Things That Fictional Characters Would NEVER Say

This entire song

It's sung by the Family Guy animated cast, so there's profanity and other such things that could be construed as inappropriate.
PeskyPlumbers64 said:
"Oh boy! I think I'll-a go abuse Luigi!" - Mario
Actually in Mario tennis when luigi wins mario steps on his foot.
Mario is my BESTEST buddy!!!! (bowser)
"I think I'll wear my hair down today." - Kagamine Len

"Pretty cure is the worst anime ever!" - Kagamine Len
"Len, I'm thinking of selling the road roller..." - Kagamine Rin
Mario: Ha, ha, we whipped the dogshit outta them!
IcicleRain said:
Shy Guy: literally anything
Except meow. And maybe wheeeheeee.