What game did you last play?!?!?!?

Kid Icarus: Uprising

I loooove the Cursed Palm.
Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga

I hate when I don't play a game for months, go back to it and completely forget what I have to do or what is going on.
Mother 3

Started it up and cleared Chapter 1.

I came into this not expecting lighthearted story. I was correct. 2 scripted deaths already, like, come on, I shouldn't usually have feels at 4am. But I have heard one thing: No crying until the end. I shall try to keep to that with this playthrough.

The moral of the chapter: Don't be an enormous douche.
Pokemon Conquest. I have 13 of the 33 stories done with a playtime of 50 hours. Unfortunately, I am kind of burnt out on it. It's a great game don't get me wrong, it's just suffering from the problem with all Pokemon games, and that it everything just feels the same. I'm going to postpone k it up later to finish everything
Sapphire said:
Pokemon Conquest. I have 13 of the 33 stories done with a playtime of 50 hours. Unfortunately, I am kind of burnt out on it. It's a great game don't get me wrong, it's just suffering from the problem with all Pokemon games, and that it everything just feels the same. I'm going to postpone k it up later to finish everything
That's what I did. It's a good game to put down and get back into later.
Pokemon Alpha Sapphire

finally got back into this game (because of the diancie event lol), completely forgot where i was up to though.

turns out i still needed to complete the seafloor cavern, so i went for it. man I loved everything about the kyogre revival. such a huge step up from the execution of the cutscenes/boss battle in Pokemon Y and the area where kyogre reverts was simply gorgeous omg

i caught kyogre after a few turns with an ultra ball, yay. all of the bluh bluh 'yay you saved the world' stuff afterwards was drawn out and annoying tho but oh well

now that i've had the eon flute for a while can i just say that i'm a huge fan of flying over hoenn with latias. so freakin cool
Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (3DS)

after beating satan after my first mom's heart kill, i found we need to go deeper and went back again

i died to satan's first phase (not the fallen)
because he was INVISIBLE
GBAToad said:
Pokemon Alpha Sapphire

finally got back into this game (because of the diancie event lol), completely forgot where i was up to though.

turns out i still needed to complete the seafloor cavern, so i went for it. man I loved everything about the kyogre revival. such a huge step up from the execution of the cutscenes/boss battle in Pokemon Y and the area where kyogre reverts was simply gorgeous omg

i caught kyogre after a few turns with an ultra ball, yay. all of the bluh bluh 'yay you saved the world' stuff afterwards was drawn out and annoying tho but oh well

now that i've had the eon flute for a while can i just say that i'm a huge fan of flying over hoenn with latias. so freakin cool
You're lucky you have AS and not OR for one reason. You don't have to listen to the Drought music.
Pokemon Alpha Sapphire

so i love flying over hoenn

i found the nameless cavern and caught mespirit this morning, which is odd b/c when i checked it last night it was empty

decided to check the plain area (can't remember its name atm) again in case the same thing happened and yup, cobalion was there. i was sure it'd be the island for crescelia but ah well lol. cobalion get

also the mirage island changes location every day? neat.

now i'm trying to catch up on my hoenn dex before facing wallace. fun.

i was pleasantly surprised when i taught my kyorge surf (b/c i was too lazy to get my linoone out from storage) to see that you actually ride kyorge instead of a generic blob while surfing, that's awesome
GBAToad said:
i was pleasantly surprised when i taught my kyorge surf (b/c i was too lazy to get my linoone out from storage) to see that you actually ride kyorge instead of a generic blob while surfing, that's awesome
update: dive works as well

10/10 best pokemon game BEST pokemon game
Fire Emblem Awakening

I got kind of bored of grinding, so I decided to start a no reset run. Normal because I'm actually terrible at strategy as evidenced by Stahl already being dead and Kellam nearly getting OHKO'd. lmao. I was gonna use Stahl too, guess I'll stick with Sully. Normal also means I won't need to grind probably so that's an added bonus for me, I already do enough of that.

I guess I'll just do the no reset file whenever I'm bored of the grind file. We'll see who ends up dying ahaha.
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War

Was about to wreck the Prologue but someone died.

It took me like an hour to get to that point so I was like "screw it I'll try again later" because I had to start from quite a while before the first castle. :I
Wait, there's a Diancie event right now? I already got the first event Diancie, but it's a free event Pokémon.

GBAToad said:
i was pleasantly surprised when i taught my kyorge surf (b/c i was too lazy to get my linoone out from storage) to see that you actually ride kyorge instead of a generic blob while surfing, that's awesome

Sharpedo actually raises your surfing speed.
Glitchy said:
Wait, there's a Diancie event right now? I already got the first event Diancie, but it's a free event Pokémon.
Yeah, over Mystery Gift. It ends tomorrow iirc.

Glitchy said:
GBAToad said:
i was pleasantly surprised when i taught my kyorge surf (b/c i was too lazy to get my linoone out from storage) to see that you actually ride kyorge instead of a generic blob while surfing, that's awesome

Sharpedo actually raises your surfing speed.
Kyogre does too, but Sharpedo does so more than Kyogre.

Still Pokemon Omega Ruby

Timmy has a fairly challenging Secret Base team. I can't list them, because I can tell that it's his doubles team, but one of them was Level 100, which almost screwed me over.