General Science Discussion Thread!

You should bold the "between 1580 and 2013" big and clear.

That's like, a 400+ year span.

Scientists investigated 115 alleged incidents of struggles between humans and sharks worldwide in 2010. They confirmed that 79 of these were unprovoked shark attacks on live humans.

79/~7,000,000,000 people.
Um, fundamentalist isn't a political belief, it's a religious one
Morty said:
Did you not read the second half of the post or did you do some cherrypicking of your own
According to the International Shark Attack File (ISAF), between 1580 and 2013 there were 2,667 confirmed unprovoked shark attacks around the world, of which 495 were fatal.

2,667, out of what, billions of people that have ever lived? There are some unreported shark attacks (like those that disappear after shipwrecks), but it won't increase the number by a lot.
that one also says "confirmed", which leaves me somewhat dubious. i'm not trying to say that shark attacks happen all the time or anything but these statistics all look skewed somehow

maybe i'm just being too cynical right now
I don't accept extremist beliefs in general, left or right.

I was referring to how a self-proclaimed "hardcore christian conservative literal-bible truther" labels "liberal" like it's awful.

Just saying.
Doctor Walter Bishop said:
Baby Luigi said:
Um, fundamentalist isn't a political belief, it's a religious one

it can refer to any aspect of far right conservatism, unless i'm wrong

No, it's definitely a religious belief. It takes the Bible literally and it's heavily focused on religion.
Hypochondriac Mario said:
I don't accept extremist beliefs in general, left or right.

I was referring to how a self-proclaimed "hardcore christian conservative literal-bible truther" labels "liberal" like it's awful.

Just saying.

i didn't notice you were referring specifically to religion, i apologize
Okey dokey.

Dr. Javelin said:
Morty said:
Did you not read the second half of the post or did you do some cherrypicking of your own
According to the International Shark Attack File (ISAF), between 1580 and 2013 there were 2,667 confirmed unprovoked shark attacks around the world, of which 495 were fatal.

2,667, out of what, billions of people that have ever lived? There are some unreported shark attacks (like those that disappear after shipwrecks), but it won't increase the number by a lot.
that one also says "confirmed", which leaves me somewhat dubious. i'm not trying to say that shark attacks happen all the time or anything but these statistics all look skewed somehow

maybe i'm just being too cynical right now


They looked skewed because you don't agree with it somehow (the media likes to inflate rare events like unprovoked shark attacks, too). Kind of how I am at disbelief to hear that more people in the U.S. support the death penalty than not. False consensus by me.
no, even statistics that i agree with can look skewed

i've basically learned not to trust any statistics because they are so easily manipulated
Learned from who or what?

It's great knowing that statistics can be manipulated, don't think that ALL of them are wrong. Books like "How to lie with statistics" does not discredit them, but it encourages to view things critically. But don't deny them.
it's just not a trustworthy source in general because there are so many variables in most statistics that you can make it say practically anything

that doesn't mean that statistics are always skewed. but they so often are that you should never, ever take a statistic at face value
Okay, do you have anything that shows that shark attacks occur much more frequently than the stats I posted?

Don't trust anything, but don't deny it either. Remember, be open, but be skeptical, but don't be cynical.
i'm not trying to prove that shark attacks happen much more frequently, because i don't believe that they do happen that often

but those statistics were just screaming "SKEWED", so i had to say something
Okay, so they're skewed.

But will you please provide evidence to disprove it?
Not "literally". That's something quite different.

Then why do you think statistics for shark attacks lie?
Most people in the United States support the death penalty because the United States has always upheld the legitimacy of the death penalty in cases of grave or extreme crimes.
Hypochondriac Mario said:
Not "literally". That's something quite different.

Then why do you think statistics for shark attacks lie?
because they want to assure people that sharks are completely harmless when they actually aren't completely harmless? idk
Dr. Javelin said:
because they want to assure people that sharks are completely harmless when they actually aren't completely harmless? idk

Most sharks aren't even your big threatening white-tip reef, great white, or bull shark to begin with.
We get it sharks don't kill very often people. I wonder why not. After the movie Jaws came out in 1975 people were afraid for two years to go in the water. Go figure.
Dr. Javelin said:
Hypochondriac Mario said:
Not "literally". That's something quite different.

Then why do you think statistics for shark attacks lie?
because they want to assure people that sharks are completely harmless when they actually aren't completely harmless? idk

Them cumulonimbus clouds are more dangerous.