Poll Talk

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So, don't read this as an attack; I really just want to give honest feedback. It's supposed to help.

The amount of options in that current poll is somewhat excessive. It looks like a big wall, and those usually tend to discourage engagement rather than nurturing it. You could essentially boil the options down to "Yes, I want more Mario characters", "No, I do not want more Mario characters", and "I don't feel strongly one way or the other", and the results would read much clearer because of it.

I know there is desire to have a more nuanced debate going on, but that's usually what a comment section is for, and including highly specified options in the poll is a poor substitute for conversation. 11 options are too many for such a simple question, too few to cover every nuanced opinion regarding that question, and I think if you do want that nuance, providing some kind of space to leave comments would do better to satisfy this particular need.
So, don't read this as an attack; I really just want to give honest feedback. It's supposed to help.

The amount of options in that current poll is somewhat excessive. It looks like a big wall, and those usually tend to discourage engagement rather than nurturing it. You could essentially boil the options down to "Yes, I want more Mario characters", "No, I do not want more Mario characters", and "I don't feel strongly one way or the other", and the results would read much clearer because of it.

I know there is desire to have a more nuanced debate going on, but that's usually what a comment section is for, and including highly specified options in the poll is a poor substitute for conversation. 11 options are too many for such a simple question, too few to cover every nuanced opinion regarding that question, and I think if you do want that nuance, providing some kind of space to leave comments would do better to satisfy this particular need.

It's true that this poll is quite long, and finding a good middle ground regarding the number of options and nuanced opinions can be difficult sometimes. In the past (and not so long ago), we've got feedbacks that our options were too specific and some found that their opinions did not match any of our options. It's always great having feedbacks that can help us improving the way we are doing our polls, and having a space for comments can be a good idea to implemented when it is deemed necessary. This could also be very helpful, when it would comes to our Poll Committee Discussion.

In any case, thank you for your feedback regarding this, we'll keep that in mind for our future polls. 👍
I know there is desire to have a more nuanced debate going on, but that's usually what a comment section is for, and including highly specified options in the poll is a poor substitute for conversation. 11 options are too many for such a simple question, too few to cover every nuanced opinion regarding that question, and I think if you do want that nuance, providing some kind of space to leave comments would do better to satisfy this particular need.
This thread is supposed to be for conversation about the polls, so perhaps a link to this thread underneath the poll could encourage voters to explain their choices? I feel that most people wouldn't notice it, but it could work as a way to implement some sort of "comment section".
The thing is, the majority of people who participate in the front page polls seem to be (I cannot prove this, but it seems like a logical assumption to me) random visitors who are just passing through, and who I doubt would be invested enough to have to go through the forum registration process (which iirc includes giving out their email address) just to leave a comment in this thread. That's a lot of hurdles to jump through that the average voter will not be interested in.

That said, a link isn't gonna damage anything either, so like, by all means, put one up.

In any case, I didn't mean to say you HAVE to create a space for comments, just that IF you're looking for more nuanced opinions from the voters, a comment section would be a more proper venue than overloading the poll to account for every possible outlook (which harms the poll's presentation and is impossible to achieve anyway). It's also a viable option to just keep the commenting to this thread. Just like, the poll options should be broader and less numerous in either case, that's the main concern. Brevity and conciseness are super important for putting written things on the internet. Ideally, something is understandable at a (relatively) cursory glance.

I bring this up because the situation made me recall that time Chuggaaconroy took to Twitter to call our polls terrible. That kind of sucked.
My best advice? Take a look at real life polls, especially those conducted by professional associations such as Gallup. See how they word and frame their options.

Keep it short, simple, and concise. That'll get you better results. You're taking a poll, not taking a multiple choice test.
See, that post up there is in essence saying the same thing as mine, but it's much shorter and thus way easier to digest.

That is the power of brevity.
Should they be able to fully speak or not? Let's discuss it with this new poll!

Do you think future Mario games should feature full voice acting?
  1. Absolutely! I think the characters would benefit from full voice acting, such as making them more expressive and/or interesting.
  2. I would like following games to feature full voice acting, but I think certain characters should stay without it.
  3. I think full voice acting would be great, but I think only certain Mario series should get it (such as the main series, RPGs, etc.).
  4. I would like future Mario games to feature full voice acting, but it decreases my appreciation of games with it, if done poorly.
  5. I do not mind having full voice acting or not in Mario games and it does not really change my experience.
  6. I don't think Mario games should get full voice acting, but I'm fine with it, if done right.
  7. It would be a bad idea to get full voice acting in future Mario games, and I do not think it would be beneficial for the characters in any way.
  8. I don't have an opinion on the subject.
Should future Mario games feature full voice acting?
  1. Yes, future Mario games should feature full voice acting.
  2. Yes, though it should be limited in certain circumstances.
  3. No, future Mario games should not feature full voice acting.
  4. I don't have a strong opinion on full voice acting in Mario games.
The poll has the same issues as the previous one, so I've decided to trim some words down. To me, it's a bit silly to not want a feature in unless it's good, no one wants features in to be poorly botched to begin with; if a potential for bad voice acting in a game bothers you, you should just say "No." on the poll.

Anyway, I say yes, Mario titles should feature full voice acting. Even Mario and Luigi should get it. I kinda wish they didn't drop the ball with Sunshine, though honestly, its voice acting in the cutscenes are like, the very least problems in the game.
imma go for 6 - i've always felt that keeping voice acting in paper mario and mario & luigi should be limited to just things like the bros speaking incomprehensible italian to each other and it would ruin the character of those series

as for the main series, sunshine did it, i liked that game a little but far less than its predecessor and its sucessors, imo it was ok in there, i didn't mind it really, but it did still kind of feel off to me, so imma say no to that probably, but i guess if it were done well, i wouldn't mind
I don't really care either way, my enjoyment stems from other things when it comes to the Mario series, so options 5 & 8 are my choices.
Option 5

I don't mind it. But expanding the voice acting from the GameCube/early Wii era of Mario games would flesh out the franchise's characters.
I would love voice acting in Mario games, especially when Mario is allowed to talk like nobody's business like he did in certain promotional videos like the 3DS overview and Mario Sports Mix. Even though Wario is a far smaller scale compared to Mario and thus have a greater degree of freedom compared to Mario, WarioWare nonetheless scratched that itch. The various characters who have garbled speeches like Koopa Troopa can keep their strange sounds (with subtitles), but characters who can logically talk should talk, and that includes Toad. I can live without voice acting in the RPG games though, given that its script-heavy nature lend it to a greater effort to do so, even if the characters are very likely to talk in English.

If you were to pigeonhole this opinion, you could do with Option 2.

Thank you for reading.
Option 1. Say what you will about Mario Sunshine's voice acting but I thought it added a nice touch to the cutscenes, even with Mario's disappointing lack of dialogue. Nintendo's gotten better voices since then, too, as seen in WarioWare Gold as well as Super Mario Odyssey's lyrical songs, so I really want to see what they can do in another mainline Mario game with Sunshine-esque cutscenes. RPG voice acting would be cool too, although that sounds like a load of work so I won't push it.
It's time for a new poll!

Do you feel Mario should cross over with properties besides other video games, such as TV shows, anime, films, etc?
  1. I would like to see Mario cross over with these properties.
  2. Yes, but only with certain types of other media.
  3. As long as Mario crossovers still exists, I don't really mind it.
  4. While I think it would be a good idea, I would rather Mario focus on other video game crossovers first.
  5. No, I think it would be a bad idea for Mario to cross over with non-video game properties.
  6. I don't think that Mario should cross over with other properties, including video game franchises.
  7. I don't have an opinion.
Ehh, that would also really depend on the property being crossed over with. But I guess the same goes for video games. I voted option 4, I think it'd be cool to see him crossover elsewhere, but would rather it sticks to video games, because that's what Mario is best at.

Option 1. Mario's absence from Wreck-it-Ralph was a crying shame. (I mean he should probably stick to media related to video games, but I'm eager to see Mario explore new territory.)

And Ralph Breaks the Internet was even worse with video games.
option 1

mario + teen titans go = 😱
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