Your favourite examples of Rare Sentences on the wiki?

Mario's Time Machine said:
However, if they meet the two objective conditions, the time machine overloads, self-destructs and sends Bowser to the Cretaceous period where he gets stepped-on by a Tyrannosaurus Rex (humorously, right beforehand when he notices it, his eyes shrink with realization to what will happen to him and meekly opens an umbrella in the hopes it would protect him), and a raptor then grabbing his squished remains and throwing them like a Frisbee.

Oh fuc.
That's like BJAODN worthy
Billie Holiday said:
Mario's Time Machine said:
However, if they meet the two objective conditions, the time machine overloads, self-destructs and sends Bowser to the Cretaceous period where he gets stepped-on by a Tyrannosaurus Rex (humorously, right beforehand when he notices it, his eyes shrink with realization to what will happen to him and meekly opens an umbrella in the hopes it would protect him), and a raptor then grabbing his squished remains and throwing them like a Frisbee.

Oh fuc.
The writing could use some work, but that is literally what happens, including the part about a raptor grabbing a pancaked Bowser and flinging him into the distance.
[quote author=Yoshi 2018]It is being developed by Good-Feel, the developer behind the Wii U title Yoshi's Woolly World. As such, the game will feature similar elements from that game, having a hand-crafted look and Yoshi as a playable character.[/quote]

Like, this is supposed to be a Yoshi game?
A majority of the time, the crown never leaves her head, aside from a few occasions, no matter how violently or quickly Peach moves around.
from cycling:
Wario's opponent is none other than Sonic the Hedgehog's friend, the super-strong, spiky-handed, tight knuckled echidna, Knuckles the Echidna.

Dr. Eggman's opponent is Luigi's sneaky doppelganger, the infamous jewel thief himself, Waluigi.
I swear, it's the same person behind the "Luigi having a good time" and

Dr. Eggman must finish the race in the totally awesome position of second!

that used to be part of Single Sculls
A comparison that made me laugh more than it should have:

Goodstyle's face is similar to the face of Julius Pringles, the mascot of the Pringles brand of chip.
any players who are still alive perform their victory animations from within the box
Sorry for the double post, but I just found another

whoever has 10 balls sticking out of the circle first will lose
J-Yoshi64 said:
LeftyGreenMario said:
any players who are still alive perform their victory animations from within the box
LeftyGreenMario said:
whoever has 10 balls sticking out of the circle first will lose
Is it sad that I knew exactly which pages these are on?

It's sadder that I do now know where the first one is from (the second one is from a Mario Party 7 minigame Stick and Spin, if I recall correctly). At least you know where those are from.

Thank you for reading.