What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

Dr. Javelin said:
No-Face said:
Full Metal Jacket

My first Kubrick film, yet I found it rather uninteresting.
You haven't seen 2001 yet?
i've been kinda hearing 2001 since everyone says it's either really good or really boring

or both, i suppose. the movie is acclaimed more for its visuals and special effects than for the plot it seems
the visuals and special effects are both really dated. other than hal, nothing in the movie is impressive

if you do watch it, though, make sure to watch the sequel 2010 which is much better. the visuals and special effects aren't very improved but the plot and characters are far better
SuperMario25 said:
I'm 15 would I able to see the second inbtweeners movies,also why did you see ayyy? Did you know me,did you change your name?

the ayyyyyyy was for lotr
um I guess you could see the inbetweeners
I mean im going to see it for my 15th
its up to your parents tbh
IcicleRain said:
SuperMario25 said:
I'm 15 would I able to see the second inbtweeners movies,also why did you see ayyy? Did you know me,did you change your name?

the ayyyyyyy was for lotr
um I guess you could see the inbetweeners
I mean im going to see it for my 15th
its up to your parents tbh

Ohh sorry for the confusion, i was only checking if the film is a 15 thats all, cheers anyway mate.
I personally don't like superhero films, so I looked at it as sci-fi action comedy rather than as a superhero film
same for Avengers (minus 90% of the comedy)
if you enjoyed a movie about superheroes, then you enjoyed a superhero movie. that's all there is to it
I mean I don't enjoy most of the films typically described as "superhero genre"

whereas ones that are more sci-fi I tend to at least not hate (Avengers) and in this case I've always liked the Guardians of the Galaxy series
Iron Man is regarded as one of the best superhero movies, yeah. Up there with The Dark Knight and Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
I don't know whether I should watch the other two. They got decent reviews by critics, but other people tell me the second one is awful.
It's not awful it's just not as good as the first one.

The third one is fine except for one major twist that won't bother you unless you're a big comic fan.
i didn't say i didn't like it. though i kinda didn't. it was really well edited but the characters felt flat and the story was mostly driven by spacey's narration with a surprise twist at the end which, quite frankly, i saw coming
Guardians of the Galaxy

The best Marvel film yet(in my opinion) and the best film I've seen this year (I know I said that about How to Train Your Dragon 2 but this beats that film). All the Guardians are awesome and likeable characters and final battle was great.
Just got back from seeing Battle of Gods in theaters. My favorite Dragon Ball movie.

Man, this year has been great. I got to see both Godzilla and Dragon Ball Z on the big screen.