You're going to stop and watch my stream because that's what you do when a stream has an irresistible force
And irresistible is what he is
Back from Norway. Visited Longyearben, the northernmost permanent settlement with over 1000 people, and Tromso. Saw exceptionally good northern lights when none of us expected to and had a crab burger. Tasty.
Food Profile
- Saturday: Chicken Wings and Onion Rings with Lingonberry Sauce, Solbærtoddy
- Sunday: Olive and Salmon Sandwich, Suksessterte, Crab Burger
- Monday: Buffet Breakfast, Bagel with Egg and Cheese (leftover plane food), Pasta with Beef, Creme Brulee
- Tuesday: Buffet Breakfast with Hot Chocolate, Pizza,
Different Pizza
- Wednesday: Pancakes with Orange and Cottage Cheese Filling, Milk Milkshake, Fish Burger, Kanelsnurrer
- Thursday: Egg and Toast, Hot Dog and Hot Chocolate
- Friday: Toast, Creamy Arctic Char Soup, More Egg and Toast
I was sick the last two days and didn't go out with everyone else except to have fish soup
Seeing as next month's issue of The 'Shroom is going to feature both the next part of the third chapter of Sport Report: The Movie and the next part of Say Yes To The Dress: Waluigi Edition in Palette Swap, I was thinking of throwing in another Waluigi themed guest section in Fake News as a bonus addition to next month's Cooking Guide section. I was thinking of having that guest edition be a one-off of Hot Records, but I would certainly be open for user suggestions for Waluigi themed guest sections for next month's 'Shroom issue!
sigh things in February seem to be taking hits compared to one aspect in which they were good in 2024. i'm not saying what but am happy other people have it better in that aspect currently
Unpopular opinion time-the Star Wars prequel trilogy wasn't THAT bad; it was the sequel trilogy (Force Awakens, Last Jedi, Rise of Skywalker) of Star Wars movies that was REALLY bad. Like-I've literally watched ALL NINE Star Wars movies-including the three sequel movies everyone says were awful-and comparatively, the prequel ones were not nearly as bad as the sequels. The things about the prequel trilogy people say are bad-bad acting, bad writing, too much politics, etc.-that's not even able to hold a candle as to how bad probably EVERYTHING is in the sequel trilogy. I honestly think I am being completely objective here-there's no bias here at all, although I first saw the prequel trilogy when I was a little kid and thus probably mainly enjoyed it and still do as an adult because of that. But yeah. The prequel movies-I don't think they're as bad as people say they are, and they're definitely "masterpieces" compared to the last three movies in the franchise (masterpiece term of course in quotes). Middle three movies (Episode IV V and VI) are definitely the best in the entire franchise. Prequel movies, objectively speaking, are "meh", and sequel movies are absolutely HORRIBLE.
Like if anyone disagrees with my personal assessment as always I respect your opinions but I think my analysis is actually pretty well-thought-out and accurate. Also yeah the sequel films sucked but I'm at least happy I've seen all of the movies in the franchise and at least saw how everything ended. I at least got that out of the sequels, even though all they were were essentially just slightly different repeats of the classic Star Wars trilogy, just set many many years later.