Amusing Awards Artifact Adventure - Closing Ceremony (Game Finished!)

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Search the Big Top Hat and Splash Carton in the hopes of finding the Draqen.
Charmy: Do you think the Fear Factory would have any tools? I don't think I should look around those other new locations just yet...
There's no tools around here. How do they maintain this place? (Simple, they don't.)

Search the Big Top Hat and Splash Carton in the hopes of finding the Draqen.
No sign of The Draqen around here, unfortunately.


"This isn't even a fair 1v1 tbh."
"The authorities' ping has to be effin' atrocious, they're running on that Mcdonalds CEO wifi. :lol:"

"can u even believe it? (#°Д°)"
"these BUFFOONS, no, DEBUFFOONS, r srsly dumping their waste on top of effing porcupuffer schools?!"
"Not all of it though, I still see some of it on the shelves of the cereal aisle wwww."
"u should always return the favor i think, so i went ahead and dumped some crypto miner filez on the porple putz's puter."
"i'm no tech KITTY, eh? xD?"

"That cat's been talking to himself for a long time..."
"woag, where did this bunny come from? You weren't here before, yeah she ACTUALLY wasn't here before. was patched out."

"Kick player : Monomi?

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V 1 X 0

"H-H-How do you even say that aloud?!"

"Huh? Say what aloud? Who am I talking to?"

"Damn it, I thought the cereal fume hallucinations were over... I've got to stop thinking about killing games... I hate those things."

Suddenly a blurred face passes the feline's vision


"Hundred Line Defense Academy, I promise it won't be a killing game actually. Buy it, pretty please? I'll give you this. "

The figure vanishes as quickly as it came.

"W-W-What the hell?!"

"I mean, wot teh hell? <:3c"
"o_o oh shiiit, did the cops turn on speed hacks or something? who tf just ran past me?"

"100% another hallucination. i h8 shills, what's even irl anymore?"

The gamer looks down at his back paws.

"Ehhhh??? Is that, like, an eshop gift card on the ground..."

The cat steps back anxiously before he leans forward and picks up the thin slip off the cold concrete.

"...Artifact adventure?"

"lol. xD. rofl. fufufu. hahaha! Nyohohohoho!!!"

"A collect-a-thon? i ain't a fan of triple A games or quadruple ones too."
"But I am one for pwning some purple noobs and putting'em in their place on the leaderboards."

gc-pdn (1).gif

"You shouldn't have stepped into my domain, WT! Cuz now ur gonna get the claws of the king of this prairie, GC!"​

Jiggy Log, Day 3:

Livin' my life in this park
and I'm feelin' so stark
ravin' mad
it's real sad that I don't bark

Cause let me tell you
as I sift through this bin
as a dog I'd be made!
I'd eat this trash, big grin
for the trash parade


But that's hogwash
so I fade away
Haven't eaten in a day
goin' cray-zy
Body's shuttin' down
and senses goin' hay-zy

Soon I'll push up daisies
if it don't end
this foul blend
of starvation and this trash scent

Now where the jiggy at?​

Waluigi Time
"Hello, it's me again! Hopefully you're enjoying the Artifact Adventure so far. We got a lot of quests finished just now! Speaking of quests, looks like some of our employees have been a little more tight-lipped than necessary. If you want to find out how a quest was completed, feel free to talk to the relevant people!

Anyway, there's not really anything new to check out, but if you have any ideas for something that needs investigating, feel free!"

The following quests were completed in the previous phase:
  • Retrieve Mertle's candles from Bela Lactosi.
  • Clean up litter from three areas of the park.
  • Win a round of roulette.
  • Find a suitable weapon for the submarine voyage.

The Explore portion of Phase 4 has begun! You have until .
Aw yeah, I'm awesome!

Now that we've secured our artifact. introduce everycreature to Bela Lactosi.
Aw yeah, I'm awesome!

Now that we've secured our artifact. introduce everycreature to Bela Lactosi.
The elusive Bela Lactosi finally steps out of his office.


Bela Lactosi
"Vhat do you vant? I'd like to get back to my organ practice, thank you very much.

View attachment 46297Yoshi the DOS: "Let's talk to Captain Hairbanks and see how that one was gotten."

Captain Hairbanks
"Meearr... Very unconventional, it was... I was brought a hammer from the mole's toolbox, meearrrr... A small but mighty instrument. I've heard've many a warrior who's been felled by the hammer, mearr... Launched it straight at the Puffer and knocked it out cold."
View attachment 46299: Dear me, how vexatious! I do believe I might make inquiry with the gentlebins as to what solution proved apt for their troubles. I had it on good authority they were to witness a spectacle.

Green Bin
"Lots of people brought us trash, and there were some pretty cool drop-offs! I'm still dancing just thinking about them! I would've given them all an artifact if I could but there was only one... Anyway, one team cleaned up three places at once with a Reflectinator instead of splitting the work! I thought that was neat!"
Charmy: Aw shoot! I can't believe that flamingo managed to catch me cheating. I guess I should've listened to that Pokemon Trainer's advice back in Smash though. Moving on...let's head over to the Circus and find out what could get the performers to feel energized again.
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Sweet... a treasure. I guess I've done my job now. Back to food...

Ask the SnackRat what food it best likes. Cheeses, vegetables, fizzy drinks...?
Charmy: Aw shoot! I can't believe that flamingo managed to catch me cheating. I guess I should've listened to that Pokemon Trainer's advice back in Smash though. Moving on...let's head over to the Circus and find out what could get the performers to feel energized again.

Rigatoni the Great
"Weren't you paying attention when everyone was asking the troupe? They're looking for snacks - something sweet for Tueaday McGee, something beefy for Mr. Beefy Man, and something old and musty for Unicyclops."

Sweet... a treasure. I guess I've done my job now. Back to food...

Ask the SnackRat what food it best likes. Cheeses, vegetables, fizzy drinks...?

"As long as it's not something I can already get in here, I'm not picky, buddy! Just don't bring me anything nasty."

Bend the nearest street lamp into a pretzel, like the guests in Roller Coaster Tycoon do
You have successfully created a pretzel-shaped street lamp. It doesn't look that out of place here, honestly...

Hey-hey-hey-hee-hee! It's your old pal Bunji the frog, here to help out with findin' arty-facts and stuff!

Lemme just start off by askin' the Platypi Guy if he saw the Draqen fella or the Blurp sidekick. Yeah.

Platypi Guy
"Nope. Didn't see anything like that."
Hey, Lakilarry.

What is the most eeeevil and corrupt place you can think of in this entire park? I'm tallking major bad vibes, negative emotional aura, makes your feathers stand on end just walking past it?
Captain Toad: Let's check The Chuckster for any sign of the Draqen or the Blurp, and then ask Captain Hairbanks if he saw them.
You check The Chuckster... and find The Draqen on a special platform along the coaster!


The Draqen
"Ha ha ha! So, you finally found me! Took you people long enough!"


Captain Hairbanks
"Meearrr... Sailor's intuition tells me ye ain't needin' my help on this one anymore."

Hey, Lakilarry.

What is the most eeeevil and corrupt place you can think of in this entire park? I'm tallking major bad vibes, negative emotional aura, makes your feathers stand on end just walking past it?

"I hear Mr. Poe's office in the Fear Factory is kind of like that. They don't let me in there to clean, though."

View attachment 46302Yoshi the DOS: "Hey. Let's talk to Hector the Reflectinator and tell him about how the reflectinators were used by two different teams and for two different quests."

Hectinator the Reflectinator
Rigatoni the Great
"Weren't you paying attention when everyone was asking the troupe? They're looking for snacks - something sweet for Tueaday McGee, something beefy for Mr. Beefy Man, and something old and musty for Unicyclops."
Charmy: Well, I've got the Beef covered, thankfully. Can I give it to Beefy Man right now?
Detective Red Yoshi.png
Yoshi the DOS: "Wait. What is this? The Draqen is at the Chuckster? Hmm... Let's talk to him and ask him if he had something to do with Blooper Arrow's Blurp companion. Also, I should inform Blooper Arrow about it, right?"
Charmy: Well, I've got the Beef covered, thankfully. Can I give it to Beefy Man right now?

Rigatoni the Great
"You can't drop items off during Explore Phases!"

View attachment 46305Yoshi the DOS: "Wait. What is this? The Draqen is at the Chuckster? Hmm... Let's talk to him and ask him if he had something to do with Blooper Arrow's Blurp companion. Also, I should inform Blooper Arrow about it, right?"

The Draqen
"You can't prove I had anything to do with it! But isn't it a shame that Blooper Arrow isn't feeling up to our exhibition match? Ha ha ha!"
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