Poll Talk

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I voted for the compilation-based ones, because they tend to provide a lot of value in a single game, so for example, Super Mario All-Stars is likely seen as a great deal because it includes four great games, and even included Super Mario World in some releases making it better. If New Super Mario Bros could get a compilation with all four (five if you include New Super Luigi U) games that would be much better.

Thank you for reading.
If they added virtually all of their legacy consoles to the Subscription service (NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, GB/GBC, GBA), then I wouldn't really have a problem with it as long as there was enough of a selection for each platform. Otherwise, just go back to Virtual Console and include all those consoles.
I still think never owning them is a step down from what the VC was though. Not only does it mean should you fall into financial hardship and have to cancel, you don't have your games anymore, but it also means that you'll lose the games when the service eventually goes defunct. That's why I'll never support ditching the ability to buy games in favor of renting them.
I actually don't care what Nintendo does. As long as they are good games, they will be fine. Wait. Thanks not an option is it? Well, I just say it here then.
Even though I prefer to own my games physically, some games are becoming increasingly harder and harder to find out in the wild. I think legacy game preservation tactics like Virtual Console, XBLA and the PlayStation Store should be a staple of every modern video game console to prevent these games from being lost to the sands of time like that one Scott Pilgrim game that's no longer obtainable.
there's also you know, burying your treasure with an x, sailing the seas to plunder rival buccaneers, and having a jolly roger flag as your insignia
Do you play games on Nintendo systems other than Mario?
-No, the only games I play on Nintendo systems are Mario games.
-I mostly play Mario, but I also sometimes play other games on Nintendo systems.
-I usually divide my time about equally between Mario and other games on Nintendo systems.
-I mainly play games other than Mario on Nintendo systems, but I sometimes play Mario games.
-I play games on Nintendo systems, but I don’t play Mario games.
-I don’t play any games on Nintendo systems.

Years ago I would have chosen option 1, but I've started playing a lot more non-Mario lately, aside from Odyssey. I'd say I'm at option 4 currently.
For the last poll, I prefer something physical so I went with compilations. As for this poll, I like to think I divide my time equally between Mario and other franchises, but I think I might lean more towards non-Mario titles.
I usually divide my time about equally between Mario and other games on Nintendo systems.

Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Metroid, Kid Icarus, Fire Emblem, Kirby, Xenoblade, Star Fox, F-Zero, etc. etc. etc.
99% Mario. Smash Bros. included in that. The other 1% is probably mostly made up of SpongeBob games and other cartoon/movie adaptations I'd beg for as a kid. But it also includes a couple Kirby and Pokemon games. I'm not regularly playing any of those right now though.
Mostly Mario (including Yoshi and Donkey Kong Countrys). But Legend of Zelda, Sonic, and lots of small series of games (like Wii Sports) too.
I think I'm somewhere in between option 3 and 4...

But it's hard to say that when almost every game I currently play are Mario games. I got other games, and a lot of them, but I think it's pretty weirdly divided if y'ask me.
Mario is not only what I only play, since I enjoy other stuff like puzzle games and indie games too (or both). Certainly Mario is great fun, but he's not the only franchise I support.

Thank you for reading.
I spend most of my gaming time in Nintendo systems in Smash, not sure if that counts as "Mario" or anything.
Mario is my favorite video game franchise of all time, but at the same time I also really love Nintendo's other franchises.

Super Mario Party is aiming to feature elements from previous Mario Party games. Which style of game board would you most like to see return?
- The standard board where the Star Space changes after someone buys a Star
- Boards where the Star Space is always in the same spot
- Boards where the main mechanic is stealing other player's Stars (i.e. Snowflake Lake, Pyramid Park)
- Boards where there are multiple Star Spaces but only one actually gives you the Star (i.e. Kamek's Library, Neon Heights)
- Boards where there's investment involved (i.e. Windmillville, Koopa's Tycoon Town)
- Boards similar to the boards in Mario Party 9 and 10 (all players using one vehicle to move and getting Mini Stars instead of Stars)
- The type of board/mechanic I want to see return isn't listed here
I've never really played an original Mario Party, so the one I'm looking forward to is the original one where the Star Space moves after one is purchased.
Literally no opinion.

I would like to see everything return. Either that, or something new.

I always liked investment, but it was easy to love stars there too because other people have more coins.

I also liked stealing stars, but it's pretty frustrating.

Changing the Star Space is cool, but... what if the star is right in front of someone?

And when the star is on one space, well, that just means you have to repeat the whole board to get another one.

It's a mixed bag.
I appreciate that the main board type "race to the Star" returned, since it's why Mario Party is appealing in the first place, but I hope that there is a board where everybody moves together or at least a 2v2 where both players travel at the same time, because I think it's not a bad game mechanic and can be a nice change of pace (they just make mini games more frequent). Actually if possible I would like to see multiple board themes in every setting, so for example Pagoda Peak has: Standard, "Star or no Star" (like Mario's Rainbow Castle), and "group travel".

In my unpopular opinion, the board mechanic with swapping hosts (like in Mario's Rainbow Castle and Castaway Bay) is infinitely worse than the group travel mechanic.

Thank you for reading.
My only problem with the classic gameplay is the slow-paced gameplay, making it incredibly boring unless you actually had a full party of 4 players. The car gameplay fixed that, but added its share of new problems, like reliance on luck and infrequent minigames.

Also, if there's going to be cooperative boss fights like MP9, MP10, and Star Rush had, at least make them NOT lousy for once. Make it possible for the boss to win.
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