Poll Talk

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As you can see on the wiki's main page, we are doing something unusual this time around. On behalf of the 10th Poll Committee, I am pleased to present our second and last major project of the 2019-20 term: Feedback Survey.

For those who were there two years ago, it is quite similar to the previous Community Survey and serves as follow-up to it. Some questions are directly related to some of the results from the Community Survey.

These are questions relevant to certain aspects of the MarioWiki community, and are there for you to provide feedbacks on it. The Feedback Survey ends on May 31st. Afterwards, we will post the results we get in issue 159 of The 'Shroom.

Thank you for your participation!
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The Feedback Survey is officially finished. On behalf of the Poll Committee, I would like to thank everyone who took the time to answer our questions. To find out the results, be sure to read Issue 159 of The 'Shroom where we will hold an analysis of the results!

As of now, we return to our usual biweekly polls. This time, it's about the upcoming Paper Mario games...

How do you feel about Paper Mario: The Origami King based off the new trailer?
  1. I am absolutely excited for the game.
  2. I am currently cautiously optimistic about the game.
  3. I am disappointed in what I saw so far, but I am willing to try the game if trailers or reviews make it look better in the future.
  4. While the game doesn't look good right now, I do want to play it regardless.
  5. The game doesn't look good at all, and I doubt that future trailers or reviews will make me want to play it.
  6. I won't have an opinion on how the game looks to be, until the game's reviews come out.
  7. Due to previous games, I am no longer interested in future Paper Mario games.
  8. I don't have an opinion on the subject.

i have very mixed feelings about the game as i am a massive paper mario fan and i've always adored the first three games, it really does depend on how good the story is as the gameplay and presentation and both likely to be good enough. the original villain and teaming up with bowser are promising, having so many vanilla enemies is not. i think so far it looks to be a large step up from colour splash, but not as good as the first three. so, i'm cautiously optimistic.
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Option. Fucking. 1.

This game seems to have all I need. Even badges are returning in some form. So yeah, I'm not cautiously optimistic anymore, I'm just sold.
It's time for a new poll! As you can see on the wiki's main page, the Awards Polls from the Awards Committee are currently sharing the poll template with us, because it's the Awards season, which means more polls to vote for! So, be sure to vote in every last one of them. While I'm there, go vote in the Community Awards polls as well.

Okay, back to the current poll... The LEGO Super Mario sets are coming soon, and until they think of doing a MarioWiki Poll Committee Lego sets, may as well ask what you think of a possible Lego Super Mario game.

Do you think a video game based on LEGO Super Mario should be made?
  1. Yes, I would want to see a Mario game in the style of TT Games' Lego games like Lego Star Wars or Lego Indiana Jones.
  2. I'd prefer the sets, but a video game based on the LEGO Super Mario sets would be interesting.
  3. As the set is based on a video game franchise, I feel like making a game based on the set would be unnecessary.
  4. No, the LEGO Super Mario sets don't seem to transform well into a full-fledged Lego game.
  5. I don't have an opinion on the subject.
I think that would be extremely interesting to see that happen so absolutely, though I do prefer if the LEGO Mario was in style of the traditional sets.
Option 2. I don't need a LEGO Super Mario game--the video games we have as well as the sets themselves are probably more than enough--but I'd buy a LEGO game for it if they find a way to make it unique and interesting.
Option 3. It's unnecessary, as LEGO Mario is based off of the videogames, so it would essentially be a videogame version of a LEGO version of a videogame. Now if it was traditional minifigures, that would be another story.
1. lego indiana jones 2 is epic imagine what this could be
I did enjoy playing the LEGO games, like Star Wars and Pirates of the Caribbean, so I think one based off of the Mario franchise would be really interesting, and I'd be all for it.
kinda late for this, but option 2 ig. it's not really necessary to get a lego mario video game, but it could subvert people's expectations and turn out to be a masterpiece. cause apparently the existing lego games are apparently pretty solid. would buy it if it happened.
based on current lego games, i would say no, i absolutely don't think there should be a LEGO mario game. even at their best, lego games aren't as good as mario, and for the past few years lego games have been by-the-numbers, lazy reskins using the same engine as they started with 15 years ago with little to no innovation between each game. lego games haven't had any passion in them for a long time, so i don't feel confident that any lego games are really worth buying anymore, let alone a lego one

that being said, ask me the question again in a years time when the skywalker saga game has released. TT seems to have stopped their endless stream of 3 games a year seemingly in favour of giving their new star wars game more time in the oven, and although there hasn't been any substantial gameplay footage shown (as far as i'm aware, anyway), from previews and interviews it sounds like they're starting from scratch and trying to reinvent the whole thing this time, so i'm cautiously optimistic. i won't pass judgement until the game has released and we know more about it beyond PR talk, but if TT shows that they can put effort into making something new and good, then i'd be more likely to endorse a lego mario (although tbh its still not something that really needs to be made either way)
Sorry for being a bit later than usual, but here's a new poll! This year is Mario's 35th anniversary, so...

What content would you most want released to celebrate Mario's 35th anniversary?
  1. A brand new 3D Mario game.
  2. A brand new 2D Mario game.
  3. A sequel to an already existing Mario games.
  4. New spin-off titles that haven't reached the Switch yet.
  5. Remakes/remasters of older Mario games, like Super Mario 64.
  6. More updates to previously released games, such as Super Mario Maker 2 or Super Mario Party.
  7. Other forms of Mario franchise merchandise, such as amiibo.
  8. Behind the scenes videos on the production of different Mario games, like they did with Super Mario Bros. for the 30th anniversary.
  9. I don't have an opinion.
A brand new 2D game would be nice, tbh.

Idk why I just feel like that's the mood I'm in rn.
I would have preferred a few different options, which include the following:
  1. A brand new 3D Mario game.
  2. A brand new 2D Mario game.
  3. A sequel to an already existing Mario games.
  4. New spin-off titles that haven't reached the Switch yet.
  5. Remakes/remasters of older Mario games, like Super Mario 64.
  6. Behind the scenes videos on the production of different Mario games, like they did with Super Mario Bros. for the 30th anniversary.
Basically a new Mario game would be lovely, but I wouldn't mind it if they remade a Mario game from the past (as long as it's from a non-WiiU game).

At the risk of sounding too nitpicky, I need to point out that never once had Nintendo ever made the anniversaries about Mario. It's always about Super Mario Bros., as shown here:

It's a minor opinion, but I always thought it's a shame that the anniversary of Mario as a character has never been celebrated.

Thank you for reading.
An entirely new spin-off. Like, say a Mario Warriors title or something.
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