What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

Close Encounters of the Third Kind

I still don't understand what the other two kinds are.
oh that movie

i don't know, we spend the entire movie waiting for the aliens to finally show up and when they did i just felt... underwhelmed? it was really unimpressive

it's not really a bad movie, it just didn't... do anything that i liked
V for Vendetta

really fed the police state part of me again

i also watched Children of Men recently for the first time in forever

was pretty damn awesome, noticed similarities between the two movies, and also realised that should some apocalyptic event ever happen, like America falls or everybody becomes infertile, one of Britain's biggest moves would be to kill immigrants off in a concentration camp style. They did this in Doctor Who too. While it's not something I would endorse happening, it does make for a vexing plot, and shows hypocrisy in the overall plan.
Earth to Echo

Went to see it with my youth club. Was hoping we'd see How to Train Your Dragon 2 but we ended up seeing this instead. It was better than I expected. It's like the Goonies and E.T mashed together with E.T being replaced by Echo the robot who needs to get to his spaceship to go home. The ending was sad. Overall it was decent.
Dr. Javelin said:
oh that movie

i don't know, we spend the entire movie waiting for the aliens to finally show up and when they did i just felt... underwhelmed? it was really unimpressive

it's not really a bad movie, it just didn't... do anything that i liked
i thought overall it was a good movie, but i don't understand why
the aliens were doing all of those things at the beginning like flying around and turning things on and off and stuff, or why they took random planes and dumped them in the desert. and what's the point of taking a Roy as a pilgrim if they already kidnapped a bunch of humans...?
yeah none of the stuff the aliens did made sense, it was just there to make them seem weird

i feel like it was probably a good movie in its time because people weren't used to seeing aliens and stuff but nowadays with sci-fi everywhere it's just really weak. the novelty of aliens doesn't carry the movie anymore
Nebraska...LOOOOOOOOOVE IT!!!!!!! When I first saw that movie in theaters I was the only young teenager watching while the rest of the people in the theater are just middle age men. kinda strange
my friend said that when he saw the grand Budapest hotel, everyone in the theater was elderly and it really creeped him out
Dr. Javelin said:
w-what? they made a second one?


and you watched it?!?

nostalgia critic would be ashamed of you
Well, it is good for riffing.

Now that I've seen the full movie for the first time, I can now say that this is my favorite Pixar film.
The LEGO Movie. For the first time, actually.