User Total Drama World Tour ~ Rocker wins!

Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Yukon to be kidding me!

Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Yukon to be kidding me!

Cool. Nice job all 3 teams. You all did fairly I would suppose. :posh:
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Yukon to be kidding me!

Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Yukon to be kidding me!

stories like that make me hope that the two of us go as far as possible
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Yukon to be kidding me!



Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Yukon to be kidding me!

Vince McMahon said:



I told you it is Team Action that won the competition.

Read the story.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Yukon to be kidding me!

aw :(

i'm smuggling from first class anyway
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Yukon to be kidding me!

*reads story*

Lily X Gutseh
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Yukon to be kidding me!

Team Action are in the kitchen pouring hot water all over Lily's mouth. After a few tries, they finally get the pole off her tounge. Gutseh sits there just laughing at them all. Lily grabs the pole and whack him on the head.

Lily: Laugh at me again. I'm going to be hounding you down for the rest of the game if you dare bring it up again.

Gutseh: Yes ma'am. Ow...

MCD: Pfft, baby. At least you weren't whipped.

Smasher: Sherpa, be quiet!

MCD: I hope the next challenge is where you get to ride on people's backs...

Tantusar: So, who do you think will be eliminated?

NSY: I honestly don't know. Cirdec was the last to join the group, but it could be him.

Reversinator: Don't forget the fact that they tried to get Nitwit out last time.

NSM: ...

ARFU: What's wrong with him?

Rocker: His lips are frozen shut.

NEX: Don't you still have hot water?

Reversinator: And you want to hear him complain?

NEX: ...true.

NSM: ...!

Team Amethyst sit in the stands for the second time. They all seem really tense as they stare at each other in anger.

BMB: It's a shame to see you lose twice in a row. You seem so well together as a team, easily working together, but yet manage to lose the last two challenges. Anyways...time for the barf bags. Toad, Smg2daisy, and Bowser45, you three are safe.

BMB chucks the barf bags at the three of them hard, making them all wince in pain.

BMB: are safe.

BMB chucks on at Nitwit, but he dodges it. Cirdec and PrincessOfPeaches glance at each other in worry.

BMB: Cirdec, now why would they vote for you? Perhaps some behind the scene stuff happened, or the fact that you lost the challenge for your team today, I dunno. PrincessOfPeaches, what is going on with you? Maybe they feel that you are pulling the team down, who knows? The final bag goes to...

Cirdec and PrincessOfPeaches are glaring at each other, worried at what will happen as the suspense builds.

BMB: ...PrincessOfPeaches!

Cirdec jaw drops as PrincessOfPeaches smiles, catching the fast pitch barf bag. Cirdec walks over and grabs the parachute, but he turns around and looks at his team.


Toad: Good luck next time.

Before the conversation can continue, BMB pushes Cirdec out of the plane.

BMB: Alright Team Amethyst, you got a lot of ground to make up, so let's all head back into the kitchen.

Cirdec has taken the drop of shame, one of the top players of Team Amethyst. Will Team Amethyst continue their losing streak they are on, and will Team Action ever see the elimination room? Will Gutseh and Lily finally make out with a pole not in their ways, and will NSM every defrost his big mouth? And what strange location will I push the players through next? Find out this and more next week on User Total Drama World Tour!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Around the Time Square

Last time on User Total Drama World Tour, the teams got cold, literally, as they raced across the Yukon. Lily got more than she asked when she got stuck to a pole, and Gutseh got the reprecussion, turning into a massive ice block. Smg2daisy got the luck of the draw with the lighter cart while Smasher whipped MCD into shape with the heavy cart. Finally, Team Action came in first, while Cirdec took the drop of shame on Team Amethyst. Who will come on top this time, and who will be eliminated next? All here now on Uster Total Drama World Tour!

Team Action are enjoying their stay in the first class room. Lily is having a mud facial and getting her nails painted while NSM is getting a massage. Reversinator, Rocker, and Nabber are all chatting happily as they eat some bun-buns. Tantusar is taking a nice nap on the couch, resting up. Gutseh sneaks into the room, and quickly steals a few of the desserts, and then leaves.

Gutseh arrives back into the kitchen, quickly starting to shove some of the bun-buns into his mouth. The rest of the two teams are eating their breakfast, which looks as though it is about to get up and crawl away. They all see what Gutseh has hidden in his arms, and everyone quickly ambushes him. BMB arrives on the speakers as Team Action all walk into the Kitchen.

BMB: Okay Teams, I suggest looking out the window to see what location you will be at now.

Toad: Watch it be some volcano.

Reversinator: Knowing him, it's going to be Mount Everest and we have to climb it without oxygen.

Smg2daisy: With mines trying to blow us up.

Reversinator: Yeah, you can't forget the mines...

NSM: Guys, no, it's even better!

Everyone rushes to the windows and see the Statue of Liberty, and a bunch of huge building. Everyone immediately knows they are in the Big Apple of the world - New York City. They all begin to get very excited as the plane begins it's descent.

Everyone walks out of the landed plane, greeted by a BMB with a lot of New York attire on.

BMB: Welcome everyone to New York!

Gutseh: Is something wrong with you? How come we didn't fall out of the plane? And how come we are in such a nice place?

BMB: Hey, unexpect the expected, right?

NSM: Oh, I get it. By the way, what are with the baby buggies?

BMB: I'm about to explain it now, the challenge for today:

Welcome everyone to the 4th challenge! In this challenge, you will each push your baby buggies - teal for Team Action, orange for Team Fusion, and purple for Team Amethyst - from the Statue of Liberty, through the sewers, and into the busy streets of New York! One member will be sitting in the buggy at random, while the other will push it by posting in the game thread, saying +1. The teams must push their buggies 35 times to reach the end, and the team that does it the fastest wins while the team that makes it last will lose. The three areas will differ on how to cross it.

Statue of Liberty (Duration: 5 pushes): Simply just push; no hazards.

Sewers (Duration: 12 pushes): Every 3 pushes, you must Duck to dodge the pipes. (i.e. 1, 2, Duck, 4, 5, duck) If you fail to duck, you will have to go back by 3! (i.e. 7, 8, 9, 7, 8, Duck)

City Streets (Duration: 18 pushes): Every 5 pushes, you must Stop, to avoid traffic. (i.e. 3, 4, duck...8, You fail to do that, you will have to go back by 5! (i.e. 8, 9, 10, 6...9, Stop)

Note: You cannot double post, and you cannot push twice in a row in your team. So even if someone else has posted after you, you cannot push again until another member of your team pushes that is not in the buggy. To help you out, I ask that you count upwards and restart the number after each leg of the race! That is just to make sure I know if you mess up or not, and it'll be easier for everyone to figure out where they are at! To add, you should also note when you are going into a new leg, so when the person posts 1, they are recommended what leg of the race they are at.

BMB: At random, Tantusar, Smasher, and PrincessOfPeaches will sit in the buggies.

MCD: Oh, this is too perfect. They have to dress as a baby, right?

BMB: ...yeah, let's do that.

Smasher: Oh, I'm so going to kick you butt for this BMB and MCD.

MCD: Revenge time.

Smasher, Tantusar, and PrincessOfPeaches all change into just a diaper, a bib, and sucking on a pacifier. Everyone else begins to die laughing as they all reluctantly get into their buggies.

Tantusar: Now let's go before we lose!

BMB: On your mark, get set, go!

Everyone sprints off, heading straight for Time Square.

Who will make it to the famous square first? Will some get hit by some low hanging pipes in the sewers, and will some get runned over by a crazy taxi? Who knows what will happen, but only one team will win, and one team will be sending another home! Stayed tune what happens after the break.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Around the Time Square

>Activity challenge.

Half a mind to drop out here and now.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Around the Time Square

So... what happened to "no activity challenges"? Also, I am almost certain that you're basing this off of one of my old challenges.


Total for Action: 1
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Around the Time Square

People complained about the hot tub building challenge. Are you sure we should be doing this again?
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Around the Time Square

New Super Mario said:
People complained about the hot tub building challenge. Are you sure we should be doing this again?

Activity challenges are complete and utter bullshit. We shouldn't be doing this again at all.