User Total Drama World Tour ~ Rocker wins!

Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Track and Yield for the Gold

With that, the results are up!

Team Action lost, Team Amethyst got the silver, and Team Fusion came out on top!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Track and Yield for the Gold

BMB is it okay to post what I wrote for the story here?
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Track and Yield for the Gold

Smg2daisy said:
BMB is it okay to post what I wrote for the story here?

That's fine, but keep it in the spoilers.

And the only reason why I didn't post it in the thing was because of the fact that the post was already really big and I doubted that putting both of your stories in there was going to really work.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Track and Yield for the Gold

My dumb work:
The city called Athens was guarded by a goddess called Athena. She guard this city over thousand years and she never let the citizens in this city disappointed. The land was in peace, until what happened three thousand years ago.

Legend told us that she had an owl as her symbol. The owl always stayed beside her, helping her guarding the town. That was what happened after an incident. The incident that made its master cried. She never forget what happened that day, and that made her be tough and stronger.

No one knew that Athena had three animals as her symbol. A deer who kept the peace of the nature of the land, an owl who guarded the night, and an avian who guarded the entire sky. Athena treated them as her best and only friends. Three of them were found by Athena herself, in a forest together. She believed that this was the gift from nature and took them. As years passed, they became stronger and helped Athena.

Years passed swiftly and it was a thousand years after Athena met them. One of them were missing, and Athena tried to find it. Where could the huge, black avian be? She was so worried and she prayed for it. The other two was always beside her, tried to calm her down and helped her searching for it.

That morning, she was in the temple and never stepped out. And she wasn't aware that the sky turned into a huge darkness. Her owl was the only one among three of them, realized it and dashed back to the temple, cried and try to tell her what happened. She was curious about its abnormal actions, and followed it outside.

At the moment she saw it. She was shocked. The entire land was dying, and there was no sight of any living things. The thunder can be heard from the darkness and a dark aura can be detected. Suddenly, a red glowing light can be seen fron the centre of the sky. She saw it and she knew what is it.

Its wings and tail feathers spreaded wide and glow red. The land shook and lots of spirits flew out from the ground. The avian absorbed all of them while the land was dying. Athena can't do anything but cried. She never knew that it would do something like that. She was a goddess who had to guard the city, but it was in darkness. And she believed that it was all her fault.

The life energy of the land was absorbed by it. The red light faded and replaced by a smooth, yellow glow. It turned into a cocoon and fell to the land. Athena leaved the temple and went to the spot which the cocoon were. She took it and looked at it. When she hold it, a sound was heard. The crying sound of it. Its cries was trying to communicate with her, and a flash of light appeared. She can knew what it was saying after the flash.

"My end of life has reached. Sorry for make you cry and I have to leave you forever. Farewell."

The cocoon struggled from Athena, and it floated towards the deer. The deer looked at Athena, like it was saying farewell too to her. This time, Athena knew that they were going to leave her. She rubbed her eyes and grined to it. "Don't worry, I am okay. Just do what you have to do. That is your destiny, right?" The deer shouted and its horns on its head shone in seven different colours.

A huge light was shone to the land, until it faded and Athena could opened her eyes. They both were gone. Only the owl was left, stood beside her. The owl growled and flew to the sky. Athena looked at the land once again and everything was back. The beauty of nature, and the shine of the Athens city. It was like nothing happened.

Where did they went? Even herself couldn't find the answer. The owl was her symbol since that day until now.

"Farewell, Xerneas and Yveltal."

I cannot imagine what are their reactions when they see this
I know, I suck

Pokemon Z confirmed and an owl as the legendary XD
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Track and Yield for the Gold

Team Fusion relax in their first class seats as they enjoy a real greek meal. All of them are clinking glasses for making it another week.

MCD: Man, London, Greece...I love these locations we have been going to.

NSY: Yeah, watch the next location be like Antartica.

NEX: Don't jinx us!

Team Amethyst are busy in the dining area, digging into the scraps of the greek meals.

Toad: Well...better than sending someone home. At least we all got some medals to look at.

Smg2daisy: Yeah, except for I didn't get one.

Cirdec: It's okay; at least you aren't skydiving to the ground like I had to before.

Team Action all sit in the bleachers as BMB holds up the votes.

BMB: Well, it seems to be that time. Let me just give Lily and Rocker their barf bags right now.

Both of them catches them with glee.

BMB: Well, let's do the vote down. One vote for NSM, another vote for NSM, a vote for Nabber, and the last vote is for...

Nabber bites his lips a little bit as NSM closes his eyes and crosses his fingers.

BMB: ...NSM.

NSM: NO! NO!!!!

NSM begins to protest as his team simply waves at him. Chef SonicMario, still in the pink dress, picks up NSM and walks towards the door.

NSM: No, I was suppose to be the winner of this season! I made it so far last season too!

BMB: Well, I guess your team disagrees. Shouldn't have lost by so much. But at least you get to have some wings.

BMB puts the wings on NSM, with Chef SonicMario throwing him out the window. Everyone looks down out of the plane as they watch NSM wailing with the wings as feathers just continue to molt off of them.

Lily: Poor New Super Icarus.

BMB: Nice pun.

Well, with that, NSM was the one to leave, but will another member of Team Action be going home, or will the other teams finally lose again? And what exotic location will the teams be visiting this next time? Find out next time on User Total Drama World Tour!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ A little cape on big waves

Everyone talks in the dining area, trying to figure out what is going to happen next.

Rocker: you here that?

Toad: I don't hear anything.

Rocker: I know, but NSM isn't here to blab about something.

Rocker (confessionals): Nothing against NSM, but he was definitely annoying at times. Reverse and him got into fights all time, and they both went out back-to-back. It makes me wonder who would be going next on our team? Hopefully we win until the merge happens.

NSY, who is sitting by a window, looks out, and suddenly covers his mouth in joy.

Gutseh: What is it?


Smg2daisy and Lily both look at the window as well, and their eyes grow wide open as they begin to jump up and down.

Smg2daisy: It''s....

BMB (intercom): Everyone, we are arriving at our next desination: Cape Town, South Africa.

Everyone begins to cheer in happiness as the plane descends to the ground.

MCD: I've been needing a wonderful vacation.

LN1: Yeah, but knowing BMB, we are probably going to have to swim with the sharks.

Everyone gets out of the plane once it lands, and everyone hops outside enjoying the beautiful weather on them.

BMB: I thought that we would actually have a fun competition for once, so I got everyone some awesome swimwear.

Everyone rushes into the changing rooms, and come out in their new swimsuits, which actually are very stylish and really suit everyone well. Each team is wearing their own color, but in different patterns.

Lily: Wait, we are actually wearing nice clothes, and at a nice location? What happened to the real BMB.

BMB: Relax, you still have a challenge, but for once it's not going to be crazy. Unless there are sharks.

LN1: That's what I thought.

BMB: Also the clothes are just to better see who is whom in this challenge. Anyways, let me explain your challenge now:

Wow, challenge 14! We are definitely past the halfway point, and you guys get an awesome challenge for this one! You will be doing surfing! Yep, your job is to play a little flash game, where you'll be surfing for the best time out of all groups. Only one member will be participating in this challenge (since I know that not everyone has the ability to play flash games). Decide who you want to do the challenge, and make it quick! The player that wins will win for his team, and the player that loses will lose for his team, so be wise as well.

The team that wins will get an awesome prize, and the team that loses will definitely get a seat in the elimination room.

BMB: So with that, time for you guys to get surfing!

Everyone cheers as they head out, grabbing their color-coordinated boards waiting for them.

Which team will get to really show their skills as a surfer, and which team will really fall flat in this challenge? All this and more after the break!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ A little cape on big waves

Deku Link said:
and the team that loses will definitely get a seat in the elimination room.

Protip: any time the host says "definitely", he's bluffing. I call this is a non-elimination round.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ A little cape on big waves

キノピオ八十五 said:
Deku Link said:
and the team that loses will definitely get a seat in the elimination room.

Protip: any time the host says "definitely", he's bluffing. I call this is a non-elimination round.

Well, all the reward challenges are at places were in the rl show there was a reward challenge, and all the new locations have been eliminations, so you might want to double guess about the importance of this challenge.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ A little cape on big waves

New Super Mario said:

At least I didn't cheat. (hint hint)

because it's completely impossible for someone to know all those questions

plus didn't he get one wrong anyway?
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ A little cape on big waves

Tailmon said:
New Super Mario said:

At least I didn't cheat. (hint hint)

because it's completely impossible for someone to know all those questions

plus didn't he get one wrong anyway?
Well he got the easiest one wrong.

I'm just saying it seems impossible to know every single year.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ A little cape on big waves

New Super Mario said:
Tailmon said:
New Super Mario said:

At least I didn't cheat. (hint hint)

because it's completely impossible for someone to know all those questions

plus didn't he get one wrong anyway?
Well he got the easiest one wrong.

I'm just saying it seems impossible to know every single year.

I'm not calling him a cheater. He got the first wrong, he said he guessed on the last one based on the fact that C was not an answer on the other 5 (except 1, but he got it wrong), and well, some of the other questions weren't that bad.

Like, I mean, Athens was the last olympics in 2004, so maybe he was like "2004 is the last time I remember, so why not?".

Well, maybe he cheated, maybe not, but if he did, he was VERY sly about it. Besides, I doubt he cheated, and if he did, oh, he will so not hear the end of it.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ A little cape on big waves

i doubt mcd would cheat, and saying that it's impossible for someone to know most of the answers is fairly ridiculous


[me=Smasher]is in South Africa and jumps back in the plane without anyone knowing[/me]
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ A little cape on big waves

Tailmon said:
[me=Smasher]is in South Africa and jumps back in the plane without anyone knowing[/me]

if you type it out loud, in the major thread where everyone can see it, you can't really say "without anyone knowing" with a straight face.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ A little cape on big waves

[me=Smasher]throws something at Toad85[/me]
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ A little cape on big waves

BMB: So, who wants to volunteer?

Cirdec: Here, I'll do it.

Gutseh: I guess I'll do it as well.

Nabber: Well...if no one else is going to do it, then I'll do it.

BMB: Okay then, everyone else can relax while this is going on!

Every cheers as they begin to grab beach towels and umbrellas. Lily and Smg2daisy lay down in the shade reading a book while Rocker, Toad, LN1, and MCD play a game of beach volleyball. NSY and NEX decide to try to get a tan, putting on tanning oil.

BMB: Yeah, I bet you wish you could sit out now too, don't you?

The three of them grumble as they watch the others have tons of fun.

Nabber ends up going first, hoping onto his board. He does his three tries, but seems to really not have any balance for his board. He seems to last quite a bit on the last time, before he accidentally trips and messes up. He swims back to the shore, with both Cirdec and Gutseh laughing at him.

Nabber: You can shut it!

Gutseh: Sure, sure.

BMB: Gutseh, you're up next!

Rocker and MCD devises a plan, where they sneak over to NSY and NEX, and quietly exchange their bottles of tanning oil to cooking oil. They secretly walk away, snickering.

Gutseh goes on the waves, and seems pretty natural at it. He does his three runs, and then on his last one goes for a long time before he slips into the water. He paddles his way back to the shore.

Gutseh: Suck it.

Nabber: Whatever. Watch Cirdec cream you.

BMB: Cirdec, your turn!

The group of sitters decide to build an ultimate sand castle. It seems humongous as they begin to decorate it. NSY and NEX feel uncomfortable in the sun, feeling somewhat sick.

Nabber and Gutseh's jaws drop as Cirdec does tons of tricks and spins on the waves. His three turns seem to last a long time. Suddenly a shark seems to be coming right after Cirdec.

Nabber: Watch out!

Suddenly, as it is about to grab Cirdec, he punches it right into the nose, sending him swimming away. Cirdec ends his last turn gliding back to the shore to Nabber and Gutseh just wide-eyed at him.

BMB: I think we can all agree that Cirdec has won this challenge! Sorry Nabs, but it seems that Team Action have lost this challenge. Let's head back to the rest of the group now.

They all march back to find this magnificent sand castle, with all of them inside creating decorations.

BMB: Wow, this is amazing! This should have been the challenge had I known you were so good at this stuff-what happened to you two?

BMB looks at NSY and NEX, who have a bad sunburn at every inch of exposed skin. It seems to be radiating heat on them. Then out of nowhere, Rocker and MCD slap both of them on the back.

MCD: Put it there!

NSY: AH!!!!

Both of them scream in pain and start cussing at Rocker and MCD, who are just laughing.

BMB: Well, enough of that. Cirdec won for Team Amethyst and Team Action lost the challenge.

They seem to be rather impassive about it, all still happy.

BMB: No sadness about losing Team Action?

Rocker: Not...really.

Lily: Yeah, we just had so much fun here, it was like a break for this and actually having fun.

BMB: Well then, let's head back to the plane now.

Everyone groans in disappointment.

BMB: ...after we take a group photo with the sand castle.

All of them cheer in happiness.

Who will Team Action send out of the plane, and what prize is in store for Team Amethyst? Stay tune after the break!

Nabber's best: 4096 pts.
Gutseh's best: 9418 pts.
Cirdec's best: 12309 pts.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ A little cape on big waves

wow team action is starting to suck
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ A little cape on big waves

Lol I beat a shark. And yeah for win.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ A little cape on big waves

Team Fusion sit in the dining area, with NSY and NEX putting on as much aloe as they can. Suddenly, NSY notices the label on their bottle.

NSY: Who the hell switched out our bottles!

Suddenly, MCD shifts and the bottle falls from behind his back. Both NSY and NEX glare at him.

MCD: Rocker was the one that came up with that idea!

Team Action sit in the elimination room, all deciding on who to vote. Rocker whispers to Lily, and then just stares at Nabber.

Rocker: I warned you about the challenge!

Nabber: Yeah, I'm probably out. Thanks for the ride.

BMB: Well, as I said, there is a pleasant surprise waiting in store, for Team Amethyst of course, and-

Nabber: Can we just vote now?

BMB: That's the other news! There is no elimination today!

Nabber jumps up in excitement as he cheers in victory.

BMB: I was saying, no elimination, but Team Amethyst will be getting a very special prize for the next challenge, as well as a nice seafood medley for them to enjoy tonight. For now, head back to the economy class while we head to our next elimination.

Nabber gallops into the other room, followed by Lily and Rocker, who are relieved as well.

Well, that sure was quite the twist! Another elimination halted in replacement of a reward! What will Team Amethyst get thanks to shark-punching Cirdec's skills, and will Nabber get to use his second chance? And what other things will come from our next location, now that we had a day or relaxation? Find out next time on User Total Drama World Tour!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ A little cape on big waves

Deku Link said:
キノピオ八十五 said:
Deku Link said:
and the team that loses will definitely get a seat in the elimination room.

Protip: any time the host says "definitely", he's bluffing. I call this is a non-elimination round.

Well, all the reward challenges are at places were in the rl show there was a reward challenge, and all the new locations have been eliminations, so you might want to double guess about the importance of this challenge.

Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ A little cape on big waves

Actually, i was pretty sure there wasn't going to be an elimination.

Kind of a dumb reason why I thought so, but normally every time we lose, we get a PM from bmb about being sent to the elimination room and blah before he even posts the results. But he didn't do it this time.

Also there was something off about BMB's response to toad when he called it a non-elimination challenge.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Classified, F.or B.rainless I.diots

Deku Link said:
BMB: Wow, this is amazing! This should have been the challenge had I known you were so good at this stuff-what happened to you two

BMB looks at NSY and NEX, who have a bad sunburn at every inch of exposed skin. It seems to be radiating heat on them. Then out of nowhere, Rocker and MCD slap both of them on the back.

MCD: Put it there!

NSY: AH!!!!

Deku Link said:
Team Fusion sit in the dining area, with NSY and NEX putting on as much aloe as they can. Suddenly, NSY notices the label on their bottle.

NSY: Who the hell switched out our bottles!

Suddenly, MCD shifts and the bottle falls from behind his back. Both NSY and NEX glare at him.


I was pretty sure it was non elimination too.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Classified, F.or B.rainless I.diots

Last time on User Total Drama World Tour, the teams went on a short vacation to Cape Town, South Africa, where a player on each time participated in a surfing contest. Nabber wiped out badly while Cirdec took first after showing a shark who's boss. Team Action was greatly excited after finding out it was a reward challenge, saving Nabber from elimination. But with they be safe this time, and what other surprises will this new location hold in store? Find out here right now on User Total Drama World Tour!

Team Amethyst decide to talk some game while they are away from the other team.

Toad: So obviously we won some sort of prize from the challenge.

Cirdec: I thought it was that seafood medley.

LN1: No, that was just one of our wins, we also going something else.

Toad: Yeah, but we don't know what exactly yet.

Toad (confessional): Finally we win one of these reward challenges instead of Team Action, and now I'm just curious about what our big prize for this challenge will be. For all we know, it could make us automatically win, or barely do anything for us.

Team Action and Team Fusion are sleeping in the economy cabin. NSY and NEX are starting to peel, and a flake of their skin flies off one of them, and floats into Gutseh's mouth, which wakes him up as he tries to breath, and then falls back asleep.

Outside the plane, a UFO appears next it, and shoots a lazer at the ship, which surrounds it in a green glow. Everyone immediately gets up as the plane begins to suddenly spiral across the sky.




The plane manages to stabilize, just in time as the plane makes a rather bumpy landing to the ground in the middle of this night. Everyone hops out of the plane, all shooken up.

BMB: Welcome everyone to Area 51...well, just a little bit outside of it.

Smg2daisy: That's real!?

BMB: Well, I'm not really going to confirm or deny that, but it's an Area 51.

Smg2daisy: Cool.

BMB: So, let me explain your challenge to you guys.

Here is challenge 15 for you guys! In this challenge, you will be sneaking into the base of Area 51 while avoiding all the land mines and all that stuff. In the warehouses (aka, the Internet), you will be searching for something interesting about Aliens, whether it be a video or pictures about it. Once you find what you are looking for, you will bring it back, and it will be judged by someone other than me.

You will only do one per team, and it has to be related to Aliens or Area 51 (you can use deviantART, google images, Youtube, etc.). Whatever you think is very exciting and interesting. Once you have it, you will send it to me via PM. Once all three are in, the judge will decide which one is the best, and which one is the worse. The team with the worse will send someone home this challenge.

Oh, and since Amethyst won the South Africa challenge, they get to hinder another team. That means they get to only look in one area of the warehouse. That means either Team Action or Team Fusion will be forced to get their picture/video from Wikipedia pages ONLY (and must link me the page to where they got it)! They will be notified if they are the team doing it, and if they fail to stay within those rules, they'll be Disqualified, and automatically the losers of this challenge.

Team Action and Team Fusion all stare at Team Amethyst in worry. Toad just smiles wickedly.

BMB: Okay then, let's go!

Which team will get the hinderance, and which team will get exactly what they are looking for? Stay tuned to find out after the break!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Classified, F.or B.rainless I.diots

BMB is too afraid to double post so he made me post.