User Total Drama World Tour ~ Rocker wins!

Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Classified, F.or B.rainless I.diots

Both teams rush forward, with Team Fusion taking the lead.

BMB: Well, Team Fusion, you have to only look in the first warehouse of leftovers for the hinder. Other than that, continue forth!

Gutseh: This is going to be so eas-

Suddenly, he steps on a mine, which blasts him in the air. He lands on the other side of the fence towards the warehouses.

Team Action continue forth as they dodge lazer beams, really watching out for the security system. Finally, Nabber jumps at the fence before he is shocked by the electric fence.

Rocker: Hmmmm...

Rocker hatches a plan as he picks up a few long sticks. Quickly he runs, jabbing the pole near the base of the fence and pole vaults over it. Lily and Nabber follow suit.

Lily: Nice idea.

Nabber (slightly foaming): yeadk;jsthaswasgreeeat.

Team Amethyst are figuring a way through the fence, debating.

LN1: Hm...I really don't know what to say...

Smg2daisy: Me neither.

Suddenly, a UFO from above starts to pick up Cirdec as he is thinking. Toad just facepalms as he pulls Cirdec out of the beam. Suddenly Cirdec hatches an idea.

Cirdec: Let's go through that little opening in the fence!

The rest of team facepalms as they sneak through the fence.

Team Fusion being to really dig through the objects they are allowed to use. Finally, NEX and NSY find something at the same time, debating on what to use.

MCD: Just bring both, now let's hurry back!

Team Action are in a different warehouse, avoiding the guards walking by. Nabber and Lily discover a portal thing, and suddenly begins to get sucked in. Rocker pulls both of them out before they can be swallowed up.

Rocker: Come on you two, we can't lose you yet.

Rocker (confessional): Hey, if those two disappear and I lose the challenge, then I'll automatically be going home!

Nabber: Here, I think I found something!

It begins to glow in his hand, and a tentacle seems to be popping out.

Lily: That'll do, let's go!

Team Amethyst continue to dig through the objects. Suddenly, Smg2daisy is swallowed in this cocoon as Cirdec tries to bring her out. Next thing they know, there is a clone of Smg2daisy that is alienified.

Smg2daisy: Another me!?

LN1: Great two Smg2daisy's...let's just take that one and go.

Toad: I completely agree, now let's head back!

Team Fusion make it back first, giving BMB the two photographs. Team Amethyst edge next, showing him the extra Smg2daisy. Team Action are last, handing in their object.

BMB: Well...let's show the judge on the screen right here!

Suddenly, the screen goes on, and it shows a blurred out face.

Voice: Sorry, but I can't be known in case the government comes after me.

BMB: Well, here is the first object: Two photographs of alien coverage!


BMB: Well, this alienated clone of Smg2daisy!


BMB: And this random box with glowing colors and-

Out of nowhere, it transforms into a huge UFO, which flies away.

Voice: WOW! Okay, that team wins!

Team Action cheer in victory over their win.

Voice: And that first team is definitely the loser.

Gutseh: We had a hinder!

Team Amethyst cheer for not losing as Team Fusion just rant at each other.

BMB: Well, let's all go to the plane before we are all killed by the incoming guards.

They all flee for their lives as the army appears to be coming.

Who will Team Fusion send home, and has Team Action fully broke their losing streak? Stay tune after the break!


Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Classified, F.or B.rainless I.diots

Team Action relax in the first class as they all take a nap. Team Amethyst sit comfortably in the economy class, all relaxing.

LN1: So...I'm hungry, how about you Smg2daisy?

Smg2daisy: ...

Cirdec: Smg2daisy?

Suddenly, the real Smg2daisy comes in, while the one in the class was the alieniated clone. All of them screams at the sight.

Team Fusion all sit after having just casted their votes.

BMB: Well...I would have not predicted these results at

NSY: Just get on with it!

BMB: Well...everyone has at least gotten one vote...except NEX, here's your barf bag.

Everyone is shocked as NEX grabs his bag in joy.

BMB: The other person that is safe is....Gutseh!

Gutseh grabs his bag, with NSY and MCD remaining.

BMB: Well, NSY, has your ultimate luck run out? And MCD, how did you end up down here? Well, anyways...the final barf bag goes to...

NSY bites his lip as MCD just stares at the bag.

BMB: ...NSY!

NSY eyes grow wide in shock as MCD nods, grabbing his bag and walking to the door.

BMB: Well, here's your para-

Before anyone can react, LN1 comes in with the alienified Smg2daisy clone, and throws it at MCD, which sends the clone and him falling out of the plane.

BMB: Well...okay then...let's all get ready for our next challenge, shall we?

Well, that was quite the twist, now wasn't it? What crazy location will our players have to visit next, and what insane things will they have to do now? And who will be going out next!? Stay tune to find out next week on User Total Drama World Tour!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Classified, F.or B.rainless I.diots

eh, it's what you get for being busy
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Hanging on the Aussie

can we post what media we used in the alien challenge?
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Hanging on the Aussie

Team Action are all sitting in a very small circle of chairs, really discussing stuff.

Rocker: I'm sensing the merge happening soon.

Nabber: You sure?

Rocker: Over half of us are gone right now, and usually when half of us are gone, that is when the merge happens.

Lily: So you think it's happening this next challenge?

Rocker: Maybe...I mean, we are already down to 3 players on two teams, and the other have 4, so I mean, we're barely a team now!

Team Amethyst are in the dining area, discussing in a group.

Toad: Well...I'm just going to come out with it and say that the merge is probably going to happen soon.

LN1: Yeah, I agree.

Smg2daisy: Yay! I've been waiting for the merge!

Cirdec: Yeah, but the problem is...when? If next, then yay, but if not and we lose the next of us won't make it on.

Toad: Yeah, but there is half of us left, and that is when the merge always happens.

Team Fusion are in the economy class, all talking to each other.

Gutseh: So...the merge has to be coming up next.

NSY: Finally, I make it to the merge!

NEX: Really, already?

Gutseh: 11 players down, and 10 more to go...yeah, the teams are too small as they are right now.

The camera shows three confessionals at the same time.

Toad/Rocker/Gutseh: When the merge happens, I feel like I'm going to be public enemy number 1 and going out first!

The plane lands, and the players walk out to this very dry area with many rocks.

BMB: Welcome cast to Australia!

NSY: That sounds cool!

NEX: So...merge?

BMB: Merge?

Everyone: REALLY?

BMB: Hey, the merge is not yet.

Everyone: Aw...

BMB: But I will say that this is an elimination challenge! follow me!

Everyone climbs up to this cliff, where bungee cords are situated. At the bottom of the cliff are a herd of sheep.

BMB: Okay, let me explain the challenge to you all:

It is now time for Challenge 16! Hope you are all quick on your feet when it comes to shearing sheep! Yep, you will be bungee jumping down with the rope, grabbing a sheep, and sheering them! If you find your team color under one of their fur, then you will win the challenge! The second team to get it will earn immunity as well in the economy class, leaving the last team the ultimate loser.

What you will do is pick a number from 1-50 (on the UTDWT topic), and you will dive for it. I'll PM you the result, and then the next person on your team can go! (That means that you cannot go twice in a row.) The next player cannot go next until all members of the next team go (just so that it's not an activity challenge since you all hate it so much). There are some dingos in the pile as well, so if you get one, you will be forced to sit out for the rest of the challenge since you'll be attacked by it!

So just pick a number, and dive! You may not dive for a number if it has already been called for! Good luck! Oh, and if you get another team's sheep, a different sheep in the pile will be that team's new sheep.

BMB: Ready, and....go!

Which team will manage to get the right sheep, and which team will end up getting all the dingos? Find out after the break!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Hanging on the Aussie

ahahaha oh my god did we really win that contest

i literally sent in a video at the last minute after 5 seconds of consideration

who was judging, anyway?
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Hanging on the Aussie

So wait we just post which sheep we want to murder sheer?

Sheep #12
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Hanging on the Aussie

oh i have to do it here?

can i go or do i have to wait for my team to get their result
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Hanging on the Aussie

Nabber said:
oh i have to do it here?

can i go or do i have to wait for my team to get their result

As I said, it has to be...

NEX -> Rocker -> Amethyst

And then the next person from each theme can go (doesn't have to be Fusion -> Action -> or Amethyst though).

However, if you want it to be like that, then no complaining that it basically is an activity-based challenge.

Also, 32 and 12 have been sheared!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Hanging on the Aussie

Oh i completely misunderstood it too.

i thought we could all go, but we would have to wait until everyone else goes before going again.

well what you did makes more sense.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Hanging on the Aussie

Kimberly Hart said:
Oh i completely misunderstood it too.

i thought we could all go, but we would have to wait until everyone else goes before going again.

well what you did makes more sense.

Actually, your way makes it go faster though...
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Hanging on the Aussie

Sheep 47 and 3 (Nabber sent in 3 via PM) have been sheared!

Need someone from Team Amethyst and Team Fusion that hasn't gone the first round to go now!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Hanging on the Aussie

also for the record this was our video

Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Hanging on the Aussie

so wait can me or nabs sheer something or do we have to wait for lily
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Hanging on the Aussie

i guess i go again, so uh; 17
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Hanging on the Aussie

Sheep 17 and 18 (Toad via PM) have been sheared!

We just need one from Team Action now!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Hanging on the Aussie

oh okay sheep 27