly carnivorous, but they're also capable of flying great distances.

HP: 110
Attack: 130
Defense: 110
SP ATK: 60
SP DEF: 60
Speed: 130
Total: 600

lv. 1: Quick Attack
lv. 1: Leer
lv. 4: Wing Attack
lv. 9: Rock Throw
lv. 13: Scary Face
lv. 17: Take Down
lv. 22: Acrobatics
lv. 28: AncientPower
lv. 33: Double-Edge
lv. 37: Endeavor
lv. 46: Crunch
lv. 53: Stone Edge
lv. 59: Earthquake
lv. 64: Brave Bird
lv. 70: Head Smash
lv. 77: ExtremeSpeed
guys I had a dream relating to the gen 5 pokemon movie.

sylveon was in it as one of the protagonist's pokemon.