User Total Drama World Tour ~ Rocker wins!

Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ You Ripper what you sow

Team Fusion and Team Amethyst are high-fiving Toad for saving them as they relax in the dining area.

Toad: I honestly did not expect it to be Lily.

MCD: I knew that it was all BMB's doing. And yeah, I was surprised a bit too, though Lily also lives here as well...

NSY: I wasn't scare.

Everyone laughs at NSY's words. He grimaces at their laughter.

Team Action sit in the stands, all waiting for the votes to come out. BMB and Lily are standing by the door. Lily seems to look sad.

BMB: Well, you guys all got caught first, so now one of you will be taking the drop of shame.

Lily: Please tell me I'm not going back out the drop of shame!

BMB: NSM and Nabber, both of you are safe.

Both of them grab their bags, with Rocker and Reversinator left. Rocker is trying to figure out who voted him while Reversinator remains frozen in his ice block.

BMB: The final barf bag goes to...Rocker!

Rocker: I would have been pissed had it been me.

Team Action all get up and start pushing Reversinator towards the door. BMB plops the parachute bag onto the top of him as he slides out of the plane, falling down.

BMB: As for you Lily...

Out of nowhere, confetti falls from the ceiling.

Rocker: What the heck?

BMB: Congrats Lily! As a twist for everyone, you are now back in the game!

Lily: OMG! This is awesome! Thank you so much!

BMB: So yes, you are back with Team Action.

NSM: So...we still have four players?

BMB: That is correct.

Nabber: ...I'm fine with that.

BMB: Now back to your cabins while we go to our next destination!

Who will manage to win the next challenge, and which team will lose their numbers of 4? And what crazy challenge will the teams have to face in our next location? Find out next time on User Total Drama World Tour!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Track and Yield for the Gold

So a player swap for them, heh? Fine by me.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Track and Yield for the Gold

so what exactly was the point of that last task?
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Track and Yield for the Gold

Dr. Lucien Sanchez said:
so what exactly was the point of that last task?

Well, originally it was going to be an important challenge, and whatever team lost would lose a member, and then gain a new member from one of the first evicted people.

However, plans kind of changed when Reversinator left, so basically it was just a little Halloween treat to many of you guys. Plus, it wasn't like it was a hard challenge to do.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Track and Yield for the Gold

Last time on User Total Drama World Tour, the players had to escape from the ripper in England. Most got captured, but Toad managed to defeat the menace, who turned out to be Lily! Team Amethyst came out on top while Team Action sent their frozen boy Reversinator sliding out of the plane. Not only that, but they Lily as a consolation prize. What other tricks will I have up my sleeves, and how will the teams respond to their next challenge? Find out here right now User Total Drama World Tour!

Team Action and Team Fusion are in the economy class seats. Everyone is avoiding eye contact with Lily.

Lily: Okay, why are you guys all ignoring me.

Rocker: Well...okay, I guess it's sort of like an elephant in the room, but...


Lily: I managed to capture you all?

NSY: Yeah...

Lily: Well, I...

BMB's voice appears on the intercom.

BMB: Contestants, time to head to the door! We are arriving at our next destination!

All the players get out of the plane, finding themselves in a huge anicent ampitheatre. NSM instantly gets excited.

NSM: Are we in Rome!?

BMB: No, we are in Greece.

NSM: ...oh....

BMB: Anyways, I'm sure that you guys will be enjoying the next challenges in store for you. Take a guess at what we'll be doing in Greece!

Toad: Are we going to build statues again?

BMB: No.

LN1: ...Will we be destroying statues?

BMB: Closer...but no.

MCD: Just tell us already!

BMB: Fine, here is your challenge:

Challenge 13 already. You will be enjoying Athens, Greece, where you'll be participating in the UTDWT Olympics! In this, there will be six different events, where two of you will be facing head to head. Since there are 12 of you, and 4 on each team, it manages to work out perfectly! Each player will get their challenge, where they will have to try to earn more points than the other, just like you are competing for the Gold. The list and categories are as followed...

MCD vs. NSM (Olympics) [Multiple Choice Answers]
Rocker vs. Toad (Wild Card) [Sporcle]
Cirdec vs. NEX (Athens, Greece) [Word Creator]
NSY vs. Nabber (Greek Arts) [True/False]
Lily vs. Smg2daisy (Greek Mythology) [Story writing]
LN1 vs. Gutseh (Greece Culture) [Descrambler]

The medium for the challenges are also listed as well. Again, further directions will be given. The winner of each round will be awarded a gold medal, and will earn a point for their team. The team that has the most gold will win the challenge, and the team that has the least amount will be sending someone packing. In an event of a tie, further directions will be given.

BMB: Good luck, and we'll be begin with each challenge separately. And...let's begin!

Who will manage to make it to the top, and which team will be going with the bronze? Find out after the break.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Track and Yield for the Gold


BMB: Okay MCD, NSM, you're up first! Your challenge is to correctly answer these multiple choice questions with whatever you think is correct.

Both of them walk over to their buzzers. Glaring at each other.

BMB: By the way, you might want to make sure that you do good, because if not, we have a pit waiting for the loser.

Between the two of them is a deep pit that seems to be endless.

BMB: Okay, Let's begin!

BMB reads question 1, and NSM gives the correct answer. MCD does not.

BMB: Correct NSM! Looks like he's off to a good lead.

NSM: I'm not going in that pit!

MCD: We'll see about that.

BMB goes on with the questions, and NSM is flopping around with them. However, MCD is just nailing them.

BMB: Well, in the end...MCD is the winner of the challenge! One point for Team Fusion!

MCD: Yes!

BMB puts the Gold medal on MCD.

BMB: NSM, besides scoring no gold for your team, it looks like the pit is calling you.

Before NSM can react, BMB presses a button, and the platform NSM is on makes him slide down into the pit.

BMB: Will he make it out? We'll find out later. Let's go to the next round.

1 - Where did the Olympics Originate?
a - Olympia, Greece - MCD
b - Mt. Olympus, Cyprus
c - Athens, Greece - NSM
d - Rome, Italy

2 - When did the first Olympics take place?
a – 1796
b – 1894 - NSM
c - 1794
d – 1896 - MCD

3 - How many events and how many countries participated in the first olympics?
a - 43, 14 - MCD
b - 43, 13
c - 42, 14
d - 42, 13 - NSM

4 - The first olympics was also called what?
a - The [insert year here] Olympiad - NSM
b - Games of the I Olympiad - MCD
c - The I [insert host city here] Olympiad
d - Olympiad I Olympics

5 - When would the Olympics be held at [insert host city here] again (not including the Incalated games)
a - 1902
b - 1824
c – 1956 - NSM
d – 2004 - MCD

6 - In what year did the Winter Olympics and Summer Olympics happen every 2 years instead of on the same year?
a – 1928 - NSM
b - 1926
c – 1994 - MCD
d – 1992

NSM: 1
MCD: 5

Rocker v. Toad

BMB: Okay Rocker, Toad, your challenge will be a race basically. Whoever can race the farthest while getting the most correct will win this challenge. You will be jumping over hurdles, and if you get it wrong.

BMB presses a button. A intern that was standing near a hurdle suddenly gets whacked with a glove that popped out of the hurdle, knocking him out.

Toad: Even though it's my pain, I gotta admit that you know how to be wickedly good.

BMB: Thank you. Now...begin!

Rocker and Toad immediately start to race over the hurdles, answer the questions. They seem to be doing really good. That is until towards the end point Rocker suddenly messes up, and gets blasted back by the hurdle. Toad cheers as he crosses the finish line, collecting his gold.

Toad: Yes! Take that Rocker.

Rocker: No mama...I don't want...portage for dinner...

BMB: With that, a point for Team Amethyst! Time to see how the next challenge is going for everyone.

Toad: 48/61
Rocker: 39/61

Cirdec v. NEX

BMB: Cirdec, NEX, your challenge is to take the word "Athens, Greece", and make as many words as you can with it.

NEX: That's easy.

BMB: But you must spell them with heavy cement letters!

Chef SonicMario dumps a bunch of random letters in front of them.

Cirdec: Of course you would.

BMB: And....GO!

Cirdec and NEX go into the pile. Cirdec is just dragging random letters to his corner while NEX is carefully deciding on what he wants to spell.

Cirdec: When this is over...huff....I'm going to get you BMB!

NEX: Hmm...gosh, there aren't that many words you can spell, now is there?

NEX starts putting the words together as Cirdec continues to empty the pile. Cirdec continues to place the letters on his side to make coherent words.

BMB: Times up! Let's go see NEX's first.

NEX shows him is collection of words.

NEX: I think this should be enough.

BMB: Now onto Cird-wow!

Everyone's jaws drop at Cirdec massive collection of words, easily blowing NEX's out of the water.

Cirdec: Huff...I hope...this is...enough...

BMB: And Cirdec gets the gold! One point to Team Amethyst! No points to Team Fusion!

BMB puts the Gold medal on Cirdec, who then passes out on the letters she spelled out.

BMB: Let's go to our next event.

NEX: 12 words
Cirdec: 50 words

NSY v. Nabber

BMB: Alright NSY, Nabber, let's do this!

NSY: I am so ready for this!

Nabber: Well, we'll see.

Suddenly, Chef becomes behind both of them, and puts wings on their backs.

Chef: It'll only hurt for a little bit if you're me.

Chef then pulls out a stapler, and staples it to their backs. Both of them scream in pain.

Nabber: You know, I could so make a lawsuit out of this.

BMB pulls out a contract, and Nabber just growls in defeat.

BMB: Anyways, I'll be asking you true and false questions, and you must fly up to your own thing, choosing either True or False. So let's begin.

The host starts to fire off the questions, and the two of them begin to flap their wings. Each question, they began to throw the letters as they kept on ascending higher and higher. 10 stories they were going as they started to reach the final question.

NSY: Uh-oh, something seems off...

Nabber: I it's taking...much

The feathers on their wings started to descend to the ground as they molted in the sunlight. Quickly they went to reach the last letter, either true or false, as BMB read the question. NSY managed to grab his and hold on to dear life as Nabber only managed to knock it off the thing as he descended back to the ground.

Nabber: Wow, I'm not hurt!

Suddenly, the letter NSY is holding onto falls off it's hook, and NSY plummets down right on top of Nabber.

Nabber: Of course.

BMB: Well with both got 4 points each! However, since one of them could be a little bit iffy, I'll give you a bit of a break, which means that NSY is the victor in this competition! One point to Fusion!

NSY: Yes, yes, yes, yes!

BMB: Let's go on to the next challenge now.

Greek Art began in the Mycenean era. (False) – NSY
* Greek Art gave birth to Western classical Art. (True) – Nabber, NSY
* Art of Ancient Greece has influenced many countries in the areas of sculpture and painting. (False, Sculpture and Architecture)
* The Temple of Hephaistos is considered a part of Greece Art. (True) – Nabber
* The walls of Messene is considered a part of Greece Art. (True) – Nabber, NSY
* The art of sclupture went from Arachic, Hellenistic, to Classical. (False, Arachic, Classical, then Hellenistic)
* Panel Painting and Wall Painting are the two most common forms of Greece Painting. (True-ish, as that is judgmental) – Nabber, NSY (½ point)
* Augustus of Prima Porta is one of the most famous Greek statues. (False, as Augustus of Prima Porta is actually from Rome.) – NSY

Nabber: 4
NSY: 4.5

Lily v. Smg2daisy

BMB: Okay Lily and Smg2daisy, you see these pillars? You will be dancing around these.

Lily: What? We have to dance!? I thought our challenge was story writing.

BMB: It is, and here you go.

They are both handed a small harp to hold.

BMB: You will be doing a little show. When people told epics back then they would usually do it with an accompaniment of music and dance to really show the expression of their story.

Smg2daisy: Are you sure that it is that accurate?

BMB: Well, not completely, but you know, what really is this season?

Lily: That's true...

BMB: So...begin!

Smg2daisy went first, dancing between the pillars, telling her story, and strumming the harp in time. She continued to recite her story as she flipped onto the one of the pillars, piruetting on the statue. Finally, she finished, landing on the ground. Lily's jaws dropped.

Chef: I have to give that a near perfect. Definitely a great entertainment.

BMB: Lily...

Lily: I'm doomed, but whatever.

Lily danced gracefully between the pillars as she told her story, using the imagery of her story in her poses, really locking it in. The harp she played was very musical, and her story flowed very peacefully through the story. She managed to really draw out the emotion in her story, which started to make Chef cry as she wrapped it up.

Chef: Okay then *sniff*, I'm going to have to give the win to Lily for having the more creative story. Both did excellent though.

Lily: Yes!

Lily jumps in the air as she grabs her gold medal.

BMB: A point to Team Action! A first at that. Let's go to the next challenge.

LN1 v. Gutseh

BMB: Okay LN1, Gutseh, let's see what you got!

LN1: Been waiting to get back at Gutseh.

Gutseh: For what?

LN1: Last season! I'm so going to knock you out. You and your fake tooth.

Gutseh: Hey!

BMB: Okay, the challenge is to descramble these words. But while the letters of each word are being chucked at you.

Gutseh: That won't be so hard.

Suddenly Chef hurls a letter at Gutseh, which knocks Gutseh down.

BMB: Oh, and they're made of stone. So good luck!

LN1 and Gutseh race away, trying to spell as many words correctly as they can. LN1 reaches for his next set as letters as Gutseh just keeps on getting plummeted by all of his.

Gutseh: Chef, can you please be a bit softer with these!?

Chef nods, and sets the letter on the ground, and slowly rolls it over, not even getting near Gutseh. Gutseh grimaces.

Gutseh: Fine, just keep them coming.

Once they got all the letters, they put them in their right place.

Gutseh & LN1: Done!

BMB: Well then, let's see!

BMB walks over to Gutseh, amazed by how correct his words are.

BMB: Besides one error-

Gutseh: I think that Chef threw me a wrong letter!

BMB: Anyways, you got 9 out of 10 of them! Let's see LN1's...

BMB walks over to LN1's numbers, who is already feeling very unconfident.

BMB: Theera, really? Never heard about Aether?

LN1: Sorry.

BMB: Well...since you only got half of them...Gutseh wins a point for Team Fusion.

Gutseh: Yay...

Gutseh falls down from all his bruises.

BMB: Well, with that, it's time to gather everyone to get the score settled!


LN1: 5/10
Gutseh: 9/10

All of them sit in the Ampitheatre. Many are bruised up, while some are busy shining their gold medal.

Gutseh: My precious!

BMB: Well then, it's time for the results...

Everyone begins to go on the edge of their seats as they listen closely. Suddenly Chef comes out in a nice pink dress and everyone begins laughing as he hands over the card to BMB.

Chef: You're just jealous!

BMB: Anyways...first place goes to...Team Fusion!

Everyone in Team Fusion high-fives each other, cheering with the three gold medals around their necks.

BMB: And the team sending someone home is...Team Action.

Team Amethyst cheer for their victory in securing two medals while Team Action pout. Lily seems pretty good with her medal that she won, while everyone else is just upset.

BMB: I'll see you back in the plane everyone, and thanks for the great events we got on camera.

Who will Team Action send out the plane tonight? And will the players be able to recover from all the death-defying events I made them do? Find out next after the break.

3/4 - 1st place
1/4 - 3rd place
2/4 - 2nd place
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Track and Yield for the Gold

I'll have my mine tomorrow.

If i don't I not only give you permission to but i encourage you to bug the fuck out of me till i do it.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Track and Yield for the Gold

People I need stuff from:


(Slash = Already talked to me)

Lakitulerapide said:
BMB, are you going to list all their words after this?

Too long; probably won't fit. Just ask them what they put.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Track and Yield for the Gold

-.- *sigh* Well, I guess I was useless to the team
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Track and Yield for the Gold

Yeah, when I thought there were plenty of words I forgot.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Track and Yield for the Gold

Wait... I'm going to have to do it tonight, sorry.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Track and Yield for the Gold

So, LN1 v. Gutseh is up and running.

Also, it's starting to get to that point where I really don't want to see any more of you guys to be eliminated. Like, I usually try to guess who will be going out, and sometimes I'm right, sometimes I'm wrong, but now it's like "I really don't want to know who will go out."

Like, I'm afraid to see the end result from here and out while the teams are still as they are because who knows who will be going next? It's sad to think about who might be going next from Team Amethyst and who might be going next in Team Action, and then Team Fusion as well...

Ugh...just like with UBB2, it always gets sad around this time. :P
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Track and Yield for the Gold

LN1 said:
My only hope for this challenge is that Gutseh knows even less about history than I do. Considering how badly I guessed for 5 of them, not likely.

i did it

i won


Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Track and Yield for the Gold

And with NSY v. Nabber up, Team Fusion has at least secrued second place for the challenge! They will be immune to elimination.

Now it's down between Rocker v. Toad and Lily v. Smg2daisy to decide who will win, and who will lose. Team Action need both of those wins to make it to a tiebreaker in order to avoid elimination. Just one win for Team Amethyst will declare them at least second. We'll see what happens, but one of those two teams will be sending someone home.

EDIT - I got all the results I needed. Results coming soon.