Poll Talk

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Option 9.
Okay, this one is a bit later than usual. My apologies for this. Don't worry, I'm definitely not writing this with sheer terror of my Vice Chair's new banhammer. Nope, not at all... Anyway, here's the new poll!

With the Super Smash Bros. Fighters Pass Vol. 2 coming, would you be happy with one of the characters being from the Mario or related franchises?
  1. Yes, regardless of which character is added.
  2. Yes, as long as the character plays entirely differently from other characters.
  3. Yes, as long as it is a specific character from the Mario or related franchises that I want.
  4. Yes, for a reason not listed.
  5. While I would prefer having a specific character from the Mario or related franchises to be added, I would still be happy with any other character from said franchises.
  6. While I would prefer for a character from a franchise already in Super Smash Bros. to be added, I would still be happy with a character from the Mario or related franchises.
  7. While I would prefer that a character from a franchise that is not currently in Super Smash Bros. to be added, I would still be happy with a character from the Mario or related franchises.
  8. No, I would dislike if a Mario character would be added, as the series has enough / too many fighters.
  9. No, I would dislike if a Mario character would be added as I feel like the Fighters Passes, despite the addition of Byleth, and an ARMS rep, should only add characters from unrepresented / third-party franchises.
  10. No, for a reason not listed.
  11. I don't have an opinion.
I know it might make me sound like a shill and a bootlicker but tbh I have no problem whatsoever of who they add next and any new character they can dish out will find a way to please me, so I have no opinion on the matter.
I am of this opinion "Yes, as long as it is a specific character from the Mario or related franchises that I want.", and there's only one particular character I want, even if it seems unrealistic to have happened at this point.

Thank you for reading.
A Mario character is the most likely addition to please me, but i'd greatly prefer still if it was one I currently have a desire to see. Which basically consists of Waluigi, any explicit representative of the Mario RPGs but notably Paper Mario, Geno and Fawful, or maybe Pauline. If it's someone else that's either yet another from the main series (besides Pauline but the reason I'd be fine with her is she had such a long hiatus and still isn't a character you see all too often) or a character I outright dislike (like Toad) I'd be a bit bummed but hey at least it's a character I know, and if i don't like them i can always body them in Smash.

But hey, Piranha Plant surprised me and turned out to be fun as hell to play, so if they can do that again all the better!
I'm basically options 5-7, honestly no character that is added to Smash will disappoint me. It's an extra person to play as and try to experiment with to see if they gel with my playstyle. Personally, I guess I'd prefer someone from a different series to be added, but I'm not going to be mad if it's Mario-related.
i dont play smash but im going to try wii u, if i like it i might also get ultimate later (dont have the switch rn), having my fav marpg characters such as fawful, vivian, or watt would definitely make me much more interested
I guess maybe 11, I really don't have that strong of an opinion for or against anymore Mario reps. I'd love to see Waluigi, Geno or Fawful make it in but can wait for the next Smash if need be.
The Mario series has too many fighters in Smash for me to justify wanting a new one. However, I do want new fighters from other franchises already in smash, so I'm going with Option 8.
Option 7. The only character I'm rooting for to be in FP2 is Steve from Minecraft, so anybody else I'll be fine with. I'm keeping expectations low.
I chose option 11 because I will not buy that because I won't buy Smash Ultimate especially since I don't have a Switch. But if I did, I won't really care whether or not if a Mario character was there or not.
Option 6. I'd be cool with a Mario franchise character but there's only one fighter I really want, and his name begins with a B.
bowser jr?
Option 6. While I would prefer for a character from a franchise already in Super Smash Bros. to be added, I would still be happy with a character from the Mario or related franchises.

A franchise already in Smash? Hmm...

From Kirby? Bandana Waddle Dee?
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