What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

The Virgin Suicides
Javelin said:

Ended up being a lot better than I was expecting. Didn't take itself very seriously and was a pretty fun movie, with plenty of silly, self-referential moments.
Couldn't put it better myself.

(Only I was expecting it to be good, in part due to reading that and similar reviews, lol)
i was fine with everything but i feel like you shouldn't have been able to see anything when he
shrunk down smaller than atoms because you'd be smaller than light wavelengths by then

Out of the three films I watched a couple days ago, this one was the best. It serves as an introduction to one of the most iconic kaiju and it has a great human villain. Granted, Mothra vs. Godzilla tells a similar story better, but this one was still good. The miniatures were really lacking in this film though. People blindly bash Godzilla films for the miniature sets, but these were actually really bad. Not the usual Toho quality.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Awesome. Some things in the plot that need some explaining but I'll give the sequels a chance to do it. if not then RIIIIOOOOOT
Han :'(
Ghidorah The Three-Headed Monster

Could have sworn I saw one part where Godzilla and Rodan played volleyball with a rock.
That 60s incarnation of Ghidorah has always been my favorite. He's got those gittery necks and that cackle. It always seems like he's enjoying himself.
i was fine with everything but i feel like you shouldn't have been able to see anything when he
shrunk down smaller than atoms because you'd be smaller than light wavelengths by then
Well yeah,
and atoms wouldn't look like that anyway, plus you wouldn't hear sound because the air molecules necessary to transmit the sound waves are now far too large to enter your ears. But the whole premise is dodgey anyway, as with most shrinking plots, so ever since Magic School Bus, I just sorta ignore the bad science for the sake of sanity.
Now you see me

Watched it with my mother.

I actually knew the ending going in lol.

Halfway through my mother thought she knew the twist but didn't (she thought morgan freeman was the "eye"), and totally didnt see mark ruffalo coming.

that was pretty good though. not the prestige or anything but at least very enjoyable.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens

I guessed that Han Solo would die and that Rae would find Luke on that random planet with the islands.
Javelin said:
Nabber said:
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Nothing about the movie really worked for me. Its best aspect should have been the action scenes, but they felt really artificial to me - all done in fast-motion, and slowed down any time something cool happened. Also didn't really help that Gazelle was the only person in the movie who could actually put up a fight with any of the characters.
Also, this character who was able to take down the bodyguards of pretty much every leader in the world is suddenly beaten by this one kid?
I mean, I'm fine with suspension of disbelief, but this movie asks way too much. It's aloof at some points and legitimately serious at others, and it just doesn't really work.
yeah, the tone was pretty inconsistent. i was watching it primarily as a comedy movie (i mean, how can you take samuel l. jackson seriously in this movie) so none of the plot holes and complaints really bothered me

though i also thought that the comedy served to make some of the serious moments even more serious, like when
galahad gets shot in the face

it's an odd movie, but it definitely made me laugh
idk, most of the jokes in the movie didn't work on me. valentine's reaction to shooting someone was pretty funny, as was galahad's excuse for getting up in church, but other than that there wasn't much that landed on me

Javelin said:
though i also thought that the comedy served to make some of the serious moments even more serious, like when
galahad gets shot in the face
frankly i saw that coming, plus i didn't really care about the characters anyway, so it didn't really work for me
The Revenant

watching this is like being touched by a divine spirit. at a certain point the theater melted away and it was just me and the screen

and the fuckers next to me who were on their phones playing games
Nabber said:
The Revenant

watching this is like being touched by a divine spirit. at a certain point the theater melted away and it was just me and the screen

and the fuckers next to me who were on their phones playing games
My favorite movie of 2015. This is finally Leo's Oscar!