Look at it! Look at it! LOOK AT IT!

Marie the best squid★ said:
I can picture Wario shoulder tackling space pirates and getting devoured by Omega Metroids now.
I think you mean completely decimating the Omega Metroids, because Wario is too good.
I still have yet to find a convincing explanation for that animation.
Trunks Mario said:
I still have yet to find a convincing explanation for that animation.
It was the early Gamecube era.
CG cutscenes were a process at that point.
Time Turner said:
ThatGuy62 said:
Trunks Mario said:
I still have yet to find a convincing explanation for that animation.
It was the early Gamecube era.
CG cutscenes were a process at that point.
Luigi's Mansion looked fine.
Luigi's Mansion wasn't CG (or at least, not nearly at the level that that intro is at).
Also, for all we know, Hudson made that intro and not Nintendo EAD/whoever made LM.
Trunks Mario said:
I still have yet to find a convincing explanation for that animation.

Mario Party loves cutting corners.

Time Turner said:
Luigi's Mansion looked fine.

They could have done a lot better with the CGI but I would like to point out Luigi's Mansion was a tech demo turned whole game, even by the end of that system's life it was still one of the most detailed games on the system.
Supporting that, Mario's model is higher resolution (more polys, bigger texture) than the other Mario's we'll be getting.

Still, Mario Party 4's cutscene was much worse than I remembered it. :/ Time is so cruel.
Trunks Mario said:
Supporting that, Mario's model is higher resolution (more polys, bigger texture) than the other Mario's we'll be getting.

Still, Mario Party 4's cutscene was much worse than I remembered it. :/ Time is so cruel.
Mainly that, yeah. With N64 we had totally different cutscenes so this was really one of the first attempts. And sadly it didn't age well.
I know it's cheating a bit to show what is probably a fan made thing since this is mostly for official things and bootlegs but I just had to show this to everyone.

Mcmadness said:
I know it's cheating a bit to show what is probably a fan made thing since this is mostly for official things and bootlegs but I just had to show this to everyone.

Thank you for the nightmare fuel. I was sleeping much too soundly.
Well it IS October
Good point.
Still pretty freaky though.

Note this is the best image I could really get for this mistake, but still... look at it.
Looks badass for a bootleg. Emphasis.
Ohhh, so it's a microgame prototype then? I wonder what Wario did to the last 13 or so Super Marios.
Magikrazy said:
I'm sorry

what the actual *bleep* is this animation

The way the camera zooms into the characters while they grunt makes the earlier scene dramatic yet not-so-serious, which makes this all the funnier.

I wonder why Toad is doing the air quotes when he's talking about the Party Cube. That was weird.

Thank you for reading.
Is he making a euphemism for something? :shifty: