Good wishes aren't always good wishes

Granted, but you have to share it with me

I wish to download Laundry Service (Shakira's 3rd CD)
Granted, but you get a bad quality CD, so you must wait for the releasing day for get a good quality one.

I wish don't get fat.
Granted, but it brokes down after a week again.

I wish the same as you.
Chivi-chivik said:
Granted, but you get a bad quality CD, so you must wait for the releasing day for get a good quality one.
The CD came out ages ago ._.

Granted, but you do 5 and I eat 2 of 'em

I wish that some user at CWiki eventually get bored to create useless dramas.
Granted, but they do dramas again after some years.

I wish a very powerful and endless power.
Granted, but the power destroys everything you touch.

I wish to get better at drawing on Photoshop.
It's on fan creations
Granted, but they initiate a war against you, and you have to run for your life, until Mario shows up.

I wish for a paradox
Granted, but the paradox is an infinite paradox, so you'll never understand it

I wish for something cool and unbrokeable
Granted, but then you fall and they fall too... into a bottomless pit.

I wish know the person who invented the Querty typing system for give him/her a punch
Granted, but because you changed the past, this creates a different future, a future where (insert a person you don't like here) rules the whole world and forces everybody to work 25 hours a day and videogames don't exist! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

:evilgrin: :evilgrin: :evilgrin: :evilgrin: :evilgrin:

I wish I was transported 100 years into the future.
Granted, but you find there a very traumatical thing that makes you return

I wish for something delicious to eat
Granted, but it has a virus that spoils all the things it have inside.

I wish for all the Game Soundtracks I want (they can't be erased from my computer, they have to be in a MP3 good quality)
Granted, but you become obsessed with the soundtracks and forget to do your homework and gets bad grades in school so your parents take the soundtracks away.

I wish I had ice vision.
Granted but you can't do anything without freezing what you are looking at.

I wish Shakira to be in the Vina del Mar Festival 2012