bad wishes are not necessarily bad

Granted. They are now able to teleport the games to you in the blink of an eye.
I wish I lost a lot at poker.
You get a bowl of soup–and it's your favorite kind, too.

I wish for the banana in my hands to instantly rot.
Granted. It turns to mush and a new one grows before your very eyes.

I wish for a sudden increase in sandstorms.
Granted, you then don't participate anymore (Idk if that was good thing or not but the thread is about this so yeah)
I wish I'd see a spoiler of origami king
Granted. While it was painful in the moment, the experience taught you an invaluable lesson: the ability to get back up after you fall down, giving you greater resilience. This means you're better equipped to face the hardships of life, being able to face your issues head on rather than getting knocked down by them all the time.

anyway i wish for team warm beverages to win the shroomfest :blooper:
Granted, it melts so fast so that it can provide you with some delicious cold water

I wish a loving family member di- isn't here anymore