User Total Drama World Tour ~ Rocker wins!

Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Who's time is it, Anime?

Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Who's time is it, Anime?

hahahaha how the hell did we pull that off
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Who's time is it, Anime?

Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Who's time is it, Anime?


Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Who's time is it, Anime?

you guys should've said baka instead of idiot. maybe you could've won otherwise. cuz you would'nt call your customers idiots..... in a language they understand.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Who's time is it, Anime?

Team Fusion sits in their first class seats, clinking their glasses together and enjoying some slow-cooked roast.

Gutseh: Omg, this is amazing! So glad we won.

MCD: I'm just saying, you got lucky.

Gutseh: After this, we won't need luck. With the food in the economy class, I'm sure we'll have enough strength for the next competition.

Team Action and Team Amethyst sit in the kitchen, figuring out what the dinner will be when Chef SonicMario comes out. He reveals the meal, being a plate full of his sushi. Everyone covers their mouth in disgust, except Nitwit, who begins funneling down all the sushi. Lily throws up again, followed by a few others.

Lily: Nitwit, that is just...oh god, not again.

She throws up again.

Nitwit: I'm sorry, it's just so good. Also, I eat when I'm nervous. You have nothing to worry about.

NSM: Well, I guess that's true. But we're going to be stuck back in the economy class.

Reversinator: Better that than elimination. I rather be in the middle than in a ditch.

Nitwit: Thanks.

BMB: Okay, Team Amethyst, time to get going.

POP: *Sob*

Team Amethyst all sit in the stands, after just finishing voting. Smg2daisy and Cirdec sit on opposite sides of Toad and Bowser45. PrincessOfPeaches and Speedy Yoshi sit right behind. Nitwit is in the back, still eating the Yummy Tummy Sunshine Sushi.

BMB: Alright, all the votes are in. When I throw you a bag of peanuts, you will be safe for this elimination. If you do not recieve a barf bag of peanuts, then you will immediately grab your parachute bag and take the drop of shame. Let's begin.

BMB: The first bag to...Toad.

Toad is happy to recieve his bag.

BMB: Smg2daisy and Cirdec...

Both of them catch their bags with content.

BMB: Bowser45 and PrincessOfPeaches...

Both of them also catch their bags, and begin dining on the peanuts. Nitwit and Speedy Yoshi look around in worry as they realize they are the last two left.

BMB: I gotta say, this was a close vote. It came down to the last vote, but the last person recieving a barf bag is...

Speedy Yoshi crosses his fingers and Nitwit nervously chews on another piece of Sushi as the suspense builds.

BMB: ...Nitwit!

Nitwit stands up in excitement, causing his plate of Sushi to flip over. Speedy Yoshi walks over to the drop of shame, disappointed.

BMB: Welp, it is time for you to go Speedy Yoshi. Better luck next time.

Speedy Yoshi: At least I never have to see that sushi ever again.

Speedy Yoshi opens his parachute bag and finds it completely filled of the sushi. He screams in horror as BMB kicks him out of the plane.

BMB: Well, with that, it's time for you guys to head back to th-

Nitwit: Achoo!

Nitwit sneezes, which causes two pieces of the sushi to fly out of his nose. It begins to crawl away on it's own. Everyone is in disgust, and immediately throw up in their barf bags at the sight.

BMB: Good things for the barf bags, right?

Has Team Amethyst hit rock bottom, and has Team Fusion risen to the top? Will Nitwit's weird craving for suck disgusting foods cease to amaze? Will Lily be able to ever hold her lunch down? All that and more, next time on User Total Drama World Tour!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Yukon to be kidding me!

At least I played for fun, that's what games are about

and hopefully I'll never see the sushi again
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Who's time is it, Anime?

well, i can't see why they decided to evict you...

Speedy Yoshi said:
I don't care if any of us get eliminated
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Yukon to be kidding me!

We won't lose now.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Yukon to be kidding me!

Last time on User Total Drama World Tour, the teams competed in Japan to film an ad for Chef's rancid sushi. The teams got more than they bargained for, and Nitwit definitely got more than he could have wanted. Team Fusion came out with a surprise win, while Speedy Yoshi of Team Amethyst was surprisingly sent packing, with a parachute bag full of Chef's sushi. This time however, there will be even more drama and conflict as temperatures begin to flux, here right now on User Total Drama World Tour!

Gutseh is sleeping in the First class room with cucumbers over his eyes, and everyone else is playing a game of cards. Suddenly the plane tilts upwards, causing them to roll out of their seats, knocking into the two teams stuck in the economy class.

Nabber: Gutseh, get off of me!

Gutseh: Sorry, not my fault the pilots don't know how to fly.

Nitwit: I...miss...sushi...

Lily: I'm sorry I had to dump it all, but I could not let that thing be on the same plane as me.

Nitwit: *sob*

BMB comes on the announcer, telling them all to buckle up. The next second, the plane goes into a nose-dive straight towards the Earth. Everyone is screaming for their lives as the plane quickly pulls out of the dive onto a safe landing. All the players fall from the ceiling as the plane settles.

Smasher: Remind me why I haven't sued the show yet?

NSY: Contracts, remember?

Toad opens the door, and suddenly a cold breeze smacks him across the face, making him shiver. They have arrived to a very ice location, and the ground is a lot of feet down. Gutseh accidentally pushes Toad out, who faceplants into the ice. Suddenly, everyone is bumping into each other as they fall out of the plane, landing on top of Toad. They all get up, and head to BMB.

BMB: Welcome everyone to the Yukon River!

Smg2daisy: Wher-r-r-e's ou-r-r-r jacket-t-t-s?

BMB: They are on their way...

Everyone cheers in relief.

BMB: about another three weeks.

Everyone moans. An intern brings the cozy and warm BMB a nice glass of Hot Chocolate.

BMB: That's delicious. Anyways, your challenge this week:

Welcome everyone to the third challenge this season! You will be having to tranverse through this icy tundra to get to the finish line! However, you won't be going as teams this time around, but instead individually! One player randomly selected will be the sleigh pullers, who will have to tug on their sleds, and find their other teammates as they make the finish line by foot. Once the teams have all their players on their carts, they need to make to the finish line to claim their place. The first team will win immunity for the week, and the last team to cross will be sending one of their members home. By random selection, Neptune will not be able to participate and will be waiting at the finish line. However, Neptune has earned immunity this week since he cannot compete.

Team captains: You must make a list consisting from 1-20 of the order you want to visit (1 must be your first location). You must list from the location you want to visit 1st, to the location you want to visit 20th. The sleds are at Location 1, and you guys must have that as your first three locations. You will send your lists to me, and I will tally them in.


Runners: You will be sending me only one location (2-20). That is the location you'll be at while your captain is searching for you. Be careful; the location you visit could have a trap set for you, so just forwarning you that it could hurt your team a bit. Also, you are FORBIDDEN to tell any member of your team the location you are at, and if you know the location of someone else on another team, you are FORBIDDEN to tell that team where their player is. If you do it by mistake, I'll tell you to visit a new location, and if you know someone did it and you tell me, I'll just give a penalty vote to that person, but if I find out AFTER the fact, then you'll be automatically eliminated from the game.

Player: Visit #5

That is all you have to do. If there is a tie, the tie will be broken by the team that had found their members the quickest. That means that if one of the losing teams found four of their five missing members in the least amount of turns than the other team, they will be in second place and the other team will be in last.

BMB: By random selection, MCD will be the Fusion Captain, Rocker will be the Action Captain, and Smg2daisy will be Amethyst Captain. Go luck Sherpa-I mean, Captains! As for the rest of you, you better hurry and rush to your locations while the captains go to the first location and prepare their sleds.

Everyone rushes forward across the Yukon, figuring out what to do.

Who will make it to the end first, and who might not even make it back in time? Will the teams be able to keep themselves warm enough for the journey, or will we see some frozen people stuck in the water under the thin ice? All this and more when we come back.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Yukon to be kidding me!

Wow, did not expect to get so many so quickly. We may even get another competition in before I leave for my family trip!

However, I'm waiting on 1 person.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Yukon to be kidding me!

Oh shit.

This is intense.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Yukon to be kidding me!

Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Yukon to be kidding me!

MCD, Smg2daisy are racing across the ice with Rocker right behind them. MCD is the first to leap over the floating ice blocks on the river, and to a cart. All of them are covered in sheets, and decides to pick the left sled. He pulls off the cover, and it is full of heavy metal blocks that say coal on the side of them.

MCD: You have got to be kidding me.

MCD pulls on the ropes as he begins to head towards the rest of the Yukon. Smg2daisy arrives next, and picks the cart on the right. It is a very light-weight wooden cart, with nothing on it.


As Smg2daisy quickly breezes by, Rocker is left with the cart in the middle. It's a metal sled with bags of rocks stacked on it. He moans as he pulls the heavy cart off into the distance.

The camera zooms over to Toad, Bowser45, and ARFU, who are all standing by a flag pole. They are trying to warm up as best as they can. Suddenly, Smg2daisy comes from the distance, and Toad and Bowser45 hop on, sticking their tongues at ARFU as they depart.

ARFU: You suck!

Bowser45: Sure. Now mush Smg2daisy, mush!

Smasher is just walking through the tundra as MCD arrives, heavily breathing. Smasher just hops on, and finds a whip on the cart. MCD looks back at Smasher.

MCD: I swear Smasher, if you even dar-

Smasher: Shut up mule! Now go!

Smasher whips MCD, as MCD quickly starts to get a move on. The camera moves to Rocker as he arrives to NSM. NSM's lips are frozen shut, and Rocker is relieved to not hear NSM complain.

Rocker: Silent much?

NSM: ...

Rocker: Hahahaha.

Gutseh, Cirdec, NEX and Lily are all standing at another flagpole marker out in the distance. They all decide to play a game of truth or dare. Cirdec places a dare on Lily.

Smg2daisy: Lily, I dare you to...kiss Gutseh.

Lily: Ew...

Gutseh: What's the matter? Are you a chicken?

Lily: just want someone to love you.

Gutseh: You know, it would warm us up.

Cirdec: Bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk!

Lily: Fine! Geez...

Lily goes to reluctantly kiss Gutseh, closing her eyes as she does. Gutseh slowly pulls her closely until he places her lips on the flag pole. Suddenly, she finds her tongue stuck to the pole, and she begins to scream. Cirdec and Gutseh laugh as Lily whines.

Lily: (slurred) You know, Gutseh, I dare you to take 10 steps back.

Gutseh: That's easy-

As Gutseh steps back, the ice below him begins to crack, and before he could react, he falls in, returning to the surface as a huge block of ice. Cirdec and Lily laugh as they see Gutseh's frozen body as NEX struggles to get him out.

NSY is running in place, trying to keep himself warm. MCD arrives, very tired, and Smasher pulls on the ropes to tell him to slow down.

Smasher: Ada boy!

MCD: I hate you.

NSY: Wow, Smasher controlling MCD. It must be Smasher's dream coming true.

MCD: Grrr...

Smasher: No growling at the teammates! No mush!

Nitwit is overlooking a cliff, which leads to a deep plunge into darkness. There is more land on the opposite side, but is too far to jump it. Behind him, Smg2daisy comes sprinting in too fast, unable to turn or stop.

Smg2daisy: Nitwit, jump on!

Nitwit: You're going to fall into the abyss!

Smg2daisy: Ah!

Nitwit grabs onto the sledge as Smg2daisy leaps off the edge of the cliff and dives for the other side of the chasm. She manages to grab onto the other side, but the entire cart and three teammates are dangling for their lives.

Reversinator and Tantusar are walking as Rocker comes heavy-breathed. They quickly hop on, but Rocker begins to head straight for the cart. Before they could react, they begin to notice that the cart is leaning down a massive slope, and Rocker hops on.

Rocker: BLEEP!

Reversinator: Oh no, oh no, oh no!

The carts begins to fly down the hill as they all scream at the tops of their lungs.

MCD finds ARFU, who seems relieved to finally be found. They quickly get him as they mush on.

Smg2daisy is still struggling to hang on as the rest of their team are struggling to stay on this cart. Just as Smg2daisy was about to fall off, PrincessOfPeaches comes from above and grabs her hand, pulling them all up from the rift and saving them.

All of them: Thank you PrincessOfPeaches.

POP: No prob. Now let's go!

They all get back on the sled, and begin moving again.

Rocker and the rest of Team Action arrive to find Lily stuck to a pole. Everyone begins laughing at her as she tells them to shut up.

Rocker: Quick everyone, see if there is something that you can use to get her out of there!

They all rummage through the sled, looking for something like hot water, when they find a jackhammer. Lily's eyes grow wide as Reversinator walks over with the tool. She tries to kick him out of the way, but he begins to jackhammer at the pole, and finally Lily pops out with the pole, though still stuck to it. The ice begins to break though as they all hop back in the cart.

Lily: (slurred) Rocker, go!

NSM: ...!

Rocker begins to run as fast as he can as the ice begins to break behind him, barely escaping the watery death that would have been. They all make it out and continue their search.

Team Fusion arrive to find NEX pulling Gutseh's icy body out of the water.

Smasher: Crap, we're going to need to lose that ice mass off him or else we'll just weigh the cart down.

MCD: Wait, this cart has coal on it!

Smasher: So?

MCD: So, does anyone have a match on them?

NEX: I do!

MCD opens one of the crates full of coal, and use the match to get it on fire. They place the block of Gutseh on it, who begins to melt. Finally, he is able to speak.

Gutseh: Ooo---mmm--ggg g--g-g-gosh! It-t-t-t i-s-s-s-s-s soo-oo-o-o-o c-c-c-c-o-ld!

After another minute, Gutseh is back to normal, and the entire crate of coal is burnt out. MCD finds the cart amazingly lighter, and begins picking up the speed as he heads around the huge mass of water with floating ice chunks as he leaves.

Team Action arrive to find Nabber, who questions why Lily has a pole stuck to her mouth. He hops on as they begin to explain what happens.

Team Amethyst arrive to find Cirdec stranged on a mass of floating ice in the middle of a cold lake.

Smg2daisy: You need to find a way across.

Cirdec: No...I've just been standing like here being an idiot.

Toad: Cirdec, there is a path a little to your right that you can hop onto. Here, let me get to you first!

Toad hops across the ice and reaches Cirdec, showing her the path. Suddenly though, the ice begins to break, which begins to freak Toad and Cirdec out. They quickly hop back as all the pieces of ice they touch begins to break apart.

Smg2daisy: Yes, that's everyone! No let's go!

Team Fusion and Team Action quickly rush to the finish line, neck and neck. They are a very close, but Team Amethyst appear from behind, gaining a lot of speed. Finally, Team Action makes it across the finish line first, followed by Team Fusion, with Team Amethyst losing by a few steps.

BMB: Congratulations Team Action, you have won!

Team Action: YAY!!!!

BMB: Team Amethyst, back in the elimination room for you again...

Team Amethyst: Aw....

BMB: Time to head back to the plane. Chef has made some hot cocoa for you all!

Gutseh: Finally you do something nice for us-wait, chef made it?

BMB: Yep.

Gutseh: Crap...

It seems that Team Action has remained out of the elimination room, and Team Amethyst has made it back to sending another out. Who will go home, and will will stay? Will Lily every stop kissing that pole, and will Smasher quit whipping MCD? Stayed tune after the break!

Full Results:
MCD (Left):
20 – Smasher
2 – NSY
8 – ARFU
13 – NEX, GutsehMan

Total: 15th

Rocker (Middle):
20 – NSM
17 – Reversinator, Tantusar
13 – Lily
18 – Nabber

Total: 15th

Challenge 3 –
Smg2daisy (Right):
8 – Toad, Bowser45
3 - Nitwit
7 - PrincessOfPeaches
13 - Cirdec

Total: 19th