Amusing Awards Artifact Adventure - Closing Ceremony (Game Finished!)

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Rigatoni the Great
"You can't drop items off during Explore Phases!"
Can I investigate around the tent for any suspicious killer clowns? I don't want you know who to come in screaming about the world getting destroyed...
Oh shit, yeah, we can't have that.

Check around for sewer grates that dangerous armed clowns might leak from.

"F-Seafloor? trying to go deeper than the bottom of the barrel? wwww"

Give the bumper cars a try.
Can I investigate around the tent for any suspicious killer clowns? I don't want you know who to come in screaming about the world getting destroyed...
Oh shit, yeah, we can't have that.

Check around for sewer grates that dangerous armed clowns might leak from.
Thankfully, this game has already reached its clown quota.

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"F-Seafloor? trying to go deeper than the bottom of the barrel? wwww"

Give the bumper cars a try.
You hop on the bumper cars, unfortunately there's no one else riding at the moment. You still get to have some fun knocking unoccupied bumper cars around.

See how high I can make a bird fly.

Captain Toad: Hmm... I think I'll ask Vee Achis what I'll get in return for giving him a Teller Vision Funko Pop and ask Muercello and Spectra what I'll get in return for giving them a Shmaluigi Funko Pop. Explorers don't give away Funko Pops for nothing!
I also hop into the dodgems.

I was in a game about shoddily constructed cars once. 1v1 me.
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See how high I can make a bird fly.
You have a thrilling bumper car match! I'm not going to be the one who decide who wins, though... Feel free to decide amongst yourselves.

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Captain Toad: Hmm... I think I'll ask Vee Achis what I'll get in return for giving him a Teller Vision Funko Pop and ask Muercello and Spectra what I'll get in return for giving them a Shmaluigi Funko Pop. Explorers don't give away Funko Pops for nothing!

Vee Achis
"I got a Funko Pop of a platypus if you want it!"


Muercello & Spectra
"I've got a Hammond Hammer Funko Pop up for grabs, amigo."

Thankfully, this game has already reached its clown quota.
Charmy: Thank's leave the Circus and try to look around the Splash Carton for some Blurps.
Charmy: Thank's leave the Circus and try to look around the Splash Carton for some Blurps.
There are no Blurps in Splash Carton.

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Captain Toad: Let's ask the Draqen when and where he last saw Blooper Arrow's Blurp companion. I want to get his side of the story!

The Draqen
"I never saw him! Don't ask me any more questions about it!"

"star blasters? wut stars does this place have? zero, have u seen the food theyve got stocked? well, if u haven't, u still got a chance, its not like its going away anytime soon!"

Game hardcore and hop on the ride and take a swing at some laser shooting.
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"star blasters? wut stars does this place have? zero, have u seen the food theyve got stocked? well, if u haven't, u still got a chance, its not like its going away anytime soon!"

Game hardcore and hop on the ride and take a swing at some laser shooting.

Commander Nebula
"Sorry cadet, we're not moving until I can get the curse lifted on this Power Star."

"if u want to get rid of curses just implement a chat filter smh. who or what even put the curse?"
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"if u want to get rid of curses just implement a chat filter smh. who or what even put the curse?"

Commander Nebula
"You haven't been listening, have you, cadet? It was that blasted General Stellon and his gang of Lumas. Encounters with them don't turn out too pretty."

Jiggy Log, Day 5:

For believe me--the secret for harvesting from existence the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment is: to live dangerously! Build your cities on the slopes of Vesuvius! Send your ships into uncharted seas! Live at war with your peers and yourselves! Be robbers and conquerors as long as you cannot be rulers and possessors, you seekers of knowledge! Soon the age will be past when you could be content to live in forests like shy deer! At long last the search for Jiggies will reach out for its due: --it will want to rule and possess, and you with it!

Waluigi Time
"Time to explore again already? That seemed fast... Only three artifacts left! It's still anyone's game!"

The following quests were completed in the previous phase:
  • Pick up a delivery from Milk Man.
  • Re-energize the members of Rigatoni's troupe.

The Explore portion of Phase 5 has begun! You have until .
Detective Red Yoshi.png
Yoshi the DOS: "No beef. I didn't have any beef (the only thing I needed) and there was none there. Well, it was worth a shot to go for. Let's talk to Rigatoni and see how another team got this artifact."
View attachment 46416Yoshi the DOS: "No beef. I didn't have any beef (the only thing I needed) and there was none there. Well, it was worth a shot to go for. Let's talk to Rigatoni and see how another team got this artifact."

Rigatoni the Great
"It was amazing! They didn't have all the snacks needed so they used a circus cannon to shoot Mr. Beefy Man over to the Fun Center to get jerky! An amazing stroke of genius, I am truly inspired!"


Mr. Beefy Man
"I crash into vending machine. Stun stupid rat. Other team member waiting. Get the beef jerky. It was very beefy. Worth the possible concussion."
: Dorohohokackough! I say, you gentlekinds do not want for competitive spirit! All among our company have distinguished themselves, a good showing most indubitably! However, I should only think it sporting to warn you against counting us spirited aerial adepts out prematurely. The lead earned by the good ladybird Kazooie, the gentlebee Charmy, and myself may appear diminished, but the final bend of the race is upon us! Victory goes not to the gentlekinds which sprint the entirety of the track, but to those most fortified in body and mind for the sprint through the final straightaway!

: Now then, Lakilarry, old chum, pray tell this old cloud one secret. When meteorlogical disaster should befall this Merriment Park, where is it that the staff shelters?

: ... ...(Every review of this operation called it a "death trap". Why hasn't this place killed the old geezer yet?)... ...
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