User Total Drama World Tour ~ Rocker wins!

Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Louvre is patient; Louvre is kind

go cirdec go
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Louvre is patient; Louvre is kind

Enough with the "Cirdec is cheating" stuff. Maybe if this was a questionnaire about France it would be, but you all had equal opportunities to do the same amount of research and everything like that. Some of you guys did really good, and it's not like Cirdec did the entire thing for his team. Besides, I think the team basically was like "we lose, he's gone". :P

And SonicMario will be giving me the results tomorrow, so we'll just have to wait and see who is the victor...

Also, prepare for these next two challenges. I am so excited for them! I will inform you that they almost fall into a different category of new challenges. :)

And then we'll go to Jamaica three challenges from now for the last of this "cycle" before we go on to the next cycle! Yay. :D
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Louvre is patient; Louvre is kind

The teams search deep in the Louvre, figuring out what they should grab.

Team Action are busy in one of the sections, going around some laser beams. NSM's shoe hits one of them, and suddenly it starts to burn his foot.


Reversinator: Well then focus and stop being a baby!

Rocker: Where's Neptune?

Neptune: Back here...

Neptune is in a awkward position as more laser beams turn on, nearly hitting him. The rest of his team sighs as they continue forward and getting some paintings.

Team Amethyst is being lead by Cirdec, a french native. He is staring at a lot of paintings, debating on what to get or not. The rest of his team is getting annoyed.

Cirdec: Maybe this no, this one, no wait...

Toad: Ugh, just pick one!

Cirdec: Hmm...

Cirdec gets closer to one of the paintings, grabs it, smells it, licks part of the frame.

Cirdec: This is a good one. Here Toad, catch!

Toad: Ew, your slobber is on it!

Smg2daisy: Let's get going!

Gutseh and MCD are bickering on what painting that should get, not sure of what they should grab. They are in a different section with the nice scenery.

Gutseh: Let's try to go on history! That's really represent France!

MCD: No, no, no! We got to go on beauty! We are looking for the Beauty of France!

Gutseh: I'm telling you-

NSY grabs a painting, and smacks both of them on the head with it.

NSY: Stop arguing and let's go!

All the teams rush back to the showcase, preparing their artworks for Chef SonicMario.

SM: This better be fun!

BMB: It will. But...As a warning, these collections may contain some partial nudity, so be warned.

SM: Blah blah, let's go.

BMB: Okay, here are the three collections:


France: An Ode said:
Ye Clouds! that far above me float and pause,
Whose pathless march no mortal may control!
Ye Ocean-Waves! that, wheresoe'er ye roll,
Yield homage only to eternal laws!
Ye Woods! that listen to the night-birds singing,
Midway the smooth and perilous slope reclined.
Save when your own imperious branches swinging,
Have made a solemn music of the wind!
Where, like a man beloved of God,
Through glooms, which never woodman trod,
How oft, pursuing fancies holy,
My moonlight way o'er flowering weeds I wound,
Inspired, beyond the guess of folly,
By each rude shape and wild unconquerable sound!
O ye loud Waves! and O ye Forests high!
And O ye Clouds that far above me soared!
Thou rising Sun! thou blue rejoicing Sky!
Yea, every thing that is and will be free!
Bear witness for me, wheresoe'er ye be,
With what deep worship I have still adored
The spirit of divinest Liberty.

When France in wrath her giant-limbs upreared,
And with that oath, which smote air, earth, and sea,
Stamped her strong foot and said she would be free,
Bear witness for me, how I hoped and feared!
With what a joy my lofty gratulation
Unawed I sang, amid a slavish band:
And when to whelm the disenchanted nation,
Like fiends embattled by a wizard's wand,
The Monarchs marched in evil day,
And Britain joined the dire array;
Though dear her shores and circling ocean,
Though many friendships, many youthful loves
Had swoln the patriot emotion
And flung a magic light o'er all her hills and groves;
Yet still my voice, unaltered, sang defeat
To all that braved the tyrant-quelling lance,
And shame too long delayed and vain retreat!
For ne'er, O Liberty! with partial aim
I dimmed thy light or damped thy holy flame;
But blessed the paeans of delivered France,
And hung my head and wept at Britain's name.

"And what," I said, "though Blasphemy's loud scream
With that sweet music of deliverance strove!
Though all the fierce and drunken passions wove
A dance more wild than e'er was maniac's dream!
Ye storms, that round the dawning East assembled,
The Sun was rising, though ye hid his light!"
And when, to soothe my soul, that hoped and trembled,
The dissonance ceased, and all seemed calm and bright;
When France her front deep-scarr'd and gory
Concealed with clustering wreaths of glory;
When, insupportably advancing,
Her arm made mockery of the warrior's ramp;
While timid looks of fury glancing,
Domestic treason, crushed beneath her fatal stamp,
Writhed like a wounded dragon in his gore;
Then I reproached my fears that would not flee;
"And soon," I said, "shall Wisdom teach her lore
In the low huts of them that toil and groan!
And, conquering by her happiness alone,
Shall France compel the nations to be free,
Till Love and Joy look round, and call the Earth their own."

Forgive me, Freedom! O forgive those dreams!
I hear thy voice, I hear thy loud lament,
From bleak Helvetia's icy caverns sent—
I hear thy groans upon her blood-stained streams!
Heroes, that for your peaceful country perished,
And ye that, fleeing, spot your mountain-snows
With bleeding wounds; forgive me, that I cherished
One thought that ever blessed your cruel foes!
To scatter rage, and traitorous guilt,
Where Peace her jealous home had built;
A patriot-race to disinherit
Of all that made their stormy wilds so dear;
And with inexpiable spirit
To taint the bloodless freedom of the mountaineer—
O France, that mockest Heaven, adulterous, blind,
And patriot only in pernicious toils!
Are these thy boasts, Champion of human kind?
To mix with Kings in the low lust of sway,
Yell in the hunt, and share the murderous prey;
To insult the shrine of Liberty with spoils
From freemen torn; to tempt and to betray?

The Sensual and the Dark rebel in vain,
Slaves by their own compulsion! In mad game
They burst their manacles and wear the name
Of Freedom, graven on a heavier chain!
O Liberty! with profitless endeavour
Have I pursued thee, many a weary hour;
But thou nor swell'st the victor's strain, nor ever
Didst breathe thy soul in forms of human power.
Alike from all, howe'er they praise thee,
(Nor prayer, nor boastful name delays thee)
Alike from Priestcraft's harpy minions,
And factious Blasphemy's obscener slaves,
Thou speedest on thy subtle pinions,
The guide of homeless winds, and playmate of the waves!
And there I felt thee!—on that sea-cliff's verge,
Whose pines, scarce travelled by the breeze above,
Had made one murmur with the distant surge!
Yes, while I stood and gazed, my temples bare,
And shot my being through earth, sea, and air,
Possessing all things with intensest love,
O Liberty! my spirit felt thee there.


L'automne said:
Salut! bois couronnés d'un reste de verdure!
Feuillages jaunissants sur les gazons épars!
Salut, dernier beaux jours! le deuil de la nature
Convient à la douleur et plaît à mes regards!

Je suis d'un pas rêveur le sentier solitaire,
J'aime à revoir encor, pour la dernière fois,
Ce soleil pâlissant, dont la faible lumière
Perce à peine à mes pieds l'obscurité des bois!

Oui, dans ces jours d'automne où la nature expire,
A ses regards voilés je trouve plus d'attraits,
C'est l'adieu d'un ami, c'est le dernier sourire
Des lèvres que la mort va fermer pour jamais!

Ainsi prêt à quitter l'horizon de la vie,
Pleurant de mes longs jours l'espoir évanoui,
Je me retourne encore, et d'un regard d'envi
Je contemple ses biens dont je n'ai pas joui!

Terre, soleil, vallons, belle et douce nature,
Je vous dois une larme, aux bords de mon tombeau;
L'air est si parfumé! La lumière est si pure!
Aux regards d'un mourant le soleil est si beau!

Je voudrais maintenant vider jusqu'à la lie
Ce calice mêlé de nectar et de fiel!
Au fond de cette coupe où je buvais la vie,
Peut-être restait-il une goutte de miel?

Peut-être l'avenir me gardait-il encore
Un retour de bonheur dont l'espoir est perdu?
Peut-être dans la foule, une âme que j'ignore
Aurait compris mon âme et m'aurait répondu?

La fleur tombe en livrant ses parfums au zéphyr,
A la vie, au soleil, ce sont là ses adieux;
Moi, je meurs; et mon âme, au moment qu'elle expire,
S'exhale comme un son triste et mélodieux.

Autumn said:
Greetings, forests crowned with remaining green!
Yellowing foliage on the sparse grass!
Greetings, last gorgeous days! nature's mourning
Evokes my pain and gratifies my eyes!

I walk the lonely path in dreamy steps,
And want to see again, for the last time,
This waning sun and pale whose feeble light
Barely pierces the woods' dark at my feet!

Yes, in these autumn days when nature dies,
In her veiled looks I find a great allure,
A friend's farewell, and the very last smile
From the lips that death will forever close!

Thus ready to leave the span of my life,
I mourn of my long days the dying hope,
And look back once more and with envious eyes
I mull over its blessings ne'er enjoyed!

Earth, sun, valleys, and fair and sweet nature,
I owe you tears at the edge of my tomb;
The air smells so sweet! The light is so pure!
To the dying the sun is beautiful!

Now I want to drink until the last drop
This chalice that mixes nectar and bile!
At the bottom of life's cup that I drank,
Perhaps there was a drop of honey mild?

The future may well hold for me in store
A return of happiness, forlorn hope?
Perhaps among the crowd one soul ignored
Would understand my soul and would respond?

The flower falls and yields its perfume to the wind,
To life, and to the sun, saying its last farewell;
I'll die; and my soul at the moment it expires
Will sound a quite mournful and melodious death knell.


La Baiser II said:
Comme une ville qui s'allume
Et que le vent achève d'embraser,
Tout mon cœur brûle et se consume,
J'ai soif, oh ! j'ai soif d'un baiser.

Baiser de la bouche et des lèvres
Où notre amour vient se poser,
Plein de délices et de fièvres,
Ah ! j'ai soif, j'ai soif d'un baiser !

Baiser multiplié que l'homme
Ne pourra jamais épuiser,
Ô toi, que tout mon être nomme,
J'ai soif, oui, j'ai soif d'un baiser.

Fruit doux où la lèvre s'amuse,
Beau fruit qui rit de s'écraser,
Qu'il se donne ou qu'il se refuse,
Je veux vivre pour ce baiser.

Baiser d'amour qui règne et sonne
Au cœur battant à se briser,
Qu'il se refuse ou qu'il se donne,
Je veux mourir de ce baiser.

A Player's Translation said:
"As a city that lights up
And the wind ends to embrase,
All my heart burns and consumes,
I am thirsty, oh! I am thirsty for a kiss.

Kiss of the mouth and lips
Where our love comes to put up,
Full of delights and fevers,
Ah! I am thirsty, I am thirsty for a kiss!

Multiplied kiss that man
Could never exhaust,
Oh you, that all my being calls,
I am thirsty, yes, I am thirsty for a kiss.

Soft fruit where lip is having fun
Beautiful fruit who laughs to be crushed,
It gives himself or he refuses,
I want to live for this kiss.

Love kiss that reigns and sounds
To the beating heart to the point of breaking,
It refuses or it gives,
I want to die of this kiss."

BMB: And now tell me who got 1st, 2nd, and 3rd for each category!

SonicMario walks around the paintings, and gives Team Amethyst's painting 1st place, while giving Team Fusion 3rd place. Gutseh mutters something under his breath as MCD gives him a I-told-you-so face.

SonicMario then listens to the music. He finds the classical music to be the best from Team Fusion, and Team Amethyst's music to be the worse. Cirdec is about to complain that he doesn't know French stuff when Toad tells him to be quiet.

SonicMario then goes for the poem, and finds Team Fusion's to be the most giving, though he cries at Team Amethyst's, making Team Action automatically in last place for the round.

BMB: With that...

SM: Hey, I get to do it!

BMB: Fine!

SM: Alright you dimwits! Team 1 is the winner, Teams 2 and 3 I'll be serving you some escargot - delicious - and Team 2, you'll be sending a brat home tonight!

Gutseh: Wait, we were Team 1!

Team Fusion jump up and down in joy at their victory, happy they were able to win!

Reversinator glares at his team.

Reversinator: I hope you are proud! Besides NSM and I, no one did anything, especially you Neptune!

Nabber: Hey, I wanted the poem to be of the athem!

Reversinator: But that's a song, not a poem! Ugh...

BMB: Well Team Action, time for you guys to send another member of your team home!

Who will Team Action be sending home this time, and who will be the one that stays to run it all! Find out after the break!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Louvre is patient; Louvre is kind

how the hell do you not like johnny hallyday, sm

he's like the french elvis
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Louvre is patient; Louvre is kind

Team Action all sit in the elimination room, with BMB drinking a wine bottle. Everyone is shocked at him, and he rolls his eyes.

BMB: For pete's sake, it's sparkling juice!

Reversinator: Oh, okay...

BMB: Like I would drink real alcohol. I think it is time to reveal votes now.

Nabber: I agree.

BMB: The first one that is safe is...Reversinator!

BMB tosses the barf bag at Reversinator, who grabs it and stands up looking at his fellow players.

Reversinator: Damn right the person that basically did the competition gets it.

BMB: The ones go to both Rocker and NSM.

They both catch theirs as well, leaving Nabber and Neptune without a bag.

BMB: Let's recap what happened. Nabber barely knew what was going on and kept on not knowing the difference between songs and lyrics, while Neptune basically didn't even do anything for this challenge. Both of them have been in the bottom two before, but only one will survive it again. The final bag goes to...

Nabber and Neptune continue glancing at each other as the suspense builds.

BMB: ...Nabber!

Nabber grabs his bag with a smile as Neptune looks disappointed. He walks by the door, and grabs his parachute bag. He opens it to find a lot of full wine bottles in them, smiling brightly at them as BMB pushes him out of the plane.

BMB: With that, I think it is time for you to join Team Amethyst with the Escargot he prepared.

NSM: Good thing we have barf bags then.

Who will the next person be leaving, and which team will manage to get on top? And what crazy things do I have in store at our next exciting location? Stay tuned to find out next time on Total Drama World Tour!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Old Miles, Newf Styles

Trucy Wright said:
you make me sound like an unforgiving jackass

Relax; you know in the show that these are just gags of the episode. Just like how Smg2daisy was crazy mad only for that one episode.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Old Miles, Newf Styles

[me=Smasher]tries to sneak into first class[/me]

[me=Smasher]is spotted and is tossed into the ocean below[/me]
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Old Miles, Newf Styles

* Tantusar stays hidden and eats more food.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Old Miles, Newf Styles

Last time on User Total Drama World Tour, the players explored the Louvre in Paris, looking for the ultimate art collection. Even with a native on board, Team Amethyst came in second, with Team Fusion earning the victory, and Neptune taking the drop for Team Action. Who will make it past today's challenge, and who will inevitably take the drop of shame? Find out here now on User Total Drama World Tour!

Team Fusion enjoy their victory in the first class cabin, relaxed and all asleep. Team Amethyst and Team Action are in the dining area, trying to deal with the escargot. Smg2daisy pukes in a trash can. Rocker writes a tally for how many times Smg2Daisy has puked.

Rocker: And that is 2. Pretty soon you'll have puked as much as Lily did.

Smg2daisy: Shut up.

Reversinator: Besides, it's actually not that bad. You just have to add a ton of salt, and plug your noses as you quickly swallow it, and then you barely taste it.

Reversinator demostrates, causing everyone to watch in disgust, with Smg2daisy throwing up again. The host appears on the speakers.

BMB: We will be landing shortly! Hope you enjoy this familiar scenery!

After the plane lands, everyone walks out to the shore, seeing a lot of mist in this murky terrain. They are on a massive rock cliff with lots of water surrounding them, and more rocks out in the distance.

BMB: Welcome to Newfoundland, Canada! Definitely a great place to be, is it not?

Toad: Yeah, sure...

BMB: Well, let's head to the shack and prepare for the challenge!

All of them walk into this boat-house, where there are three tables awaiting them.

BMB: Here is the challenge!

Welcome to the 9th challenge of the season! You will be doing a taste test of some of the most interesting combinations you can think of! There will be three different food types that people will be making: Seafood, Fruit, and entree. However, it will be all in a stew, where they have to identify what flavors it may be! You will be blindfolded, tasting this (which means that I'll be your tastebuds, and you have to correctly identify what it is). One person from each team will be making the three concotions while the other three will be tasting the three servings of that team. That means that one player will be sitting out from each team but Team Action's, and will earn immunity as well.

Team Action will make food for Team Amethyst, Team Amethyst for Team Fusion, and Fusion for Action. The player that makes it will decide which combination they will want to make for which person.

People that will be making the food:

People tasting the food:
NSM, Rocker, Reversinator
Cirdec, Toad, LN1
NSY, Gutseh, MCD

People sitting out: POP and NEX



Mash Potatoes
Mac & Cheese
Chicken Wings
Garlic Bread
Sweet Potatoes
French Fries
Onion Rings

In order to correct put all of them in order, you must format your answers from What you think it is to what you least think it is, for each category. I will confirm that no items are allowed to be used more than once in each round, and will not carry over to the other three meals (meaning that crawfish, apples, and onion rings cannot be used for more than one meal, and crawfish cannot be used twice in one meal).

Seafood: Option 1, 2, 3...8
Fruit: Option 8, 7, 6...1
Entree: Option 7, 5, 3...4, 2

And just do that for each round the people that are tasting it. Remember; I'll give you a few tasting hints so that you can better analyze it, dealing with the texture of the food, the flavor, the smell, and all that stuff.

BMB: Nabber, Smg2daisy, ARFU - follow me into the kitchen. The rest of you wait here and prepare for a delicious Newfoundland-style soup!

Who will be able to stomach the food, and who will be unable to keep it down? Stay tuned after the break!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Old Miles, Newf Styles

Trucy Wright said:
So we just have to guess? hints will be very helpful; trust me.

But yeah, you will be somewhat guessing, though it's not really luck-based because you'll be clued in and you'll just be making an educated guess from the clues you get.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Old Miles, Newf Styles

Don,t make me disgusting stuff or you'll pay
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Old Miles, Newf Styles

if nitwit was still in this, would you have used the gag of him/her/it loving terrible food again?
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Old Miles, Newf Styles

For the record, I meant Crawfish.

I really don't know why I said Crawful. I guess we are at Blubble Lake...

Anyways, I got about half of them in! I hope to end this by tomorrow (including the votes), so please try to get it in ASAP.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Old Miles, Newf Styles

Xerneas said:
For the record, I meant Crawfish.

I really don't know why I said Crawful. I guess we are at Blubble Lake...

Anyways, I got about half of them in! I hope to end this by tomorrow (including the votes), so please try to get it in ASAP.
Isn't it spelled crayfish?
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Old Miles, Newf Styles

It's a regional spelling.

Kind of like tomato-tomahto, with spelling instead of pronunciation.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Old Miles, Newf Styles

I got all the results in, and team knows already that they lost.

But the official story will be up after my next class, which is in 10 minutes.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Old Miles, Newf Styles

Nabber, Smg2daisy, and ARFU begin throwing random things into their four pots. The rest of the houseguests sit out of the room, blindfolded.

Nabber: Ouch, hey, watch it!

Smg2daisy: Omg, this smells so bad!

ARFU: Yum, this is making me hungry!

After a few more minutes of cooking, Nabber places his soup in front of Team Amethyst, Smg2daisy places her soup in front of Team Fusion, and ARFU places his soup in front of Team Action.

Reversinator: What is that smell?

Gutseh: Omg, this is so...yuck.

Toad: Do we really have to dig into this?

BMB: Okay, you will all go down the rows, and once one member of your team gets it right, the next person may go. The first team to get through their soup guesses win, and the last team to will lose. Go!

Immediately, Toad, Reversinator, and Gutseh go. They all finish at the same time.

Reversinator: It tasted so bad...

Gutseh: I think I'm going to throw up.

Next is Rocker, who quickly guesses it on the first soup-full. NSY and Cirdec slowly begin going through their things.

Rocker: Wow, that was easier than I thought! Next time ARFU, make it harder!

Reversinator: Hi five!

Reversinator and Rocker high five each other as NSM begins to dig into his soup, but having a bit of trouble. His team worries as Cirdec finally finishes.

Cirdec: Wow, that was hard. I feel embarrassed for not doing better.

LN1 begins going as NSY finally comes down to his last pick for the last flavor. MCD quickly dives into his, really stuffing his face for the flavor.

NSY: You got this MCD!

ARFU: You better hope, or else you're out!

NSY: Gulp.

NSM finally gets it right, guessing the three flavors correctly.

BMB: Team Action, you are the winners for this challenge!

They all high five each other as MCD and LN1 go at it. It's drawing close, as MCD got his first two ingredients on the first shot, but having trouble on the last.

Gutseh: You got this MCD!


ARFU: This is getting close...

Finally, LN1 gets it right, with MCD right behind him.

BMB: Congratulations Team Amethyst, you got second! Team Fusion, you have lost this challenge!

Team Amethyst all hug LN1 for the victory as he burps, and Team Fusion just glare at NSY for taking so long.

Gutseh: Really? REALLY?

NSY: Sorry I don' not a professional taster.

BMB: Team Fusion, I hope you have your votes, because now it's time to send one of you home!

Everyone exits, leaving their disgusting soups behind. As they are leaving, NSY burps again in Smg2daisy's face, causing her to throw up again. At the sight of it, everyone throws up as well, disgusted by the sight.

BMB: I was wondering when that was going to happen!

Who will Team Fusion be sending out of the drop of shame, and will they be able to make a recovery from this? Find out after the break.

First dish (NSM)
Tuna; Lime; Cheese-sticks

Second dish (Reversinator)
Catfish; Apple; Mac & Cheese

Third dish (Rocker)
Salmon; Lemon; Chicken Wings

Nabber ~
First dish (Toad)
Sardine; Mangos; Sweet potatoes

Second Dish (Cirdec)
Anchovy; Orange; Chicken Wings

Third Dish (LN1)
Crawfish; Lime; Mash Potatoes

Smg2daisy ~
First dish (NSY)
Catfish; Lemon; Chicken wings

Second dish (MCD)
Sardines; apple; Sweet potatoes

Third dish (Gutseh)
Lobster; Avocados; Onion rings

Team Fusion ~
Sardine, Anchovy, Salmon, Tuna, Shrimp, Catfish, Lobster, Crawfish

Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, Avocados, Apple, Grapes, Orange, Mangos

Onion Rings, Cheesesticks, Garlic Bread, French Fries, Sweet Potatoes, Mac & Cheese, Mash Potatoes, Chicken Wings
Sardine, Crawfish, Shrimp, Anchovy, Tuna, Salmon, Lobster, Catfish

Apple, Grapefruit, Grapes, Avocados, Lime, Orange, mangos, Lemon

Chicken Wings, Onion Rings, French Fries, Cheesesticks, Garlic Bread, Sweet Potatoes, Mashed Potatoes, Mac & Cheese.
Crawfish, Lobster, Shrimp, Salmon, Tuna, Sardine, Anchovy, Catfish

Avocado, Orange, Grapefruit, mango, Lemon, Apple, Lime, Grapes

Garlic Bread, Cheesesticks, French Fries, Onion Rings, Chick Wings, Sweet Potatoes, Mac & Cheese, mashed Potatoes

Team Action ~
Seafood: Salmon, Tuna, Catfish, Anchovy, Sardine, Shrimp, Lobster, Crawfish (I really have no idea, because I don't eat seafood)

Fruit: Orange, Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, Mangoes, Grapes, Apple, Avocado

Entree: French Fries, Onion Rings, Chicken Wings, Garlic Bread, Cheesesticks, Mac & Cheese, Mash Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes
Sardines, Salmon, Catfish, Tuna, Anchovy, Crawfish, Shrimp, Lobster

Apple, Avocado, Grapefruit, Orange, Grapes, Mango, Lime, Lemon

Cheesesticks, Sweet Potatoes, Mac & Cheese, Mashed Potatoes, Chicken Wings, Onion Rings, French Fries, Garlic Bread
Salmon, Lobster, Crawfish, Shrimp, Sardine, Anchovy, Tuna, Catfish

Lime, Lemon, Orange, Mango, Grapefruit, Avocados, Grapes, Apple

Chicken Wings, Sweet Potatoes, Garlic Bread, Mash Potatoes, Mac & Cheese, Cheesesticks, French Fries, Onion Rings

Team Amethyst ~
Anchovy, Sardine, Tuna, Salmon, Catfish, Crawfish, Shrimp, Lobster.

Grapefruit, Orange, Mango, Apple, Avocado, Lime, Grapes, Lemon.

Sweet Potatoes, Cheesesticks, French Fries, Onion Rings, Garlic Bread, Chicken Wings, Mac and Cheese, Mashed Potatoes
Shrimp, salmon, sardine, anchovy, catfish, tuna, lobster, crawfish

Apple, grapefruit, grape, orange, mangos, lemon, lime, avocados

Oinion rings, cheesesticks, French fries, sweet potatoes, chicken wings, gnarlic bread, mac & cheese, mash potatoes
Lobster, Catfish, Shrimp, Crawfish, Salmon, Anchovy, Tuna, Sardine

Grapes, Lemon, Lime, Orange, Mango, Grapefruit, Avocados, Apple

Mash Potatoes, Mac & Cheese, Garlic Bread, Sweet Potatoes, Onion Rings, French Fries, Cheesesticks, Chicken Wings

Fusion: 30 Guesses
Action: 21 Guesses
Amethyst: 27 Guesses
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Old Miles, Newf Styles

he's writing it

and you know bmb takes five hours to write a grocery list, let alone a lengthy phase-change story

give him some time