Mario Kart 8 / Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

Re: Mario Kart 8

All of this is coming out next week? Well hot dog, color me REALLY interested. I really can't wait to race on those new tracks, especially that dragon themed stage (as you can see, I love Chinese-themed stuff)
Re: Mario Kart 8


Hahahaha take that F-Zero.
Link is hilarious like always. Love the rupees on the track instead of coins, lol. Also, all DLC karts except for the B Dasher are cool.

Actually, though, everything retro-related is disappointing. B Dasher, Yoshi Circuit GCN, and eewwww SNES Rainbow Road... they all suck, although I say SNES Rainbow Road sucks the hardest.

Don't beg for a GCN Rainbow Road until we got GBA Rainbow Road. K, thanks.

Anyway, looking forward to using Tanooki Mario and freaking Link and racing on those great new stages. :)
Re: Mario Kart 8

i'm disappointed they didn't use a loftwing glider

damn that's a perfect missed opportunity
Re: Mario Kart 8

You don't like Wario's Gold Mine?

Anyway the tracks i'm most interested in are the aforementioned gold mine, Mute City, and Dragon Driftway.

I'm also very interested in seeing how Ice Ice Outpost turns out.
Re: Mario Kart 8

Nysic said:
You don't like Wario's Gold Mine?

Anyway the tracks i'm most interested in are the aforementioned gold mine, Mute City, and Dragon Driftway.

I'm also very interested in seeing how Ice Ice Outpost turns out.
Forgot about the Goldmine. It's all right, I guess, but I haven't seen enough footage of it to get a real opinion. It's still much better than the other two wretched tracks.
Re: Mario Kart 8

I have to agree with you on that one, the other two retro tracks weren't really good choices. I think I would have been fine with them though if they actually added new features to them. Plus, this is kinda nitpicky, but if they wanted to reremake SNES Rainbow Road they could have at least put it at the end of the flippin cup. Like, WTF, why is it the second track?
Re: Mario Kart 8

I'm not annoyed that it's the second track. I'm annoyed that it's there at all. Especially since it was there in the previous Mario Kart game. It doesn't sit well with me that we're getting a retro track that was re-retroed in both Super Circuit and 7, especially over something like, I don't know, GBA Rainbow Road or just GBA tracks in general.
Re: Mario Kart 8

Wow, just realized that SNES Rainbow Road is now in half of the Mario Kart games.

I'd love some GBA retro tracks, but I have a feeling that if they chose one it would be Bowser Castle 4.
Re: Mario Kart 8

King Antasma said:
but if they remove the paper mario reference I'll be one angry furious Fawful.

i'm actually suspecting nintendo is dumb enough to remove that reference and replace it with something generic or something
Re: Mario Kart 8

King Antasma said:
they're saving GBA rainbow road for mario kart 9 is my bet

but if they remove the paper mario reference I'll be one angry furious Fawful.
Or they'll just skip it and return GCN Rainbow Road. :/

Yasuke Matsuda said:
Things they won't stop adding: Bowser Castles from Super Circuit and N64 tracks. Since Yoshi Circuit is back after being a retro who knows how many N64 courses will return?
Not to mention, Mario Circuits from SNES.

Egh, the gates have been opened for rereturning good stuff and the crap stuff. Let's hope the good retro stuff returns from only Mario Kart DS.
Re: Mario Kart 8

Dr. Mario said:
Egh, the gates have been opened for rereturning good stuff and the crap stuff. Let's hope the good retro stuff returns from only Mario Kart DS.
oh man please no choco whatever tracks

I dunno I was always really bad at choco mountain/choco plains in MKDS.

Is there any hope for the return of Koopa Cape? I really just want to here the music in MK8 style TBH
Re: Mario Kart 8

Yasuke Matsuda said:
Dr. Mario said:
Egh, the gates have been opened for rereturning good stuff and the crap stuff. Let's hope the good retro stuff returns from only Mario Kart DS.
oh man please no choco whatever tracks

I dunno I was always really bad at choco mountain/choco plains in MKDS.

Is there any hope for the return of Koopa Cape? I really just want to here the music in MK8 style TBH
I freaking hate the Choco tracks from Super Mario Kart. Even in Mari Kart DS.

Koopa Cape should not return until several Mario Kart Generations later, all right? Don't want to put all good eggs in one basket.
Re: Mario Kart 8

There weren't many good retro tracks in MKDS IMO. I guess we have GCN Luigi Circuit, Baby Park, and Banshee Boardwalk.

And oh yes the SNES Mario Circuits. "It was the first track in the first game, so let's add different versions of it to every game!" I wouldn't be surprised if one of them makes an appearance in pack 2.
Re: Mario Kart 8

King Antasma said:
I hated mushroom city anyhow

Same reason I dislike yoshi valley, the branching paths make it hard to figure out the best way
It's just left right left and the other paths are irrelevant.
Re: Mario Kart 8

Link's bike is an Inside Drifter.

May god, the heavens are smiling down on me today.

Pfft, at this point, I don't care if I go broke or in debt. It's a good thing I already bought the packs.
Re: Mario Kart 8

Claus said:
May god, the heavens are smiling down on me today.

Both the Link in MK8 trailer and Majora's Mask 3D are big surprises.

I can't wait until next week.

Also will Link's bike be the same stats as the Sport Bike but higher speed?