User Total Drama World Tour ~ Rocker wins!

Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Amazon Fever in the Air

BMB, you're turning into an NSM...
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Amazon Fever in the Air

Terriermon said:
BMB, you're turning into an NSM...


You and the almost the rest of the group has not sent me their votes yet. You saw how many Pms I have gotten, but none of you have really responded. I was going to give another day before sending another PM. Gosh...
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Amazon Fever in the Air

Half of us are still confused as hell over what we actually need to do. We've made that part clear in the thread, haven't we?
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Amazon Fever in the Air

Terriermon said:
Half of us are still confused as hell over what we actually need to do. We've made that part clear in the thread, haven't we?

You vote for who you want to do the challenge for your team. That part everyone should have understood from the first PM.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Amazon Fever in the Air

So I'm going to get some grub, but when I get back, I'll be FINALLY ending this challenge! Yay.

I haven't started working on it yet, but I have a feeling it'll be close.

If you want to know: Smasher, Nabber, and Toad are representing their teams.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Amazon Fever in the Air

tbh i don't think either toad or nabber deserve to go this early

...but i would kind of like to at least make it to merge, so...
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Amazon Fever in the Air

Team Fusion find themselves all tied to a massive tree, with a weird group of indians all dancing around a fire. They all seemed to be stuck.

Gutseh: Help, we need to get out of here!

Smasher: Shush!

Gutseh: Help!

Suddenly, the group of tiki-masked men stop, and begin untying Gutseh. He struggles as they carry him to a throne, and place a crown on his head, which resembles his face a bit.

MCD: Holy crap, they think Gutseh is a god.

Gutseh: You know, I could get used to it. And look, they put a golden tooth where my old tooth was!

Gutseh smiles, revealing the tooth.

NSY: That's great, but can you please let us go so that we can get out of here!

Gutseh: ...fine...

While the natives are dancing around the fire, Gutseh quickly sneaks over and begins untying everyone. Just as he's about done, the natives notice him, which immediately scream and yell as they grab their spears. While everyone's hands are still tied, Smasher drags everyone behind, including Gutseh, who is holding onto the rope.

Team Amethyst are dealing with finally escaping from the web those catapillars created, having escaped. However, they completely lost sight of which way to go.

LN1: Does anyone have any clue where to go?

Toad: Here, I think it was this way, let's go!

Team Amethyst venture down the river stream, hopefully finding something they can use to get back to the plane.

Team Action are all deep in the forest having escaped massive bugs. However, all but Nabber have gained massive bug bites that has made their faces looked like swelled balloons.

Nabber: If only I had a camera.

Reversinator: Just shut up and continue leading!

Nabber: Okay okay, but first...*snap*

Nabber - who had remembered his hidden camera in his back pocket - takes a quick photo of everyone. Reversinator immediately goes to try to tackle him, but fails and hits a tree, which causes a bunch of bananas to fall in Rocker's arm, and a few coconuts to hit NSM in the noggin.


Rocker: Yum, food!

Nabber: Hey, let's just continue moving! I think I am starting to see some light!

Team Amethyst seem to be in the middle of being lost, until they see part of the airplane ahead!

Toad: Hey, I see the airplane, let's go!

Smg2daisy: Yes, something that doesn't feel that slimy! Let's go!

Team Fusion are still being dragged by Smasher, who begins to notice the plane in the distance.

Smasher: Good, we have shelter and protection! Hopefully we'll be the first ones there!

Toad arrives with his team at the plane first, where Nabber and the rest of Team Action follow behind. As BMB starts to clap to congratulate them, Smasher comes running through, along with Team Fusion almost being dragged behind. The natives begin to slowly pop out of the forest.

BMB: Everyone, on the plane now!

Everyone immediately runs straight into the plane, with the indians throwing their spears at the players. The plane begins to fly away as the natives continue to try to attack the metal object.

Everyone is standing in the elimination room, all shooken up still. BMB begins to lay down the news.

BMB: As I said before, each team would have one person on their team lead them back, and the last team to make it would have their leader sent out of the door. Obviously Toad, Nabber, and Smasher became the captains, and all three really strong players. However, Team Fusion was the last to show up to the plane, meaning that's time for the dock of shame.

Smasher: Well...thanks for everything. Good luck everyone else, and I wish you the best! Really feel bad for not doing better, but I guess it was my time.

MCD: *Sobbing*

NSY: It's okay MCD, it's not like they get shot when they get eliminated.

MCD: Who...*sniff*...said I was sad? I thought this day would never come.

Smasher punches him in the arm.

BMB: Okay, we really need to get going! We have like 30 seconds left!

Smasher: Bye!

Everyone waves to him as he drops out of the plane. BMB looks behind him, and notices that Smasher forgot to grab the parachute bag that was there for him. He quietly pushes it behind some crates as he whistles.

Who will be out next week, and what do the players have in store for them in our next location? Now with all teams back to being even, who will regain the numbers game, and who will send another teammate in the drop of shame? Stay tuned to find out next week on User Total Drama World Tour!

Toad ~

10: Left, right, fwd (2)
9: Left, right, fwd (2)
8: Left, right, fwd (2)
7: Fwd, right, left (1)
6: Fwd, right, left (2)
5: Fwd, right, left (3)
4: Left, right, fwd (2)
3: Fwd, right, left (1)
2: Right, fwd, left (1)
1: Left, right, fwd (2)
Total: 17 Points

Nabber ~

10. Right, left, forward (2)
9. Right, left, forward (2)
8. Forward, right, left (3)
7. Left, forward, right (2)
6. Left, forward, right (1)
5. Forward, right, left (1)
4. Left, forward, right (3)
3. Forward, right, left (3)
2. Left, forward, right (1)
1. Forward, right, left (1)
Total: 18 Points

Smasher ~

10. middle, left, right (2) (1)
9. left, right, middle (3) (1)
8. left, middle, right (3) (3)
7. middle, right, left (1) (3)
6. middle, left, right (3) (2)
5. right, left, middle (2) (1)
4. middle, left, right (2) (1)
3. left, middle, right (3) (3)
2. middle, right, left (3) (1)
1. right, middle, left (2) (3)
Total: 24 or 19 Points**

* Denotes that it was a path that changed from the original.

** Since I was confused on what Smasher had meant, I compared both the path as shown from 10-1, as well as 1-10, but either way, he would have still been out.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Amazon Fever in the Air

despite knowing exactly what the map looked like i later realized that made a mistake in translating the directions into text so i'm not surprised that i fucked myself over

oh well, would have liked to make it to the merge but i have a win, i'll live
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Louvre is patient; Louvre is kind

For the record, I like checked that list at least 15 times, just to make sure I made sense of everything (which is why it took so long for me to post the results after almost 3 hours of me saying I'll do it soon). I had to first take the list, and instead of having 1-10 have 10-1. And then I made the necessary changes to the list that the teams inflicted on each other by changing the routes. And THEN I had to mirror the left and right so it would say right and left (respectively), and then compare the correct list for each team to the answers the players gave.

So yeah, if you are looking at the list, and are wondering "I thought we selected the path to be changed to left not right", it just simply means that you did select it but it was flipped due to the players going backwards on the list.

EDIT - I would love to start the next challenge, but I really need to get to sleep, so...I'll send the challenge your way sometime tomorrow (around 1pm my time probably).

I've been really looking forward to this challenge for awhile now, and I'm sure you guys will love it as much as I love it!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Louvre is patient; Louvre is kind

i grabbed the plane on my way down and am now hiding inside fyi

don't worry, i won't get in the way of the game and will most likely starve to death anyway
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Louvre is patient; Louvre is kind

Partly because I'm eating all the food.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Louvre is patient; Louvre is kind

wait when did you get in here
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Louvre is patient; Louvre is kind

I announced it earlier, but it happened even earlier than that.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Louvre is patient; Louvre is kind

Louvre is patient; Louvre is kind

Yay! I've always wanted to see Paris, and now my wish will finally come true (I'm actually going to travel to Paris next friday).
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Louvre is patient; Louvre is kind

PrincessOfPeaches said:
Louvre is patient; Louvre is kind

Yay! I've always wanted to see Paris, and now my wish will finally come true (I'm actually going to travel to Paris next friday).

What country do you live?
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Louvre is patient; Louvre is kind

Cirdec said:
PrincessOfPeaches said:
Louvre is patient; Louvre is kind

Yay! I've always wanted to see Paris, and now my wish will finally come true (I'm actually going to travel to Paris next friday).

What country do you live?
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Louvre is patient; Louvre is kind

That's a long travel then. Enjoy it. :P
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Louvre is patient; Louvre is kind

Last time on User Total Drama World Tour, the teams made their way through the dense Amazon forest in search of Machu Picchu, but when everyone got lost in the maze, it was up to three people to lead their teams back. Toad lead their team to victory while Smasher was just a few seconds too late, and was instantly eliminated from the game. Who will go home this week, and what crazy things will the teams have in store for them now? All right now here on User Total Drama World Tour!

Team Amethyst enjoy their first class win, relaxing in the chairs. Everyone is high-fiving Toad for the win.

LN1: Wow, that was close.

Toad: Yeah, but now we have been on top, again!

Smg2daisy: We have been in this cabin more than the two other teams combined!

Cirdec: Because we are awesome, that's why.

They all laugh.

Team Action and Team Fusion sit in the economy cabin. Nabber is passed out over the stress of almost being eliminated while MCD is dancing across the room, throwing confetti everywhere.

MCD: Yes!

Gutseh: Don't cheer, he was our teammate and a good one at it!

MCD: When you have been whipped by that person as much as I have been, you'll understand why I'm excited.

Reversinator: all the teams are even, so no one has an advantage anymore.

NSY: Whatever.

Rocker: Hey, why is there only four of you over there?

Team Fusion look at each other, noticing that NEX is missing. The camera moves into the cockpit, where NEX is talking to Chef SonicMario, and pressing random buttons.

NEX: What's this button?

Chef: Don't press that!

Suddenly, the plane spirals out of control as Chef tries to stablize it. Everyone is screaming as they hold on to whatever they can as they go down the night sky and land in a massive body of water.

BMB: Is everyone alright?

Everyone: eh...

BMB: Well then, let's step out and begin our next challenge!

Everyone hops out of the plane into the water, looking upon a massive pyramid-like building. Immediately Cirdec begins to feel excitement.

Cirdec: We're in Paris, and that's the Louvre Museum!

BMB: That's correct, and while I wanted to do some bungee jumping at the Effiel Tower, this'll have to do. Here is your challenge:

Challenge 8 alrighty? Okay then, let's begin! You will be exploring the Louvre Museum, where one of the biggest and most famous art pieces reside! As a team, you will defining what France means to you! That means that you will have to bring three things together and showcase it as your representation of France. The three things are as followed:

A picturing of a painting that is found within the Louvre that you think represents the beauty of France.
A youtube video of a composition by a french composer that you think represents the mood of France.
A short poem/short story that deals with a part of France that you think represents the tone of France.

You will bring them together as a team via your QuickTopics, and you will have only a few days to do all of this. By this weekend, I expect to send it to Chef SonicMario, who will judge your representation of France, and whoever he decides is the best will win the challenge, and whoever he decides failed to capture France as it should have been will be meeting me in the elimination room to send another player out!

BMB: And with that...Go!

The teams quickly run forward into the Louvre Museum, beginning their art collection.

Will they be able to capture the setting of France, or will they capture just some random doodles? Find out after the break!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Louvre is patient; Louvre is kind

I guess all my team relies on me for this challenge. So much pressure on my shoulders.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Louvre is patient; Louvre is kind

Xerneas said:
Last time on User Total Drama World Tour, the teams made their way through the dense Amazon forest in search of Machu Picchu, but when everyone got lost in the maze, it was up to three people to lead their teams back. Toad lead their team to victory while Smasher was just a few seconds too late, and was instantly eliminated from the game. Who will go home this week, and what crazy things will the teams have in store for them now? All right now here on User Total Drama World Tour!

Team Amethyst enjoy their first class win, relaxing in the chairs. Everyone is high-fiving Toad for the win.

LN1: Wow, that was close.

Toad: Yeah, but now we have been on top, again!

Smg2daisy: We have been in this cabin more than the two other teams combined!

Cirdec: Because we are awesome, that's why.

They all laugh.

Team Action and Team Fusion sit in the economy cabin. Nabber is passed out over the stress of almost being eliminated while MCD is dancing across the room, throwing confetti everywhere.

MCD: Yes!

Gutseh: Don't cheer, he was our teammate and a good one at it!

MCD: When you have been whipped by that person as much as I have been, you'll understand why I'm excited.

Reversinator: all the teams are even, so no one has an advantage anymore.

NSY: Whatever.

Rocker: Hey, why is there only four of you over there?

Team Fusion look at each other, noticing that NEX is missing. The camera moves into the cockpit, where NEX is talking to Chef SonicMario, and pressing random buttons.

NEX: What's this button?

Chef: Don't press that!

Suddenly, the plane spirals out of control as Chef tries to stablize it. Everyone is screaming as they hold on to whatever they can as they go down the night sky and land in a massive body of water.

BMB: Is everyone alright?

Everyone: eh...

BMB: Well then, let's step out and begin our next challenge!

Everyone hops out of the plane into the water, looking upon a massive pyramid-like building. Immediately Cirdec begins to feel excitement.

Cirdec: We're in Paris, and that's the Louvre Museum!

BMB: That's correct, and while I wanted to do some bungee jumping at the Effiel Tower, this'll have to do. Here is your challenge:

Challenge 8 alrighty? Okay then, let's begin! You will be exploring the Louvre Museum, where one of the biggest and most famous art pieces reside! As a team, you will defining what France means to you! That means that you will have to bring three things together and showcase it as your representation of France. The three things are as followed:

A picturing of a painting that is found within the Louvre that you think represents the beauty of France.
A youtube video of a composition by a french composer that you think represents the mood of France.
A short poem/short story that deals with a part of France that you think represents the tone of France.

You will bring them together as a team via your QuickTopics, and you will have only a few days to do all of this. By this weekend, I expect to send it to Chef SonicMario, who will judge your representation of France, and whoever he decides is the best will win the challenge, and whoever he decides failed to capture France as it should have been will be meeting me in the elimination room to send another player out!

BMB: And with that...Go!

The teams quickly run forward into the Louvre Museum, beginning their art collection.

Will they be able to capture the setting of France, or will they capture just some random doodles? Find out after the break!
dammit bmb. you know my computer sucks and i cant post pictures/post youtube videos with my 3ds for the life of me.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Louvre is patient; Louvre is kind

Hideyoshi said:
Xerneas said:
Dunno why you quoted this huge post...
dammit bmb. you know my computer sucks and i cant post pictures/post youtube videos with my 3ds for the life of me.

I said as a team. That doesn't mean that everyone on the team has to be involved in some way, shape, or form.

BTW, if you truly cannot find any poem/short story, you can make it up yourself, but be warned: you'll probably be better off finding one that someone else did since it'll just add to the authenticity of the collection project.

For the record, make sure that the images that you guys pick are at least PG-13. I really don't want to get in trouble for showing famous french art pieces that are a bit...revealing...

And I'm sure that Chef SonicMario doesn't want to see that either (well, I hope he doesn't), so make sure that I approve of it before submitting it with your piece. And for the team that already submitted yours, I'll somewhat approve of it since it doesn't show much, though it's borderline.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Louvre is patient; Louvre is kind

So, I managed to get everyone's, and SonicMario will be reviewing them and deciding the winner in a bit.

Until then, I would appreciate if people posted in here so that I'm not triple posting the story and everything. I will say that these were really good, but since everyone has posted them, I am a bit disaspointed that none of you chose Debussy or Faure. Have you ever listen to Clair de Lune, Syrinx, Perlude to the Afernoon of a Faun, Pavane? Wait, scratch that, one team did something by one of those composers, but still...

And if you were curious, I was inspired to do this challenge after seeing the Google thing on August 22nd in dedication for Debussy's birthday and they were playing Clair de Lune with scenary of a beautiful city at night, and I was like "omg, I need to do something like that!"