Mario Sports Superstars

Here's an idea.

How about NOT buying the game instead of complaining to no end about a game you have never played.

Believe me when i say , this is one of those cases where actions speak louder than words.

Not buying the game equals not giving money to Nintendo , and that's what would hurt them the most instead of talking negatively about it to no end.

PS: Just like Baby Luigi , i also did not buy it myself :3 So yay for me on that note.
Bowser's horse should have a spiked collar around it's neck.
I'm mixed on having Bowser ride a horse with a flower on it. I mean, I genuinely want Mario to ride on a feminine-looking horse, not ironically. I think they'll look cute that aaaahhhh. So I'm hoping that females and males aren't determined (because so far, Peach is riding a horse with a flower on it) and we can customize our horse however we please.

I'm also wondering if other games have customization as well since this feature (which I hope won't be very shallow) seems to make horse-racing more in-depth than the other games.
This is the IMDb page for this game.

Who the hell keeps doing this?


There's 99.9% this is wrong , like the rest of the other games.

I hate that website. Unrealiable to no end.
It would be cool if they created the page y'know, when the game is actually released.
Swiftie_Luma said:
Here's an idea.

How about NOT buying the game instead of complaining to no end about a game you have never played.

Believe me when i say , this is one of those cases where actions speak louder than words.

Not buying the game equals not giving money to Nintendo , and that's what would hurt them the most instead of talking negatively about it to no end.

PS: Just like Baby Luigi , i also did not buy it myself :3 So yay for me on that note.
Either ways, Ultra Smash is a pure definition of what Miyamoto means by "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad". Y'know what Miyamoto means by that statement?

It refers to what some modern games have problems with like say Street Fighter V. That game didn't provide good single player content, but Capcom (or should I say Crapcom since they refuse to improve themselves) provided an update to make the game a little bit better (The Shadow Falls update). Ultra Smash is kinda like Street Fighter V in that it didn't have much at launch, but unlike Street Fighter V, it didn't get any form of improvement whatsoever. It still remains unfinished. Both are kinda polished in their core gameplay, yes but they fail to deliver what their predecessors had. Both were rushed in an unfinished state. That's my best analogy that I could ever come up with. It is very ridiculous especially from a Nintendo title, since you expect a lot of effort from them. It just doesn't leave a very good impression on people. This is exactly the case with Ultra Smash and Street Fighter V. I have played Street Fighter V with some friends at school and I had some fun but I'd play SF4, SF3 or any of the previous Street Fighter games over it. It at least plays well. End of Story.

I wouldn't play Ultra Smash because of the bad impression both it and Nintendo left on me and many other people.

By the looks of it, Mario Sports Superstars is going to have a better tennis. It will be amazing.
Maria Renard said:
words words words words and more words

Look, can you please stop it with the """"rebuttals"""" and pointless comparisons until you come back and actually played the game? Because, to be extremely frank with you, you look like a sputtering fool at this point.
Baby Luigi said:
Maria Renard said:
words words words words and more words

Look, can you please stop it with the """"rebuttals"""" and pointless comparisons until you come back and actually played the game? Because, to be extremely frank with you, you look like a sputtering fool at this point.

I only watched gameplay footage of the game. And do you understand Shigeru Miyamoto, the creator of this entire FRANCHISE, for crying out loud?
I don't see how quoting Shigeru Miyamoto changes the fact that you're judging a game you've never even played.
Well , Miyamoto was not really the creator of Mario Tennis games , as a first point.

Camelot has always been responsible for it ever since 64.

Second , i couldn't care any less about what Miyamoto ''thinks'' in this case because just because he has a vision it does not mean it has to affect what i do like and what i don't.

You are basically saying ''Oh he said it's bad , so i will say it too''

Please don't. You need to stop having that mentality , is so hive like. Construct your own judgement based on your own experiences , not on someone else's-

Ultra Smash , like i said , lacks content. However , i believe it's enjoyable to a certain degree , and i do enjoy it to a certain degree.

One of the good things about life is dig into the ''bad'' to find the ''good'' and focus on that. This is one of those times.
I want Bowser to ride a pretty horse!
I want Baby Luigi on a foal.

I can't wait for new Baby Luigi artwork on a foal. Seriously.
LeftyGreenMario said:
I'm mixed on having Bowser ride a horse with a flower on it. I mean, I genuinely want Mario to ride on a feminine-looking horse, not ironically. I think they'll look cute that aaaahhhh. So I'm hoping that females and males aren't determined (because so far, Peach is riding a horse with a flower on it) and we can customize our horse however we please.

I'm also wondering if other games have customization as well since this feature (which I hope won't be very shallow) seems to make horse-racing more in-depth than the other games.

It probably won't be too indepth but at the same time probably not too shallow either.

Also Bowser's horse must have angry eyebrows.
I'm not expecting super depth, but I'm curious to the extent what the horse customization is. Because if Mario's seriously restricted to a "basic" "masculine" horse, I'll be pretty sad.
I just wonder where the decision to put in horse racing came from? Was that the original idea but were worried it wouldn't go over well so they put it in this sports compilation to gauge fan interest?
Mcmadness said:
I just wonder where the decision to put in horse racing came from? Was that the original idea but were worried it wouldn't go over well so they put it in this sports compilation to gauge fan interest?

I have no clue. Maybe they had the idea of putting in all sports in one game, but they decided they wanted to add more sports. They then think, maybe they should do a new sport that hasn't been done before and thus Horse Racing came to mind. I also wouldn't be surprised if Mario & Sonic was inspiration as well.
It seems to be the inspiration for the Soccer portion at least as it's clearly not based on strikers
This game makes me worried that it'll be a precedent for future Strikers games. Such as Kritters being replaced with lame ass Boom Booms.
I like boom booms :(
Tuxedo Ridley said:
I don't see how quoting Shigeru Miyamoto changes the fact that you're judging a game you've never even played.
I am judging it by my bad impressions and what I have seen of the game. Since that game left a bad impression on me with only a few positive things. It's fully functional, obviously. It's also plays nice and not full of glitches like Sonic 06 or Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing (which isn't even a game), duh.

I was also using Street Fighter V as an example of what Miyamoto means by that statement. He did also expand that rushed games will have some problems when compared to a fully complete game that is feature complete and fully has everything covered. As was the case with Street Fighter V. Ultra Smash also does have a very similar situation to that game as part of my analogical example in that it lacks severely in content but does have some good things though. Both games show numerous signs of being rushed. Both were criticized. Only one of them was slightly improved but not by that much and that was Street Fighter V. Nintendo on the other hand refused to do anything to improve the situation. Furthermore, Miyamoto has experience and he knows what he is talking about, he knows how to make a great game. He is a game developer after all. He knows how you should make a game and how you should not make a game. So what I was saying was a cold hard fact.

Swiftie_Luma said:
Well , Miyamoto was not really the creator of Mario Tennis games , as a first point.

Camelot has always been responsible for it ever since 64.

Second , i couldn't care any less about what Miyamoto ''thinks'' in this case because just because he has a vision it does not mean it has to affect what i do like and what i don't.

You are basically saying ''Oh he said it's bad , so i will say it too''

Please don't. You need to stop having that mentality , is so hive like. Construct your own judgement based on your own experiences , not on someone else's-

Ultra Smash , like i said , lacks content. However , i believe it's enjoyable to a certain degree , and i do enjoy it to a certain degree.

One of the good things about life is dig into the ''bad'' to find the ''good'' and focus on that. This is one of those times.

I know, I know he didn't create this spin-off series. I was talking about the entire Mario franchise.

I am not certainly saying ''Oh he said it's bad , so i will say it too'', what I mean is that Miyamoto has experience in game development. He is like a legend.

He knows how to make a game and how not to make a game. Rushing a game out is how you should not make a game. So, what he meant by that statement does have a bit of truth. Go and ask anyone who knows how to develop a game and they'll tell you the same thing. Nintendo didn't even follow that for Ultra Smash. Nor did Capcom with Street Fighter V. In fact one of the developers of Street Fighter V admitted that they did rush the game out. So Capcom tried to fix it a bit. Nintendo didn't try to fix Ultra Smash. Rushing games is always a bad idea. This is a cold hard fact. This is what Miyamoto means by "A rushed game is forever bad". If you rush a game, then you run into some problems. Cold hard facts come first, then opinions.

The fact that they chose to rush the game just amplifies my ire to the point that it leaves a bad impression on mind. When you take the cold hard facts into consideration, then Ultra Smash does become a not very good game. This is where it becomes the weakest in the series. That's my main point. The negatives outweigh the positives about this game.

Plus the reviewers who reviewed Ultra Smash do have game development experience. They know exactly what they're talking about.

Phew, this is the longest post I've ever made in my life. I'll end the Ultra Smash discussion right here.

This is the best I could do despite my somewhat limited communication skills.

Anyways on a good note. Mario Sports Superstars will be a well developed product with some effort put into it. You are getting more than one game so that's definitely a plus.
Mcmadness said:
I like boom booms :(
If you're a wiki editor, you'll find little reason to like these repulsive identity-confused bumbling abominations.
Well I can safely say I'm not a wiki editor.

But I still like boom booms!
"Unique" is a weird word in this franchise.