S SpinyMaster347 ..and with that, pow! I'm gone Sep 12, 2010 #153 Because you were bored. Why won't you stop doing pushups?
Toad48 Dry Bowser Sep 13, 2010 #154 Because he needs to train for the spelling bee Why did he do Push-ups?
S SpinyMaster347 ..and with that, pow! I'm gone Sep 13, 2010 #155 Because he's training. Why did the chicken cross the street?
S SpinyMaster347 ..and with that, pow! I'm gone Sep 15, 2010 #157 Because Ke$ha sang it. Why'd she sing it?
S SpinyMaster347 ..and with that, pow! I'm gone Sep 16, 2010 #159 Because you said sigh. Why did I agree to do this?
S SpinyMaster347 ..and with that, pow! I'm gone Sep 21, 2010 #161 Because I made it. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
S SpinyMaster347 ..and with that, pow! I'm gone Sep 24, 2010 #163 12.49 How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
Villain11 Katniss <3 Sep 26, 2010 #165 Because dust and pollen and other stuff gets attached to the inside of their nose. Why is this topic still alive?
Because dust and pollen and other stuff gets attached to the inside of their nose. Why is this topic still alive?
WigglerWhoopinWarrior135 Chuck Norris runs Windows 7...On his Etch-a-Sketch Oct 1, 2010 #167 B/C Weegee told me to do it. What pokemon is inside the pokeball?
YamiHoshi Nintendo 3DS Developer Oct 1, 2010 #168 フタチマル。 Why did I use a Japanese name, instead of an English name?
WigglerWhoopinWarrior135 Chuck Norris runs Windows 7...On his Etch-a-Sketch Oct 1, 2010 #170 Because your shoes don't like you and undid their shoelaces. Why does my watch say 9:51?
S SpinyMaster347 ..and with that, pow! I'm gone Oct 1, 2010 #171 Because it is 12:50 Why did I do this?
Nathan Fielder Business Expert Chat Operator Retired Forum Mod Retired Wiki Staff 'Shroom Consultant Oct 2, 2010 #172 Because the moo cows are flying over the corpse of Uniju's body.. Why did I call the cows moo cows?
WigglerWhoopinWarrior135 Chuck Norris runs Windows 7...On his Etch-a-Sketch Oct 2, 2010 #174 Yes he/me did. Why is the sky blue? (Don't provide a scientific answer)
S SpinyMaster347 ..and with that, pow! I'm gone Oct 2, 2010 #175 Because if you look at it my way, it's green. Why did