Poll Talk

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Probably the only thing I would say that I still like about "Bowsette" is that the artist that came up with it is from Malaysia, but other than that, it was unfortunate that the fan character took a wrong turn in the idea, since the original is basically Peach, but basically shifted into a different character. It's kind of amusing that a cosplay convention is organised so I think people just like lady versions of Mario enemies/species, especially one in regards to Bowser.

The others variations are kind of neat, but I didn't like that it's usually how the species is portrayed as a version of Peach or a standard human female: slender and curvy (faces are more creative though). This may have been a rather old idea since there were artists who imagined the Mario enemies getting this treatment (a type of Mushroom rather than the Crown), but the Super Crown basically legitimise these types of transformation.

I guess the Peachette is meant to make the game easier (though I think it's not that difficult compared to NSMB Wii), although it was unfortunate that they have to use Toadette to represent the playable Peach since I feel a newer New Super Mario Bros. is better for this outlet. Even if they did this as a patch to justify the Deluxe variation, I think it is such a missed opportunity to not put New Super Mario Bros. Wii together in the U package, because despite being overwhelmingly best-selling, that's a game that not only benefits from beginner characters (Nabbit/Peachette) due to the difficulty, it also benefits from the option to use a button-only control scheme.

Thank you for reading.
winstein said:
Probably the only thing I would say that I still like about "Bowsette" is that the artist that came up with it is from Malaysia, but other than that, it was unfortunate that the fan character took a wrong turn in the idea, since the original is basically Peach, but basically shifted into a different character. It's kind of amusing that a cosplay convention is organised so I think people just like lady versions of Mario enemies/species, especially one in regards to Bowser.

The others variations are kind of neat, but I didn't like that it's usually how the species is portrayed as a version of Peach or a standard human female: slender and curvy (faces are more creative though). This may have been a rather old idea since there were artists who imagined the Mario enemies getting this treatment (a type of Mushroom rather than the Crown), but the Super Crown basically legitimise these types of transformation.

I guess the Peachette is meant to make the game easier (though I think it's not that difficult compared to NSMB Wii), although it was unfortunate that they have to use Toadette to represent the playable Peach since I feel a newer New Super Mario Bros. is better for this outlet. Even if they did this as a patch to justify the Deluxe variation, I think it is such a missed opportunity to not put New Super Mario Bros. Wii together in the U package, because despite being overwhelmingly best-selling, that's a game that not only benefits from beginner characters (Nabbit/Peachette) due to the difficulty, it also benefits from the option to use a button-only control scheme.

Thank you for reading.
Sorry, I'm on mobile so I won't bother trimming this quote. But I just wanted to let you know that NSMBU also offered a button-only control scheme, and a better one at that. NSMBW forced you to use the analog stick on the Nunchuck to move to play without motion controls, which isn't ideal for 2D platformers. NSMBU, on the other hand, allowed you to use the GamePad or Pro Controller to use button-only controls, both of which allowed for use of the D-Pad. Just thought I should point that out.

Not to mention that the Joy-Con have shoulder triggers however you hold it, so the Switch port will probably allow for button-only controls.
I kind of like Bowsette, but it was certainly overdone and oversexualized. Imo the best way it could have gone was for the original comic to happen followed by art of a reasonably-dressed and realistically proportioned Bowsette such as this one, with the amount of art still being a lot but not quite as much as what actually happened. However, what actually happened doesn't bother me much, especially because it was not at all a surprising course of action for the internet to take.

As for the other Super Crown-ed characters, I'm relatively indifferent to them, but the same principles apply to them.
The first one made me chuckle, but on the whole I'm indifferent about it.
I have to go with the first option for this poll. While much of the Super Crown art out there isn’t really for me, I don’t find that bothersome enough to outweigh the interesting art that is out there. I liked the original piece, and I’ve enjoyed seeing some other creative takes like Mad Pianette, or at least that particular one with the Super Crowned Mad Piano sitting patiently in a corner and grasping a red coin. Some art of King Booette (with the Luigi’s Mansion design!) taunting and scaring Luigi also comes to mind. Long story short, I like that some artists have taken the meme as an opportunity to focus on the characters they choose to depict with the Super Crown and do something unique and memorable with them.
You're a mean one, Mister Grinch ~

What is your opinion on potential leaks of upcoming Mario information?
*I like all leaks and enjoy discussing the authenticity of recent ones.
*I like authentic leaks which provide information before intentional reveals by official sources.
*I like leaks, but dislike false leaks that are trying to spread misinformation.
*I only like fake leaks, as they let people get creative but don't spoil any information.
*I don't pay attention to leaks, but like new information when revealed as intended by an official source.
*I dislike all leaks, and try to avoid them as much as possible.
99% of leaks are fake anyway, and besides, it doesn't matter in the long run, the game is going to get released, the information will get revealed regardless if leaks are true or not. Just wait and occupy yourself with something and bam, the game's out.
Going with option one. I love the discussion any leak spawns, no matter the authenticity of the source.
I don't really pay much attention to them. Even if the final roster for Smash was revealed in that leak (for example), I much prefer waiting for the official say on the matter. Until then, the validity of any leak is up in the air.
Pretty much what Baby Luigi said. I treat all leaks as fake, and if the game release and they're right, then it doesn't really bother me.
Leaks are fun just for the possibilities, but other than that, the fact that they are not guaranteed is usually a waste of time, especially if its veracity is false. Pokemon is one franchise where leaks are exciting, since any true fact could mean a lot. As an example, the Fairy-type was leaked before E3, though the example of Pokemon given wasn't in the trailer (the leak mentioned Clefairy line and Togepi line, but the E3 shows Gardevoir, Jigglypuff and Marill).

Mario leaks are comparatively not that exciting since they tend to be conservative in new stuff.

Thank you for reading.
personally i always get a bit disapointed by leaks and try to avoid them when i can, although with stuff like smash its basically impossible. i find that leaks ruin the fun and surprise of finding out something new, lessening the impact of what would otherwise be an exciting reveal
for example, if this new smash rumour is real, then when they do eventually reveal those characters, it will still be exciting, but i personally would end up being less excited than i would have been if it hadnt been revealed, since the surprise has been taken away already
To me, leaks are great to see. I mean they are just possibilities of what could be. But, I give them the test of time too. If it turns out to be false, I don't like them.
Option 2, the authentic leaks are really most interesting ones out there, and the discussion regarding them is always prominent, and it makes me see the world in a different way, analyze things differently, in a more professional way.
I like leaks that are plausible and they have characters I want in them. I'm glad I wasn't around when the ultra-convincing Rayman leak surfaced. I would've been real upset. I don't believe most leaks but the last leak I did believe was the one before Smash 3DS where we saw Duck Hunt, Dr. Mario, Bowser Jr. and I wanted that one to be true, probably at the unwitting expense of Lucas and Wolf fans. :P Anyhow, leaks give us something to talk about and it's sometimes fun going into forensics and stuff, but the same "forensics" tried discrediting real leaks (like the one I believed and turned out to be true). Everything I take, it's with a grain of salt. I don't particularly care about what "spoiling" I'm getting from the roster. I want to know the full roster, reveal trailers be damned.
I think what makes leaks very much sought-after is also why GameXplain's Analysis videos are also fascinating: they detail information that are not already known to the fans hungry for more. Their Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey analysis videos are very popular for this reason.

I haven't really heard about any Mario-related leaks that are any exciting, with the biggest exception of Mario + Rabbids. Now that one was a wild ride. (Anyone still remember it?)

Thank you for reading.
Definitely Option 1. Leaks that are true are awesome, because I love spoiling myself for everything. False leaks are great for a laugh. :P
winstein said:
(Anyone still remember it?)
Of course I do. It's still pretty fresh in memory. Let's try asking years from now and see the reaction then. :P

hey guys
What Super Mario subseries should receive more representation (fighters, trophies, stages, music, etc.) in Super Smash Bros.?

-Mario Party
-Mario Kart
-Mario & Luigi
-Paper Mario
-Mario Tennis
-Mario Golf
-Luigi's Mansion
-I would rather see additional representation for the main series platformers.
-I feel the Super Mario series has enough representation as is.

Personally I'd love some more content from Luigi's Mansion, maybe Paper Mario.
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