Mario pictures

They did drew Baby Mario wrong in that fan art and it irks me.

Fun fact, I put this over 1-3 before initiating that segment, and the cutscene played perfectly fine since Mario fell and respawned during the chapter intro fanfare. The red palm tree still works too, jumping around I accidentally triggered the door appearing, which was just a sound effect and nothing else, not even an invisible door. Since I think that was part of the original map and not external whatever. I really wish the file type these maps use was more documented.
Aw, but he'll look really cute administering a shot for you!
Eh, it's nothing. I've checked in 3DS Max and Maya, it's just a shaded, featureless region.
Thats a pretty good Dry Bowser.

Still miffed he wasn't in the actual game as an alt pallet.
and about time too?