User Total Drama World Tour ~ Rocker wins!

Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Old Miles, Newf Styles

85 said:
he's writing it

and you know bmb takes five hours to write a grocery list, let alone a lengthy phase-change story

give him some time

I told you that I had a class from 3:00 to 3:50! God, literally quickly wrote that and you guys are like "one hour later." Sorry 50 minutes of it was me at class.

And hey, phase-change stories don't take that long. It's just I usually don't do them right away.

Anyways, I gotta do some quick English hw, and then I'll try to post the story before my 5pm class, but if not, expect the elimination stuff around 6:30 tonight.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Old Miles, Newf Styles

Team Amethyst sit in the kitchen, looking at Chef SonicMario's food.

PoP: For once, I think this food actually looks appetizing.

LN1: If only Nitwit was here, we would have easily gotten into first class.

Team Fusion all sit in the elimination room. Team Action walk in, after being called in.

Gutseh: What the heck are you doing here?

Reversinator: BMB called us in. Maybe he's making a peanut gallery or something.

Rocker: I don't think he called in Amethyst though.

MCD: Maybe only winners?

NSM: Damn right we are winners.

Nabber: Be quiet.

BMB walks into the room with a little tv.

BMB: So, I felt like there hasn't been enough drama, so I think I'll playback the votes you casted!

Everyone's eyes grow wide as they look at the screen.

MCD (confessional): Wow NSY? Really!? Can't wait to see you fall out of the plane. Maybe you'll get caught in the engine.

NEX (confessional): NSY. That is all.

ARFU (confessional): You did the worse. The weakest link has to go, and that is NSY!

Gutseh (confessional): We would have easily made it through this challenge had you not messed up NSY!

NSY (confessional): I vote ARFU; didn't make the dishes hard enough for Team Action!

Everyone awkwardly stares at NSY, who is just glaring at everyone. He gets up, almost in tears.

NSY: Just hand me my pack then. Hopefully I won't get caught in the engine.

BMB: ....hahahaha!

NSY: That's not funny!

BMB: No, but this is...

Suddenly, streamers fall from the ceiling.

BMB: NSY, you're not going anywhere!

NSY: What!?

Team Fusion: WHAT!?

Reversinator: Of course...


Team Fusion cheer, as NSY is simply in shock. Team Action look upset, still the smallest team, though happy they'll get a reward.

BMB: NSY, I'll mend some bridges with your team if I were you. As for Team Action, your prize will come during the next challenge!

Nabber: Yay.

BMB: Okay everyone, I'll call you when we arrive at the next destination!

Will NSY be able to make his team not want to vote him out again, and will Team Action be on a winning streak? And will Smg2daisy gain a stronger stomach? And what crazy challenge will the players be doing next? Find out next time on User Total Drama World Tour!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Russian to the finish

i really hope this reward actually does something
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Russian to the finish

Last time on User Total Drama World Tour, the competitors had to partake in a tasting challenge, where some of the most disgusting options were put to the test. Team Action came on top thanks to Rocker's lightning fast skills while NSY lead Team Fusion to the elimination room, where he was voted out by the other members. However, due to it being a reward, is still here! What will happen between Team Fusion and NSY, and what location will the teams be going to this time? Find out here, right now on User Total Drama World Tour!

NSM and Nabber dig into the sweets they were given for winning. Reversinator is reading a book in one of the chairs while Rocker takes a nap on the couch.

NSM: Omg, this stuff tastes like heaven after that other stuff!

Team Fusion and Team Amethyst sit in the economy class, with NSY sitting with Team Amethyst. ARFU is laying in a pile of suitcases and other junk that was on the plane.

Toad: Why the hell are you laying on that crap?

ARFU: Because we've been back here so much, I've already made a home in this thing.

NSY: Be careful ARFU; the other three will probably send you out after me.

ARFU: Hey, you're the one that voted for me, not them!

NSY: What, was I supposed to vote myself? Besides, just because they were voting me doesn't mean they wanted to vote you.

NSY and ARFU get into a deep argument as MCD simply shakes his head. Suddenly, the plane bounces, sending everyone to the floor. The host appears on the speakers.

BMB: Sorry about that; the landing was not really the best. Anyways, we are here!

Everyone steps out to find themselves in a rather chilly area with snow coating the ground. A city is just down the hill.

BMB: Welcome everyone to Siberia, Russia!

Reversinator: Siberia is not a city you know.

BMB: Oh, I know; we're just too lazy to figure out exactly where we are. But at least our guests are here.

NSM: Guests?

BMB: I'll explain that now, along with the challenge:

Welcome everyone to the 10th challenge! For this challenge, you be creating 4 survey questions, which will be given to a few users found on the forums as well. Only 2 of your questions will be presented to them, with 2 extras to help prevent questions from being the same or too similar. One of the four questions must be related to Russia in some way, since we are in Russia.

The questions I want you to format is "Would you rather...", and you must give an Option A and Option B for each of them.

Would you rather...

A - Have this challenge be reward?

B - Have this challenge be non-elimination?

Besides the fact that both answers are wrong (as the last place was the reward), it must be like that. I will then present it to the 10 forum users, who will answer it based on how they feel about it. Once all have answered it, I will then reveal who they were, so that you can better guessimate who said what.

From that part, you will have to guess what the 10 surveyers have decided, using a ratio. The options are:

10:0; 9:1; 8:2; 3:7; 4:6; 5:5; 6:4; 7:3; 2:8; 9:1; 10:0

You simply have to guess the ratio of A:B answers for all six questions that you guys came up with! The closer you are to the ratio, the better. The team that ends up being furthest away out of all 6 questions will be the ones that lose, and the team that gets the closest will be the one that wins the challenge. Losers of course will send one of their players home.

BMB: With that, you better go down that city and start discussing before you freeze out here!

All the players rush forward, heading into the cold town.

Which team will be able to make the best questions, and which players will guess the most correct? And how will the surveyers feel about their questions? Stay tuned to find out after the break!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Russian to the finish

so explain to me how this can have a reward for team action
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Russian to the finish

Vince McMahon said:
so explain to me how this can have a reward for team action

we get told all of the answers to our survey questions and we insta-win.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Russian to the finish

Xerneas said:
Last time on User Total Drama World Tour, the competitors had to partake in a tasting challenge, where some of the most disgusting options were put to the test. Team Action came on top thanks to Rocker's lightning fast skills while NSY lead Team Fusion to the elimination room, where he was voted out by the other members. However, due to it being a reward, is still here! What will happen between Team Fusion and NSY, and what location will the teams be going to this time? Find out here, right now on User Total Drama World Tour!

NSM and Nabber dig into the sweets they were given for winning. Reversinator is reading a book in one of the chairs while Rocker takes a nap on the couch.

NSM: Omg, this stuff tastes like heaven after that other stuff!

Team Fusion and Team Amethyst sit in the economy class, with NSY sitting with Team Amethyst. ARFU is laying in a pile of suitcases and other junk that was on the plane.

Toad: Why the hell are you laying on that crap?

ARFU: Because we've been back here so much, I've already made a home in this thing.

NSY: Be careful ARFU; the other three will probably send you out after me.

ARFU: Hey, you're the one that voted for me, not them!

NSY: What, was I supposed to vote myself? Besides, just because they were voting me doesn't mean they wanted to vote you.

NSY and ARFU get into a deep argument as MCD simply shakes his head. Suddenly, the plane bounces, sending everyone to the floor. The host appears on the speakers.

BMB: Sorry about that; the landing was not really the best. Anyways, we are here!

Everyone steps out to find themselves in a rather chilly area with snow coating the ground. A city is just down the hill.

BMB: Welcome everyone to Siberia, Russia!

Reversinator: Siberia is not a city you know.

BMB: Oh, I know; we're just too lazy to figure out exactly where we are. But at least our guests are here.

NSM: Guests?

BMB: I'll explain that now, along with the challenge:

Welcome everyone to the 10th challenge! For this challenge, you be creating 4 survey questions, which will be given to a few users found on the forums as well. Only 2 of your questions will be presented to them, with 2 extras to help prevent questions from being the same or too similar. One of the four questions must be related to Russia in some way, since we are in Russia.

The questions I want you to format is "Would you rather...", and you must give an Option A and Option B for each of them.

Would you rather...

A - Have this challenge be reward?

B - Have this challenge be non-elimination?

Besides the fact that both answers are wrong (as the last place was the reward), it must be like that. I will then present it to the 10 forum users, who will answer it based on how they feel about it. Once all have answered it, I will then reveal who they were, so that you can better guessimate who said what.

From that part, you will have to guess what the 10 surveyers have decided, using a ratio. The options are:

10:0; 9:1; 8:2; 3:7; 4:6; 5:5; 6:4; 7:3; 2:8; 9:1; 10:0

You simply have to guess the ratio of A:B answers for all six questions that you guys came up with! The closer you are to the ratio, the better. The team that ends up being furthest away out of all 6 questions will be the ones that lose, and the team that gets the closest will be the one that wins the challenge. Losers of course will send one of their players home.

BMB: With that, you better go down that city and start discussing before you freeze out here!

All the players rush forward, heading into the cold town.

Which team will be able to make the best questions, and which players will guess the most correct? And how will the surveyers feel about their questions? Stay tuned to find out after the break!
nsy y u so mean to moi
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Russian to the finish

Sorry for the extended break and everything; I was having a lot of college stuff to do.

EDIT - I haven't sent it to the judges yet, but I will be tonight. Hopefully they won't take too long to answer.

As for the Reversinator thing...I'm going to wait and make a judgment call on that. I don't want to just kick him out, and then find out that he will be coming back. He'll probably just want to drop out anyways, but for now, Team Action will have to deal without him (and I'm pretty sure that the next time Team Action is at the elimination station...).

This challenge is a team-based, meaning that the team will do it collectively. The next challenge will be individual-based, but only three members from each team will be taking place in it.

EDIT x2 - Lol, the surveyers are getting their stuff in faster than you guys do. :P
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Russian to the finish

The teams come up with their questions, and immediately are revealed of who was part of the surveyers.

BMB: FireEevee, Smasher, Drift, Dragonfreak, Nintendodude64, LTQ, Tucayo, Bowser45, Tabuu, and FunkyK38 were the surveyers.

MCD: Great to see you from the other side Smasher.

Smasher: ...

BMB: Anyways, now time for them to all cast their votes. Here are your guys questions...

1. If you got stuck in one of these counties which one you rather be in…
A - Russia
B - South Africa

2. Which fruit would you rather eat…
A - Apples
B - Oranges

3. Would you rather work for…
A - Nintendo
B - Apple

4. Would you rather elect…
A - Vladimir Lenin
B - Vladimir Putin

5. Would you rather the temperature be…
A - Freezing 0*F
B - Sweltering 120*F

6. If you only could buy one of these games, would you rather buy...
A - Super Smash Brothers for Wii U and/or 3DS
B - Mario Kart 8

FunkyK38: Who came up with these?

LTQ: Wow, these are just...I think I could do better.

Rocker: You try doing this out in the cold!

One by one, they submit their decisions. After a short while, they all come back out, having casted their votes.

BMB: Well, it seems that now they are done. For this part, I'll showcase each answer after you guys submit yours, so let's do this! Question 1...what do you guys think was the ratio.

They all raise their boards, with different ratios. They go through all the rounds, with Team Fusion throwing out ratios for the wrong side a lot. NSM lead Team Action, who didn't seem to do so hot either. Team Amethyst are relying on Cirdec, which is pulling through nicely.

BMB: With that, the final is our winners with Team Action, having only 6 off!

Team Action cheer, who are all highfiving each other.

Toad: ...but wait, that doesn't add up! We only got 8, and they should have 9!

BMB: Well, one of their ratios was changed to the right one, thanks to winning the challenge.

LN1: Lame.

BMB: But you really shouldn't be complaining, since you also didn't really lose. However, Team Fusion....

Team Fusion instantly know, and shake their heads in defeat.

BMB: I'm sorry, but you lost. Time to send someone home...and for real this time.

NSY: MCD was the one that submitted them!

MCD: May I remind you that you and Gutseh would have only made things worse!

Gutseh: Whatever, let's just get this over with.

BMB: Alright, back to the-

Nabber: Wait...Reversinator's...frozen.

They carry Reversinator who has managed to be within a massive ice cube.

BMB: Just put him on the plane. He should defrost...eventually.

Who will Team Fusion vote out, and will Team Action's victory streak go past 2? Find out after the break.

DragonFreak – A, B, A, A, A, B
FireEevee – A, A, A, A, A, A
Tucayo – B, A, B, B, A, A
Bowser45 – A, B, A, B, A, A
Lakituthequick – B, A, A, B, B, B
Drift – A, B, A, B, A, B
Smasher – B, A, A, B, B, A
Nintendo64Dude – A, B, A, B, B, A
FunkyK38 – A, A, A, A, A, A
Tabuu – A, A, A, A, A, A

Question 1:

Question 2:
3:7 6:4

Question 3:

Question 4:

Question 5:

Question 6:

12 off
6 off (9 – 3 via reward)
8 off
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Russian to the finish

My team was going to be first without that reward.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Russian to the finish

Team Action and Team Amethyst are in the dining area, talking.

Cirdec: Had it not been for the reward, we would be in first class.

Rocker: Relax, you're safe at least.

Cirdec: True...

NSM and Nabber push Reversinator over a heat vent, but yet he doesn't seem to be defrosting.

Toad: We really got to break the ice.

LN1: Everyone, let's share some personal things with him!

Nabber: How is that going to help?

LN1: Because we are going to "break the ice".

Everyone sits there, just staring at LN1 as Toad facepalms.

Smg2daisy: ...oh, I get it, Icebreakers!

Everyone groans at Smg2daisy's late reaction.

Team Fusion sit in the Elimination room, waiting to vote.

BMB: Well, let me recap everyone's mistakes. NSY was targeted last time, and his advice didn't really help this time either. Gutseh was more a pain than NSY for once. MCD actually did the challenge basically, but you saw how helpful that was. ARFU had something that probably would have won the challenge, but failed to bring it forth. NEX was just...kind of letting everyone else do the stuff.

Everyone simply just stares at each other, unsure of who to vote.

BMB: But with that, time to vote!

ARFU (Confession): *stamps*

Gutseh (Confession): Who's that awesome hunk in the mirror? Oh, and *stamps*

NSY (Confession): Please not me, Please not me! *stamps*

MCD (Confession): Probably me, but whatever. *stamps*

NEX (Confession): *stamps*

Everyone walks back out, after making their decisions.

BMB: So, let's see...the following people get a barf bag: Gutseh, NSY, and MCD.

All three of them gladly take their bags, excited that they were safe. NEX and ARFU's lips begin to tremble.

BMB: The last bag goes to...

Both of them begin to lean forward, hoping that they'll get the bag.

BMB: ....NEX!

NEX gets his bag with a smile while ARFU holds back tears.

BMB: Looks like keeping information to yourself didn't really work out well.

ARFU: Sorry team. Good luck on the rest of the season!

ARFU grabs his bag, and falls out of the plane, screaming.

BMB: Well, with that, time for you guys to head back to your sleeping corners.

Gutseh: Aw...ARFU's sleeping fort thing he made...

BMB: Don't worry; that was what was in the parachute.

Will Team Fusion be able to make a comeback, and will Team Amethyst continue to have the number lead? And will Reversinator ever be able to defrost? And what crazy setting with the team go to next? Find out next week on User Total Drama World Tour!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Jamaican by the waterside

Thank god it wasn't me.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Jamaican by the waterside

[me=Smasher]sneaks back on the plane before it leadammit too late[/me]
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Jamaican by the waterside

Last time on User Total Drama World Tour, the teams went to Siberia Russia, where they had to create survey questions. The surveyers stumped many of the teams, but Team Fusion ended up getting the cold shoulder...even more than Reversinator did! ARFU was sent out of the game when he failed to share his winning strategy with his team. What will the teams do this time, and will everyone be able to keep their heads on for our next location? Find out right now on User Total Drama World Tour!

Rocker walks out of the bathroom, grabbing a bon-bon, tossing it in his mouth. NSM relaxs in the chair next to a still frozen Reversinator.

NSM: What was that Reversinator? You think I am awesome? I totally agree.

NSM (confessional): Now that Reversinator is not yelling at me all the time, this might turn out to be a benefit. Hopefully he won't defrost TOO fast...

Team Fusion and Team Amethyst are in the dining, eating what looks to be oatmeal. NSY is trying to hold back his excitement.

NSY (confessional): Man, I am just doing AWESOME! I must have been hit by the luck bug or something, because man am I still around. Plus, I got rid of ARFU, who was annoying the heck out of me!

Team Action join the tables, stretching as they walk in.

Smg2daisy: Why are you guys here?

Nabber: We need a good stretch. Besides, we wanted to come see what you are making.

Cirdec: Where's reverse?

NSM: We left him in the first class since he's really not going to be much help in his state.

Toad: Guys, look out the window!

Everyone peers toward the windows, seeing a beautiful sunrise. An island can be seen, where it seems like a tropical paradise. The host comes on the intercom.

BMB: If you look out the windows, you can see our next destination, Jamaica!

Everyone cheers in excitement at the site.

Everyone walks out of the plane, towards noon now, feeling the heat of the island. They see BMB coming out with a flower necklace around his neck.

BMB: Welcome everyone to Jamaica, follow me!

The three teams are lead to a poorly-built track, which leads to an empty swimming pool.

BMB: Hope you guys like bobsledding!

Cirdec: Isn't it a bit too hot for that?

BMB: When everyday is hot, there is no other way to practice. So let me explain the challenge now!

Welcome to challenge 11! You will be doing the "Jamaican Bobsled Race". In this challenge, you will be given a link to the sporcle where I set up a 3 minute quiz dealing with 11 questions related to Jamaica! Your job is to answer them as quickly as you can. They will go in order, and each hint will not appear until you answer the question before it.

You will be graded on how many questions you get right in those three minutes. If you manage to get all of them right, then the amount of time remaining will be added into the points. Three members from your team will be doing this, and the team with the best time as a team will win the challenge. Those that have the worse time will lose the challenge, and be sending someone home.

Once you finish the quiz, I want you to save the screen image showing the score and the time it took for you to finish the quiz (if there is any time left). If you do not know how to do it, then simply google how to. (For those with Windows 8, simply print "windows key" and "PrntScr", and it will automatically save in your photo file under library.) PM me the image, so that I know that you completed the quiz. If you truly are having trouble, then tell just copy and paste your time and score.

The players:
Fusion: MCD, NSY, and NEX (Gutseh is sitting out)
Action: NSM, Nabber, and Rocker (Reverse is sitting out)
Amethyst: Cirdec, LN1, and PoP (Toad and Smg2daisy are sitting out)

BMB: Good luck, and good bobsledding! I'll see you at the end.

Which team will show their true abilities on the course, and which ones will have no bobsledding blood in them? Find out after the break!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Jamaican by the waterside

Post because BMB asked me to do it.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Jamaican by the waterside

Then what are Jamaican in that title?
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Jamaican by the waterside

Oh my God, I Haiti that title. It's incredibly Santo Domingawful.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Jamaican by the waterside

The teams all line up on the board, preparing to go down it. MCD decides to go first.

MCD: Wish me luck.

He lays down on the board, and then fires off down the track. He screams along the way, blazing through the course until he crashes right into the side of the pool wall.

BMB: Ouch, that's going to hurt, but 10 points for MCD for his awesome time. Cirdec, you're next.

Cirdec goes down it next, having some trouble picking up speed until the end, and finally crashes into the pool as well.

BMB: 6 Points, NSM, your turn.

NSM goes through the course as well, going as fast as MCD did. At the end though, he accidentally flies over the pool, and lands in the woods outside of the area.

BMB: We'll get him later, but 10 points for him as well! NEX, your turn!

NEX makes it quick down the course, but gets stuck at one part, until he finally frees himself, falling at the end straight down, knocking himself out.

BMB: Six points for him. Let's see...Rocker, let's do you next!

Rocker zooms down the course at lightning speed, making a perfect landing at the end. Everyone's jaws drop at the sight.

BMB: With a perfect 11, Rocker takes Team Action into the lead! LN1, you're next!

LN1 goes down the course, but never really got a good speed boost. He mades it at the end, almost landing it.

BMB: Seven points for you. PoP, how about you go next?

PoP goes down the course, but cuts through the course a bit, and then makes it to the end, falling off a bit too early.

BMB: You would have gotten eight points, but you kind of didn't really follow the rules, so I'm going to have to deduct some of the points. You ended up with 6 though. That leaves NSY.

NSY looks scared at the thing.

BMB: Team Action has 21 points, leading them in 1st right now! Team Amethyst is all done at 19 points, and your team is at 16 points right now. In order to not lose this challenge, you need to get 4 points! Can you do it?

Gutseh: No pressure...

MCD: Well...maybe a little bit since we'll probably just vote him out for losing it.

NSY sighs, and then pushes off onto the course. He speeds down it, having no trouble at all. However, as the end is getting near, his cart suddenly hits a bump, and he goes flying. Everyone watches in horror.

NEX: Crap...

However, NSY manages to grab the side of the course, lifting himself back on. Team Fusion all cheer him on as he finishes the course, making a nice landing in the end.


BMB: was just enough to edge out the other team, earning you four points, meaning that Team Fusion have managed to squeeze by and making it safe for this week! However, Team Amethyst, you ended up in last, so I'll be seeing you in the elimination room.

Nabber: Hey, I never went!

BMB: You didn't need to since you guys won the challenge.

Nabber: Oh, well, okay the-

Nabber trips on a board, falling onto another one as he zips through the course at rocket speed, flying right over the pool into a NSM, who is rubbing his head as he makes it out of the woods. They both go flying back into it, disappearing out of sight. BMB just stares at Rocker for a minute.

Rocker: ...fine, I'll go get them.

Who will Team Amethyst send flying out of the plane this time, and will Team Action be able to make it back on first class after all their collisions? Stay tuned to find out after the break!


Team Fusion
MCD: 10/11
NEX: 6/11
NSY: 4/11
Total: 20 Points

Team Action
Rocker: 11/11 (2:09 remaining)
NSM: 10/11
Nabber: N/A
Total: 21 Points

Team Amethyst
Cirdec: 6/11
PrincessOfPeaches: 6/11
LN1: 7/11
Total: 19 Points
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Jamaican by the waterside

キノピオ八十五 said:
Oh my God, I Haiti that title. It's incredibly Santo Domingawful.
oh you.

vote nsy

nsy was lynched. he was jar jar binks, the mafia annoying pest
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Jamaican by the waterside

No pressure nsy