Amusing Awards Artifact Adventure - Closing Ceremony (Game Finished!)

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View attachment 46419: Dorohohokackough! I say, you gentlekinds do not want for competitive spirit! All among our company have distinguished themselves, a good showing most indubitably! However, I should only think it sporting to warn you against counting us spirited aerial adepts out prematurely. The lead earned by the good ladybird Kazooie, the gentlebee Charmy, and myself may appear diminished, but the final bend of the race is upon us! Victory goes not to the gentlekinds which sprint the entirety of the track, but to those most fortified in body and mind for the sprint through the final straightaway!

View attachment 46419: Now then, Lakilarry, old chum, pray tell this old cloud one secret. When meteorlogical disaster should befall this Merriment Park, where is it that the staff shelters?

View attachment 46420: ... ...(Every review of this operation called it a "death trap". Why hasn't this place killed the old geezer yet?)... ...

"Protocol is pretty much 'get inside one of the attractions or just get out of dodge'. I don't think that's up to code, but then again, I'm just the janitor."
View attachment 46427Yoshi the DOS: "Crash into the vending machine? Wait. I should check out the vending machine at Fun Center then."
The vending machine seems relatively okay. There's a big smudge on the glass shaped like Mr. Beefy Man's head. Someone will have to clean that up later.

Captain Toad: Great job everybody! We've almost found all of the artifacts!

Now let's ask the Draqen what his favorite things are.

The Draqen
"My favorite thing is beating Blooper Arrow!"

View attachment 46433Yoshi the DOS: "What about Snackrat?"

"Still here, buddy. It takes more than a beefy cannonball to get rid of a persistent rat! But can you believe those jokers stole a pack of MY beef jerky?"
View attachment 46436
Captain Toad: Hey Mr. Draqen, don't tell anybody, but is there any way I could sabotage Blooper Arrow in the exhibition race?

The Draqen
"Don't bother! There's no way you'll be better at it than me! I mean... Shoot!"
Introduce the Snackrat in the Vending Machine to the Snackrat in a box.





"Buddy, what kind of time warp nonsense did you do?!"


"Buddy, what kind of time warp nonsense did you do?!"


"Hey, stop copying me!"


"Hey, stop copying me!"

You may have caused some serious problems. Or maybe not! It's the Waluigi Time Amusement Park, this might just be par for the course.
Detective Red Yoshi.pngYoshi the DOS: "So, you guys did something with Snackrat and the only reason he's in the vending machine is because not all teams have done something to Snackrat. But this is something only team Chucksters can answer. But... how does the Snackrat feel about there being two of them?"
View attachment 46437Yoshi the DOS: "So, you guys did something with Snackrat and the only reason he's in the vending machine is because not all teams have done something to Snackrat. But this is something only team Chucksters can answer. But... how does the Snackrat feel about there being two of them?"

"I hate it! What would YOU think if someone broke spacetime and now there were two of you running around? I'm not letting this bozo share my vending machine!"


So we got another artifact, huh? Well, lemme just say this... (in DiC Luigi's voice) Supah!

For my first action, I wanna see if I can take the Star Blasters ride out for a spin.

Commander Nebula
"We're not operational without that Power Star, cadet."

Waluigi Time
"Hello again! Looks like that's a wrap, you guys found all 13 of the artifacts! Before we finish things up, it's time to award the Bonus Stars! Please enjoy these awards that are completely arbitrary because I made them all up to acknowledge some things that seemed cool!"

First, the Arty Fact Star! This one goes out to all the players who drew things for the game, because the extra effort deserves appreciation! The recipients of this one are BBQ Turtle, Flygon64, Gabumon, Hooded Pitohui, and Turboo!

Next up, the Nearly Almost But Not Quite Star, for the team that solved a quest in the intended way while also being not the intended way at all! Are you confused yet? This one goes to the Cleanup Crew for their solution to the Shbeeg Mascot Guy(s)' quest. The intended solution was to find a particular NPC who would like Shbeeg and send them over. They managed to do this while flipping things around by creating a brand new costume! Pretty neat!

Third on our list is the not-as-bad-as-it-sounds Please Leave Me Alone Star! This one goes to Superchao for coming up with the idea to RP as a member of the Temporal Committee based on the initial game post, which was very funny. Honorable mention to Revin as well, who unfortunately had to drop out of the game.

Next, the Musical Mayhem Star! This one goes to Gabumon and TPG for coming up with their own lyrics to accompany their trash deliveries! Believe me when I say I wish multiple teams could've gotten an artifact here.

Coming up to our last couple of stars, the next one is the I Choose Violence Star, which goes to Shoey for wanting to solve several problems by beating up NPCs and/or players! Is it the best course of action and/or even allowed at times? No... Is it funny? Yes! Maybe we need a more aggressive spinoff?

Finally, the Upon Further Reflection Star, which goes to the player who (probably) attempted to use Reflectinators the most in submissions - Roserade! Hectinator would be proud. Hopefully I counted this one right, but it doesn't affect the final score, so... eh!

And now, the final tally...
  1. Cleanup Crew (5 artifacts)
  2. Shbeeg Shots / Chucksters / Cure-ators (2 artifacts)
  3. F3 Squad / ShmwarioWare, Inc. (1 artifact)

Thank you so much for playing my game!

Went through that whole artifact hunting affair and I never found a single clue to the Shadow Crystal smuggling! It's not like I even stole the artifacts either, I had to "earn" them or something! How bogus is that?


Hehe, well, at least we didn't get last! And with all of these Reflectinators I took when Waluigi Time wasn't looking, I'm getting out of here with something gained!


The Great Thief Yatagarasu will rise again, and when she does, those concealing their dark dealings better watch out!


...I better not be pied next time... Washing this hair takes ages...
"Well, I didn't manage to get these artifacts. Except for one.

Buuuut I did get everything I need to prove that there were plenty of temporal shenanigans afoot! All sorts of illegal time copies and incredibly obvious time law violation! The kind of thing only the Temporal Committee can be trusted with!

Which means Waluigi Time is now under Temporal Committee arrest. Sucks to have been and will be him!"
"Well, I didn't manage to get these artifacts. Except for one.

Buuuut I did get everything I need to prove that there were plenty of temporal shenanigans afoot! All sorts of illegal time copies and incredibly obvious time law violation! The kind of thing only the Temporal Committee can be trusted with!

Which means Waluigi Time is now under Temporal Committee arrest. Sucks to have been and will be him!"

Waluigi Time
"Expecting to arrest me?



DOROHOHOHACKOUGH! It would appear that victory belongs to us, good gentlekinds! Despair not, each and every one among your numbers put forth a valiant effort. Circumstances permit, however, only one victory in hunts such as this, and today, victory belongs to we members of the Cleanup Crew! I can only express my gratitude to my teammates for their tenacity. The good ladybird Kazooie and the good gentlebee Charmy are companions of unassailable character and incomparable effectiveness!

I do believe that this Merriment Park provided exactly the relief I sought! I fancy myself lighter than a Super Feather! I've not felt so spry and jovial since we made our first sale. Dorohohohackough! Thank you for your felicitious invite, son! I am a new, reinvigorated puff! I suspect between your Merriment Park and our assortment of curatives and restoratives, I have many, many long years ahead of me yet!
*After enjoying some refreshments at the Fun Center, Charmy headed back to Station Square with some great news for his teammates.*

Vector: So, how was your time at the amusement park, Charmy? Did you manage to find those relics you were searching for? I bet your teammates helped out a lot, didn't they?

Charmy: It was a lot of fun, Vector. My team managed to find all sorts of relics, and we actually got first place! My teammates and I worked together quite well, and we thought up some creative solutions for the quests. The people there were all pretty nice as well.

Espio: Well, it's a good thing you had fun, Charmy. But what about the reward? You said we'd get some really cool prize if we participated before you left. Did that amount to anything at all?

Charmy: As far as I'm concerned, there wasn't any big reward at the end besides these Bonus Stars that didn't mean much. My team got one of them, but I felt like my efforts were a bit wasted. Still, it was quite exciting, and it allowed me to strengthen my detective skills as well.

Vector: I'm glad you managed to show those people what you're capable of, Charmy. You've really been showcasing your skills here, and sure, there wasn't any real prize. But at least there weren't much suspicious actvities going on. We would've had to come assist you if something terrible happened, right?

Charmy: I agree, Vector. I feel like I'm starting to take this job a lot more seriously than when I started out. Yes, it's fun to joke around once in a while, but you have to be serious when things get tough. I struggled to understand that at first, but now, I think I'm ready for more complex missions. I'm glad I enjoyed myself, and can't wait for our next client to contact us!
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