Good wishes aren't always good wishes

Granted :yoshi:

I wish that they made a Yoshi :posh: smiley.
Granted but it's terrible-looking

I wish there was more good smileys (accurate ones too...yes I'm looking at YOU Bowser Jr!)
Granted, but you get Metal Wario smiley as well

I wish Apple got destroyed
granted, but you starve because the day before a law passed saying you could only eat apples or get decapitated

i wish to have :dk2: be the most used smiley
Granted, it becomes the only smiley

I wish you knew the difference between apples and Apple
Granted, but the friendship lasts for only a second before it turns out to be a bloody fight

I wish Donkey Kong had more smileys
Granted but no one likes them so they don't use them.

I wish :dk2: was never creepy.
Granted, you get to rule the world but everyone dies.

I wish for something.
Granted, but your life becomes utterly boring and because you look at things on the bright side, a tornado kills you.

I wish Titan was habitable