Mario pictures

No guts no brain, no spine, just a bunch of femurs linked together. What the hell did Mario and Luigi do to screw up Bowser THIS badly?
Mewta said:
Someone got their hands on a Bowser's Inside Story ad ... from a bus stop, it's very pretty.

It looks as though Bowser swallowed a bone and Mario and Luigi are hanging to it. I won't be surprised that Bowser swallows bones when he consumes meat.

Thank you for reading.
Poor poor H. Queen feels more left out than ever.
Peach is such in a terrible position in that screenshot. I want to see her make it out unscathed.

Also, needs more Baby Princesses
When I saw something in the Upload Log in MarioWiki, I noticed that Alex95 uploaded this image

which the other version is this (uploaded by NES Boy)

which are similar.

But hold on... before some user say that it's a duplicate image (or the latter one is a higher res), these two artworks are slightly different. His right bicep.
Peter said:
these two artworks are slightly different. His right bicep.
he didn't work out hard enough in the first image so after he got more buff he retook it
It looks like they rendered the next image with tweaked rendering settings. It's not just his right bicep where you can spot the difference.
Alex95 - Yesterday at 5:59 PM
So I found an official transparency version of this image of Funky Kong

Alex95 - Yesterday at 6:00 PM
Problem is, it is way smaller.

2257 - Yesterday at 6:00 PM
its also not the same image

Alex95 - Yesterday at 6:00 PM

2257 - Yesterday at 6:00 PM
look at his right arm

UltraMario - Yesterday at 6:01 PM

Alex95 - Yesterday at 6:01 PM
So have both?

UltraMario - Yesterday at 6:03 PM

Good thing I double-checked with people because I didn't catch that at first.

Can't believe it's taken me this long to figure out how to extract Brawl screenshots from my SD Card.
bin2jpg is a wonderful little tool, ain't it?
Well yeah but that requires emulation, something not everyone wants to go through the trouble of doing nor has the proper components to run it.
Ash Ketchum said:

Can't believe it's taken me this long to figure out how to extract Brawl screenshots from my SD Card.

"And this is-a mah bro, Mario!
-Shut the hell up Luigi!"
Mewta said:
And some people say Waluigi has no talent.

To be absolutely fair, all characters can do this.