Mario pictures

Mario and Luigi are allergic to posing for artwork and it makes them sneeze, so they have to hold their finger up to their nose so they don't sneeze and ruin the model. The voice clip of Luigi from Mario Party 7 where he says, "A-CHOO! Oh, sorry" comes from one of these posing sessions.
I reckon Mario's "AAACHOO!! 'scuse me!" from Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour is also from that?

Lakitu rubs his nose a lot in Mario Kart, I wonder if he caught it from them.
Princess Zelda said:
Thanks for the reminder to talk about the MP8 session I had yesterday. That sprite was featured in it. I'll do so in another thread.

BBQ Turtle said:
I think there's a cold going around.
And I'm recovering from a cold IRL. Oops, I guess those characters caught it from me...
To me, that looks like a pointy-nosed Baby Mario and Baby Luigi. They even don't wear gloves and those proportions look like it.
those mgoombas have intense bump maps, i love this kind of little detail like textures thatve been appearing in the artworks recently.
this specific texture seems to only be on micro goombas too. normal ones are smooth.
even reminded me of cells from spore, if you put their textures onto a creature you can see theyre ptetty bumpy too

p.s doggo in hat
Mashabely said:
those mgoombas have intense bump maps, i love this kind of little detail like textures thatve been appearing in the artworks recently.
this specific texture seems to only be on micro goombas too. normal ones are smooth.
even reminded me of cells from spore, if you put their textures onto a creature you can see theyre ptetty bumpy too

p.s doggo in hat
yeah you're right. not sure why they'd have rough concrete for textures, though, for a lack of a better word

it's not even cells, I think some creature paint jobs look like this too

This would probably be funnier with the aviator hat.
Did they tie up Rabbid Peach on purpose?

I mean I would do that for fun.

This is a heist in the works and Baby Luigi is there and he's actually leading it and wtf