Good wishes aren't always good wishes

Granted but your pet dog falls in love with your cat and they form a couple, leaving you as a third wheel. While they go off and have little baby puppins you watch movies of your happy memories with your dog. Your dog's lawyer comes in and sees the movies then sues you into oblivion for pet abuse. You end up on the street with a cone on top of your head that says "THROW A TOMATO AT ME, I KICK PUPPIES :D" and people and pets alike throw tomatoes at you for the rest of your miserable life.

How's that for something you wish you never wished for? :P

Anyways, I wish for a fan.
Wait, how'd you know I had a dog?
Granted, but you stick your hand in the fan and, you know.

I wish for A Lotad.
Granted, but it's too big and doctors have to cut it off.

I wish for ralph to know what Lotad is.
Granted, but they use school glue because they ran out of string to stitch it.

I wish I had X-Ray vision.
Granted but you iradiate and cook everybody you use X-ray vision on

I wish BMB will come back sooner to release a new chapter in Venture of the Wiki
Marioguy1 said:
Granted but sooner =/= soon

I wish you would read User Soup :P
I actually do

Granted but you must share it with a stranger

I wish I could get the backpack I want