post any random Mario thought on your mind

Why aren't Baby Luigi's shoes Dark Blue?
Why are Baby Mario's shoes light blue (not even the same shade as his overalls) and not red?
Sooooo i finally did it!

I have managed to beat ACE Rosalina concecutively as Peach.

Peach's ball control is very useful indeed.

Also i have discovered that ACE Rosalina has a vulnerable spot that can be slightly abused ; Apparently she hates reciving Lobs , because EVERYTIME she recives them and you position yourself correctly near to to the center and close to the net , she will ALWAYS charge and spike (Jump shot) and at that very moment , since you are positioned well , you can hit back to the opossite side and score.

This means that if ACE Rosalina recives a lob in the left side of the court , she will always charge and hit to the center (if you are positioned correctly) and you can hit the ball to the right as she is on the left , and since Rosalina is slow she will always miss the ball.


Took me a while to notice, this seems to work against her only , as Bowser for example does not fall for this.
Ninelevendo said:
Why aren't Baby Luigi's shoes Dark Blue?

i think they decided to go with dark green because they match baby luigi's colors quite nicely


LeftyGreenMario said:
Why are Baby Mario's shoes light blue (not even the same shade as his overalls) and not red?

i don't know why he has light blue shoes to be completely honest. i'm pretty used to him wearing light blue shoes so i don't take issue with it, but the color choice makes less sense than baby luigi's tbh. maybe because light blue is a more babyish color than red, and when they had to design baby luigi for mario kart double dash, they decided "nah more green looks better on baby luigi".

Swiftie_Luma said:
Sooooo i finally did it!

I have managed to beat ACE Rosalina concecutively as Peach.

Peach's ball control is very useful indeed.

Also i have discovered that ACE Rosalina has a vulnerable spot that can be slightly abused ; Apparently she hates reciving Lobs , because EVERYTIME she recives them and you position yourself correctly near to to the center and close to the net , she will ALWAYS charge and spike (Jump shot) and at that very moment , since you are positioned well , you can hit back to the opossite side and score.

This means that if ACE Rosalina recives a lob in the left side of the court , she will always charge and hit to the center (if you are positioned correctly) and you can hit the ball to the right as she is on the left , and since Rosalina is slow she will always miss the ball.


Took me a while to notice, this seems to work against her only , as Bowser for example does not fall for this.

that's exactly what i was trying to tell you. use yellow chance shots, then when they try slicing it on the other direction, smash it immediately on the opposite side. it doesn't work with all characters, as some cpus have different net placements but it's a general strategy to use against ace computers.

sorry if i worded it badly but what you described is how i deal with boo, bowser, and dry bowser as baby mario.
Oh , actually Yellow chance shots are pretty useless tbh

Yes they are lobs , but that's not what i meant.

I was actually refering to press A+B without the chance mark , which results in a normal lob.

That's what ACE Rosalina has difficulties with , as she hits quite nicely the Chance Lobs .

Also , if she serves is even easier to use this as , when one is serving , you are on one corner and the other character is in the opposite one.

Once Rosalina serves , and you are going to recive instead of hitting normal , hit with a lob in directioned to the front (in this case the front of your character would be the same as Rosalina's opposite corner)

So as she approaches to hit and spike , you need to go close to the net and position correctly.

NOT ON THE CENTER right away , stay close to the center but a little bit in fron of her ... This is because i noticed that i you position yourself before she even prepares , the CPU automatically aims for the OPPOSITE side and scores as result.

So you need to ''confuse'' them so they hit right at you , and then you hit the ball to the other side , resulting in a score.

Also , the most hilarious thing happened cuz of this

She was close to the net , and i hit with a lob and she tried hitting it but she missed and was swinging to the air , but since the ball had 2 star marks (this means the ball was bouncing 2 times which means you have 2 possible positions to hit the ball as it lands) she kept swinging like 4 times to the air.

I dont know if that even makes sense to any of you , but it was really funny.
lol the latest Japan badge arcade update rules


It sucks knowing that those badges are only available in Japan right now. The US always seems to have to wait its turn. Ironically, the US started getting 7th generation Pokemon badges before all of the first six generations were fully covered.
Of course the moon would have Wario's features on it.

I also wonder why US didn't get it first, seeing that it has a huge Link base.
Do you ever wonder what kind of Pokemon Trainer each Mario franchise character would be. I've had some thoughts lately...

Mario = Fire-type trainer
Luigi = Electric-type trainer
Peach = Normal-type trainer
Daisy = Grass-type trainer
Rosalina = Fairy-type trainer
Wario = Fighting-type trainer
Waluigi = Dark-type trainer
Bowser = Dragon-type trainer

Of course, Bowser would receive a human-like appearance if he was a Pokemon Trainer.
Rusty Bucket Bay said:
I think DK would be a fighting type trainer.

The reason why I depicted Wario to be a Fighting-type trainer is due to the fact that he's a bulky person, and is known for his herculean strength. Also, most Fighting-type Pokemon strongly excel with physical attacks.

Mario being a Fire-type trainer would be pretty obvious, since he's often known for being affiliated with fire.

Luigi being an Electric-type trainer would basically reference how his Mega Strike is affiliated with electricity in Mario Strikers Charged.

Daisy being a Grass-type trainer is pretty obvious when you consider that daisies are a type of plant.

Rosalina being a Fairy-type trainer would reference how the Lumas are like fairies. And Rosalina is the protector of the cosmos, much like with how the Alola Guardian Deities protect the Alola region; all the Guardian Deities are part Fairy-type.

Waluigi being a Dark-type trainer basically references how he's a sinister and sneaky person. And Dark-type attacks are known for being on the sneaky side, such as with Foul Play using the target's attack stat to calculate damage.

Bowser being a Dragon-type trainer is basically referencing how Bowser is a mutant turtle with dragon-like attributes.

Peach being a Normal-type trainer doesn't exactly reference much, but there are a couple of Normal-type Pokemon who are colored pink (such as Jigglypuff and Blissey), which is Peach's signature color.
Wario should be poison IMO.
Bowser being human is eh but if that were the case he'd be a human in a Bowser suit.
So like those hapless victims running around stealing stars from others in Bowser's Warped Orbit?
Re: Uhhh.... okay

Well if that's the case...

Daisy Is awesome she.. pretty much the example of those who are not afraid to show their sporty side ya know? :daisy:
That includes Mario bursting into tears when he gets a Double Bogey and Wario getting zapped by lightning.
I hope that we get a Mario Golf Switch with post-hole animations in all of their glory.

Seriously though where was Mario Golf U.
How would people feel if there's a crossover game that involves Wario and Shantae? Wario and Captain Syrup end up at Shantae's homeworld, with Wario (reluctantly) teaming up with Shantae, while Captain Syrup ends up working with Risky Boots.

I haven't played any of the Shantae games, but the art styles do seem to have a few similarities to that of the Wario Land: Shake It! artwork.
At this point, I think any actual Wario Land game would work for these people.
I'd like a game where I beat up Syrup as Wario to get the coin sack back.
And Mario steals it.
Which sets off the plot of super mario land 4
Ninelevendo said:
Seriously though where was Mario Golf U.

It's just the Wii U being..... well the Wii U

suckage, pretty much.