User Total Drama World Tour ~ Rocker wins!

Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Jamaican by the waterside

If we lose, go ahead and vote me out scince I was the least useful to the challange
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Jamaican by the waterside

If I did the quiz twice, I would had got more than four but there was really no need to do it again.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Jamaican by the waterside

NSY said:
If I did the quiz twice, I would had got more than four but there was really no need to do it again.

I thought that you only did the first four and then was like "done".
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Jamaican by the waterside

have i won yet
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Jamaican by the waterside

Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Jamaican by the waterside

Rocker helps NSM and Nabber pull out of the twigs in their hair as they sit in the 1st class once again.

Nabber: Of course that would happen to me.

NSM: Yeah, what do you think Reversinator? ...I agree too, I am awesome.

Rocker: Please stop that.

Team Fusion are in the economy class, high fiving NSY for winning the challenge. Except for MCD.

MCD: I hope you do realize that he had the lowest score.

NSY: Yeah, but it all came down to me again, and I pulled through again! Aren't you glad that you kept me?

Gutseh: I'll admit that I am. Who knows what ARFU would have gotten.

MCD: But at least Smasher would have dominated it.

Team Amethyst all sit back down after having casted their votes. BMB smirks at them.

BMB: Well, the votes are in...

BMB opens the door, letting the hot air fly through the door.

Toad: At least this'll probably be the best place to be eliminated...

BMB: Yes...well, Toad and Smg2daisy, you are automatically safe.

They both grab their bags, snacking on them as they stare at the other threee.

BMB: ...Cirdec, you got a bag.

Cirdec: What?

Cirdec surprisingly grabs his bag. LN1 and PoP are the last two remaining for their bags.

BMB: The final bag goes to...

LN1 begins to bite his lips as PoP sits there relaxed.

BMB: .......LN1!


LN1 grabs his bag as PoP stomps angrily at BMB.

PoP: I demand a recount, I say, a RECOUNT!

PoP grabs her bag, jumping out of the plane.


Who will be going home next week, and who will make it on top? And what new setting will everyone be at our next location? Stay tuned to find out next time on User Total Drama World Tour!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ You Ripper what you sow

Xerneas said:

LN1 grabs his bag as PoP stomps angrily at BMB.

PoP: I demand a recount, I say, a RECOUNT!

PoP grabs her bag, jumping out of the plane.

Heh, I sound just like Courtney from the real show. Well, good luck everyone, ecpesially you Toad.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ You Ripper what you sow

It's this next task Halloween themed or something.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ You Ripper what you sow

Last time on User Total Drama World Tour, the teams raced on a bobsled course in Jamaica. Yeah, it got pretty gnarly. Amazingly, Team Action managed to make it on top while NSY managed to barely edge out of Team Amethyst in the sledding. Due to PrincessOfPeaches not following rules and lowering her team's score, she was sent out of the plane. Who will be going home next? And will the teams manage to make it out of this next location? Find out here, right now on User Total Drama World Tour!

Team Action relax back in first class, enjoying themselves. They are all napping peacefully. That is until Rocker begins to wake everyone up.

Nabber: I'm trying to sleep here!

Rocker: I'm sorry, but I'm trying to chisel Reversinator out of the ice! If he didn't melt in Jamaican weather, then he's probably not going to defrost by himself.

NSM: Yeah, but I think it's nice not having to hear him yell at me.

Rocker: Yeah, but with him inactive, we are basically down a member, and we all know how much work Reversinator has done for our team.

NSM (confessional): Damn, I hate to admit it, but without Reversinator, we would probably lose more often. He's probably our strongest member of the team.

Rocker (confessional): I'm hoping that they know that I'm the strongest member of their team, as I have pulled our team a lot this season. Just, having Reversinator to talk to rather than never-shuts-up NSM and I-rather-just-let-everyone-else-do-stuff Nabber.

Team Amethyst and Team Fusion are in the economy class, all taking a few z's. Then the plane hits a bird, causing the plane to lose a little altitude, jolting everyone awake.

Gutseh: I swear, you can never get a good night's rest on here.

BMB (intercom): Hope you guys are walking up nicely. We'll be arriving in London a bit shortly.

MCD: London!

Toad: Oh yeah, MCD, isn't that where you are from?

MCD: Yep. Man, with Halloween coming up too, I'm sure that seeing home will be a great treat.

Smg2daisy: Do you have any spooky stories to share with us?

MCD: Well...there is this story about a person named....Jack the Ripper! It was this onimous figure of the night, who would stalk his prey.

NSY and Smg2daisy both bite their nails in terror as they listen to the story. Everyone else is listening attentively.

MCD: Until the moment is right, he waits in the shadows, following your every move. They say that no matter where you turn, he'll always be staring right at your face, wanting to see the final expression when he attacks. When the time is perfect, he reveals himself to you, only for a split second, where your final glance is of his twisted face. After that, you no longer see anything, as he comes in, and....sleek!


As MCD pulls out a knife to immitate the sound, NSY leaps out of his seat, grabbing onto one of the upper storage compartments. Everyone laughs at him.

NSY: Not funny!

MCD: Anyways...they say the lust for blood drives him to pure insanity, and one he kills one victim, it is not enough. They have noticed that multiple people die when he strikes, yet his identify remains as elusive as a shadow. Just watch out on dark nights like these, when the moon is hidden behind the clouds. When the lights are all out, that is when he will most likely strike, taking you out before the lights can flick back on.

Everyone seems petrified in their spots over the story. All of a sudden, the lights go off, and everyone screams. A strike of lightning appearsr, illuminating a figure at the doorway.


NSY faints as the lights turn back on. Rocker continues to walk into the room, followed by Nabber and NSM.

Rocker: What the hell is going on in here?

MCD: Ghost stories. What brings you back here?

NSM: Reversinator went missing!

LN1: What!?

Nabber: Yeah, suddenly he was there, and then...poof, he just disappeared.

BMB (intercom): We are now landing in London. Get ready for the challenge! Also, it seems the plane has gotten a little...lighter.

Gutseh: I think this is BMB playing a trick on us.

Rocker: Let's hope.

Everyone walks out of the plane, seeing dark an abandoned part of London. The cool breezy night really seems to hit everyone.

BMB: Welcome everyone to London, England! Here is the challenge:

Welcome to Challenge 12! In this challenge, you will be running through this dark area of London into this building in search of an item. In order to do it though, you will need to avoid getting caught by a mysterious being. There are some dark times in England, and I'm sure that you have heard the stories. Be careful and watch your step in this challenge.

What you will do is give me a list of 15 locations that you would like to visit. There will be 1 less option for each round, and you will only pick 1 location for each round.

Round 1: Locations 1-15
Round 2: Locations 1-14
Round 3: Locations 1-13
Round 4: 1-12
Round 5: 1-11
Round 6: 1-10
Round 7: 1-9
Round 8: 1-8
Round 9: 1-7
Round 10: 1-6
Round 11: 1-5
Round 12: 1-4
Round 13: 1-3
Round 14: 1-2
Round 15: 1-2

At the same time, this shadow will also be lurking in the shadows, and if you end up as it's target, you will be out. I've heard that this person does not just strike once when he is on the hunt.

The last person of a team to make it to the end will win the challenge.

MCD: You planned this last minute after hearing my story, didn't you?

BMB: I will not answer, now will I? No go, before the thing gets you!

Will the teams be able to survive London, or will they all get captured by this "Jack the Ripper"? Find out after the break.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ You Ripper what you sow

if memory serves he's also been dead for at least 100 years.

we can bear a little historical inaccuracy.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ You Ripper what you sow

Yeah, this is supposed to be the like the London episode on Total Drama World Tour where there was a "Jack the Ripper"-esque guy that throughout the challenge would nab people.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ You Ripper what you sow

Xerneas said:
Yeah, this is supposed to be the like the London episode on Total Drama World Tour where there was a "Jack the Ripper"-esque guy that throughout the challenge would nab people.

nabs is confirmed as jack the ripper
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ You Ripper what you sow

Why is reverse still in, didn't he say he was leaving forever.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Jamaican by the waterside

Xerneas said:
Rocker helps NSM and Nabber pull out of the twigs in their hair as they sit in the 1st class once again.

Nabber: Of course that would happen to me.

NSM: Yeah, what do you think Reversinator? ...I agree too, I am awesome.

Rocker: Please stop that.

Team Fusion are in the economy class, high fiving NSY for winning the challenge. Except for MCD.

MCD: I hope you do realize that he had the lowest score.

NSY: Yeah, but it all came down to me again, and I pulled through again! Aren't you glad that you kept me?

Gutseh: I'll admit that I am. Who knows what ARFU would have gotten.

MCD: But at least Smasher would have dominated it.

Team Amethyst all sit back down after having casted their votes. BMB smirks at them.

BMB: Well, the votes are in...

BMB opens the door, letting the hot air fly through the door.

Toad: At least this'll probably be the best place to be eliminated...

BMB: Yes...well, Toad and Smg2daisy, you are automatically safe.

They both grab their bags, snacking on them as they stare at the other threee.

BMB: ...Cirdec, you got a bag.

Cirdec: What?

Cirdec surprisingly grabs his bag. LN1 and PoP are the last two remaining for their bags.

BMB: The final bag goes to...

LN1 begins to bite his lips as PoP sits there relaxed.

BMB: .......LN1!


LN1 grabs his bag as PoP stomps angrily at BMB.

PoP: I demand a recount, I say, a RECOUNT!

PoP grabs her bag, jumping out of the plane.


Who will be going home next week, and who will make it on top? And what new setting will everyone be at our next location? Stay tuned to find out next time on User Total Drama World Tour!
what the heck gutseh u do know that im hiding right above where u r staying right
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ You Ripper what you sow

1 - ARFU, learn to not just quote huge wall texts like that.

2 - Nabs is definitely not the Ripper (unless we are talking about when he eats beans).

3 - A player IS the ripper, but I will not reveal that yet...>:D
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ You Ripper what you sow

Xerneas said:
2 - Nabs is definitely not the Ripper (unless we are talking about when he eats beans).

But seriously, this challange seems really exiting! >w<
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ You Ripper what you sow

The remaining 11 players venture outwards down the streets, carefully watching their backs. Everything seems to be going okay for some of the players. Suddenly though, by the time everyone meets up again, only 10 of them are there.

Gutseh: God damnit, who is missing now?

In the distance, a scream can be heard. A scream that originated from NEX.

NSY: Done. I'm just...done.

MCD: Oh heck no. We are already down a member; we are not going to lose another one.

They all continue going down the paths until they manage to find the building that they need to be in. A cold breeze passes the group, horrified at the sight.

Rocker: Let's...try to find the entrance.

They all begin to circle the building, pulling on all the doors, figuring out which ones are unlocked.

NSM: Hey guys, I found i-

Suddenly, NSM is dragged away into the shadows by an unknown person, his mouth covered by a gloven-veiled hand. Everyone arrives to the door, finding one of NSM's shoe where he was.

LN1: looks like NSM was taking as well. That brings up down another person.

Toad: Unfortunately, I think this is where we need to separate.

Everyone then delved into the giant house, going their separate ways. Each team decided to go with another member of the team. Smg2daisy went with Gutseh and NSY. Rocker went with MCD and LN1. Cirdec, Nabber, and Toad went their own separate ways as well.

Gutseh and gang continue climbing up a massive flight of stairs. It seems to be a bit unstable in here.

NSY: I'm not sure this is the right way.

Gutseh: Relax, I'm positive this is the correct way.

Next thing, NSY accidentally falls through one of the steps. Before his teammates can help him, something from above grabs Gutseh and Smg2daisy, pulling them away in the shadows.

Smg2daisy: Help u-


The evil laughter grows closer and closer to NSY. However, the step he is holding on to gives way, making him fall down to the next step, where he gets up and runs back one of the other groups.

Nabber, Cirdec and Toad arrive into this torture chamber. There seems to be a message on one of the objects.

Toad: It seems that there is a clue in here somewhere. I think we have to use one of these though...

Cirdec: I think it's on the rack.

Toad and Cirdec both look at Nabber, who immediately is then ambushed, and tied unto the stretching rack.

Nabber: Hey, no, ow!

Toad: Sorry, but let's see if we can get a clue from this. Cirdec, turn!

They continue to pull on the ropes, which are slowly stretching Nabber. He continues to scream, but after a minute, a hidden compartment of the stretcher is revealed, showing a note in it. Toad and Cirdec grab it, walking away from Nabber.

Nabber: I swear to god you leave me, and when we merge, I'm going to send you out of the door.

Toad: Hmmm "In west I lie, yet out in the heavens by."

Cirdec: Darn gibberis-hey, where did Nabber go?

Toad turns around to find Nabber gone from the ropes. They all know that there is no way that he could have untied himself. It seems as though the shadows in the room are coming to life. In a flash, a thing jumps out, aiming at the two of them. Toad grabs Cirdec as a shield, who is then taking away into the darkness by the thing.

Cirdec: I'm going to kill you!

Toad: Sorry!

Toad makes his way up to the top of the building as Rocker, LN1 and MCD are continuing down this long hallway. NSY comes from behind scaring them nearly half to death.

MCD: Don't do that!

NSY: Sorry, but...they were taken!

Before NSY could tell the story, suddenly the entire hallway was growing darker. The light in the center of it flickered, and when it came back on, NSY was gone. They all screamed in horror, and the lights went out again, with LN1 disappearing.

Rocker: RUN!

Rocker rushed down the hallway, trying to get to the end, but suddenly he finds himself being taken into the depths of the shadows. MCD is slowly backing up, being the only one left.

MCD: You know, this was just a tale. There is no way that you are real!

Suddenly, a face emerged from the shadow, showing a dark mask. MCD tries to defend himself, but he is taken into the darkness.


Toad has made it to the roof, seeing a flag at the top of the building.

Toad: Finally, the finish!

Before he can get there though, the ripper appears on the roof, dragging all the other constestants tied to each other. Their mouths are closed with duct tape.

Toad: Oh heck no will I let you take me next!

Ripper: Bring it.

The ripper comes charging straight at Toad, but Toad managed to flip over it, kicking it from behind as he lands. The ripper falls flat on their stomach, with Toad landing on it's back.

Toad: Let's see who you are...

Toad starts to take off the outfit, until he pulls off the mask, revealing who they are.

Toad: ...Lily?

Lily: Hi.

Lily pushes Toad off as BMB lands on the roof.

BMB: Congrats Toad, you have won the challenge for your team!

Chef starts taking all the tied up players and throws them into the plane.

Toad: How did I win? I didn't get the flag.

BMB: Yes, but the whole point was to catch Lily before she caught you. Speaking of which, Lily, I will need to speak with you on the plane before we leave.

Lily: Okay...

BMB: And Team Action, I'll be seeing you in the elimination room.

Who will be eliminated in this challenge? And will the players be able to pull themselves together after Lily's ultimate scare on everyone? Stay tuned to find out.

Lily the Ripper:
13 – Duo caught
13 – NSM caught
1 – Smg2daisy, Gutseh caught
10 – Nabber caught
8 – Cirdec caught
7 –
4 – LN1, MCD, NSY, Rocker caught
3 – Toad catches Lily
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ You Ripper what you sow

aww i got dead again

this game is still cool though
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ You Ripper what you sow

キノピオ八十五 said:
nabber + pain + mysterious kidnapping = hilarity


Btw Toad, the rest of the story is up. You won the challenge for your team. Team Action lost.

Elimination story will be up after my next class.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ You Ripper what you sow

wonder who team action will vote out

also did i win yet