General Science Discussion Thread!

Wow our education system must be failing.
Many kids in my school didn't know that Sun is the center of the solar system.

So I'm doing a presentation for all of the students with my friends because I found out that 1/4 of American didn't know that Sun is center of our solar system like the user 6 posts above said
ernesth100 said:
Spiders are poisonous.

Only a TINY fraction of spiders are poisonous.
Did you know that the world's largest spider has a legspan of no more than 12 inches and in repose will generally only fit in an adult human male's hand?
ernesth100 said:
Wow our education system must be failing.
It's not helping that some people advocate for the teaching of intelligent design as an alternative to evolution in our schools. </political commentary>
Baby Luigi said:
Did you know that the world's largest spider has a legspan of no more than 12 inches and in repose will generally only fit in an adult human male's hand?
a 12-inch spider is bigger than you think
It's still small compared to some giant spider photos I've seen

Speaking of spider photos, I always feel this big chill in my spine whenever I see a spider photo
The biggest I get are cellar spiders and I really hate those. I can kill them easily, thankfully, but when I was younger, I couldn't be convinced to kill them.
My grandparents' home keeps freaking me off. Cockroaches. Huuuge, American ones. My grandmother is like, a "One Hit one Kill" kind of person against them.
Sometimes when I see roaches I like to pretend I'm Godzilla and stomp on them, flick them away, or blow them away pretending I have atomic breath. Its funny.

Also is it true that snakes never stop shedding and growing?
Dr. Murder said:
My grandparents' home keeps freaking me off. Cockroaches. Huuuge, American ones. My grandmother is like, a "One Hit one Kill" kind of person against them.

Oh dear mother of god I hate cockroaches. Ewwww.

ernesth100 said:
Also is it true that snakes never stop shedding and growing?

I think it is. It's like us shedding our skin or hair

I love snakes too :)
I've heard of boa constrictors