Xiahou Dun
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  • So competitive Smash is imploding
    Two giant Dr. Marios getting Star KO'd in Great Bay.
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    LGM is pretty much the only person who would laugh at pausing at the very beginning of a low-pitched Mario screaming quote in 64 and then resuming it while it is happening on his home stage, Great Bay.
    … huh?
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    I completely forgot how good Greek Yogurt was. That stuff goes with everything.
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    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    It's one of the best emulsifiers for Mac n Cheese, better than regular yogurt or milk like in the ingredients.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    I can't go back to regular yogurt after eating greek yogurt.

    Thanks to my mom for eating it before it became super popular though, because she said greek yogurt was more like "fromage blanc" back at her home I believe.
    To be honest, enabling Star and Screen KOs on all stages makes me far more giddy than the anticipated content tomorrow.

    Yes I have enabled those via mods. I also changed the max launch speed (if exceeded, turns upper blast line KOs to boring blast KOs) to make it ridiculously high, so it's pretty much 1/3 chance you'll get star ko'd.

    Game's so much more fun like this. Why did they change it to begin with since Smash 4?
    A baby blue jay appeared by my doorstep on my first full day at my new home. I couldn't find your ask thread for some reason, do you have Blue Jays in your area? I seem to have a whole family in my backyard :3

    Should I set up a birdfeeder?
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    Our ask thread is "You don't believe me? Go ask the twins mofo." on the ask board. And no, we don't have Blue Jays in our area. We have the flat-headed California Scrub Jays instead which are commonly misattributed as Blue Jays, and they're cuties!
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Such a cutie. Hope it's fine, and not helpless there. Yes you definitely set up a bird feeder! You'll attract all sorts of birbs!
    I hope so too. I decided not to disturb it, when I went to see if it was still there in the evening it was gone. I'm hoping its parents nudged/guided it somewhere safe
    I was genuinely shocked to find out just earlier this year that Tails wasn't in the first Sonic game.
    I find it weird to enjoy a game where you don't really care for the main protagonist or you're just "yeah he's cool" ambivalent, and you like other characters. My favorite characters from series frequently to be main protags (Mario, Kirby, Rayman, Link, Asterix, Cuphead, Fox/Falco tossup) if I say so myself.

    Of course it's not a universal rule but if I don't like the main protagonist (Yoshi, Wario, Donkey Kong, Crash), I don't think I can stick for long playing.

    Though in Shadow of Colossus, Agro the horse is my favorite character.
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    mario is like my second favorite fictional character ever and hes so good and i love him but rayman.. i like the him a lot but theres just other rayman characters i do honestly like more. i guess it just depends on the cahracter themselves for me!
    the best main characters are player avatars
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Well games that choose your main character, I tend to be a bit more diverse there. It's the best way of having the main character be a vessel for you. Why Link doesn't have customization or even a gender option is baffling, and it's on top of Legend of Zelda usually being the franchise when you see women playing Nintendo games.
    Have you read any children's stories on birds (doesn't have to be when you're a child)?

    One story I recalled was "The tale of Tommy Nobody", which I don't remember fully but it's basically about a bird who was left behind by his family (because he didn't fly well) but when asked what bird he is, he didn't know. His search for his identity led him to encounter a few other birds and compare himself to them. In the end, a similar bird had informed Tommy that he is a...

    I was reminded of this story because I was playing a game called "Songbird Symphony" (a bird-themed Metroidvania/rhythm game), which has a bird (called "Birb") who wanted to know what kind of bird he is, although he knows for sure that he's not like the other birds.


    Thank you for reading.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    I know very well the stories from P.D. Eastman where a couple try to find a home to build a nest because they didn't like their old home. I also recall Eastman wrote a story on a chick that asks everything if they're his mother. Are You My Mother and The Best Nest.
    For some reason, the first story sounded like they will appreciate their old home and go back there again.

    Thank you for reading.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Well, uh,

    VOLUME WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and weird thumbnail after this video too
    it's also possible to BLJ in 3D land
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    I don't think this causes Mario's mustache to fall off though. D'oh?

    Awww he likes you and is having conversation with you. Be nice, stretch hands with him.
    This YouTube thumbnail is a punch in the gut

    for newer users who don't get it, my internet persona is that green mario recolor
    I am making a bold statement by reclaming my lost legs. Sorry for offending anyone.
    • Haha
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    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
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    to Rayman
    1. Who does your hair?

    Nintendo has a prejudice against legs confirmed. It's why we haven't seen a DDR Mario Mix 2.
    as it turns out the glade has some of the best hair salons out there. i dont know who runs them though cause im pretty sure all teensies are Bald (unless they treat wigs too)
    [note dont take any of this as fact its just my schewpid brain ideas]
    Dayum I'm tempted to do a Paper Mario theme this month too
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    however I love the brawl mario theme a lot too
    Paper Mario himself would be a good theme for you

    -- if i hadn't already used it in the past 😆
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    I know.... with Xenforo don't you keep your name changes?
    The furniture in Animal Crossing has more personality than the villagers yet people won't stop talking about the villagers.
    • Haha
    Reactions: Vivian
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    I don't even care that much of a lack of dialogue, we have hundreds of villagers. All are cut and paste from like 5 presets. They should've created subsets within the presets perhaps.

    I'm not saying this to assume furniture is bland by the way and just that the villagers are blander. Furniture in Animal Crossing games DO have personality in their quirky designs and themes and interaction. Even that's all they are, just exhibit one note, that's comparable to those villagers. And I enjoy collecting furniture and decorating my house a lot more than wishing for the right villager honestly.
    Wboa whoa whoa. It's 5 presets + additional species-exclusive lines
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Those lines you can change too. Hardly makes a difference imo. 🤷‍♀️
    • Wow
    Reactions: Vivian
    What's your favorite variant of "it's-a me, Mario!"? Mine would be the Mario Golf 64 one, it just sounds so cheery.

    Mario Super Sluggers is an honorable mention because Mario talks to plants for coins.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    The 64 version is a classic that started it all but I think the voice sounds a little off compared to most of Mario's voice library these days.
    "Hello, it's-a me, Mr. Goody Two Shoes Mario!" - mockingly said by Wario in Wario's Press Conference.

    Thank you for reading.
    My favorite is from Bowser's Inside Story (the original).

    Mario sounds ready for anything

    and Luigi saying "Okie Dokey" only adds to it
    Wario: (dies in Super Mario 64 DS)
    Wario: "MAAAMAAA MI"-"pawnch!"
    Now hang in there you can't fight Bowja and save Princess with Wario.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    You should also replace the MIDI instruments in Super Mario 64 DS with noises of Wario grunting
    You'll need to make more of an effort in order to convince of getting that game.

    And no, circle pad over arrows is not enough.
    Super Smash Bros. Brawl was the time when there weren't simulated depth to any textures, making everything look printed-on, so I question whether I even had backpockets to begin with.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    probably 2d sprites with normal mapping effects to make them pop
    Princess Zatanna
    Princess Zatanna
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    @Sweetie Belle so I'm correct. To be technical, they're still 3D models, but a plane with an animated texture applied to it. The video refers to it as bumpmapping, though for contemporary games this is a "normal map" (Wikipedia article). A "normal", in 3D modeling terms, is a property of a model that determines how light hits it. A "map" refers to the UV texture map a model has, where UV refers to 2D coordinates. So a "normalmap" is a texture map that has specific information for how light hits a model, and this is used to simulate an appearance of depth. This is applied on top of a diffuse/albedo map which is just the pure color. I also want to say a normalmap's purpose is to simulate depth but there are additional textures that add more detail to a model such as roughness maps, ambient occlusion, metallic maps, emissive maps (self illumination), height maps. Brawl models seem to have just diffuse given the weaker hardware, so the textures on the artwork does have a flat appearance.

    The video says it's to save processing and stuff which is true, as it's easier to render a 2d plane with only four vertices rather than a multi-vertices object with bones and stuff, but it's not like models from source 2D Mario games are all that expensive nor are the textures so detailed they'll stress the Wii U. I do think there's a scene change part of it, but it does appear that Mario, Bowser, and Bowser Jr. are in 3D, but I'm guessing they deserve more detail or something while the enemies can just be streamlined into 2D planes. It's probably better to make Mario 3D because he has a lot of movement options which are better served with a 3D model + skeleton that can deal with more detailed animations.
    I see a lot of people hate their old selves and today they believe they're so much better and stuff. I've done a bunch of crap in the past and probably came off as an immature weirdo but I've accepted that for what I was and so I don't hate my own teen self. I have to say I don't 100% think I'm all THAT better. I still make stupid unfunny posts like usual.

    I'm still me, just more mature.

    That being said I can't really easily look at some of my first posts ever so it's harder to evaluate those changes over the years.
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    Princess Zatanna
    Princess Zatanna
    My current self is best, older me was never bad but a bit too argumentative and such, now I make effort to be more mature
    It's just a vicious cycle. The more you feel you've matured, the worse the image of your past self looks. And after realizing that I feel like one day I'll look back upon myself now and bash him. Ultimately tho, I feel like I've always been a decent person anyway, no matter the small details. And I think that's what counts more.
    I think it's impossible to be a teen without being cringy even once.
    2020 is just trying to be as cursed as 2016 isn't it
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    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    If Trump gets re-elected, then yeah, 2020 would be just as bad if not worse than 2016.
    2016's presidential election process was... wild to say the least, and I remember there being a ton of celebrity deaths that year, but it wasn't a bad year for me personally. That was the year I joined the Mario Wiki and Boards, so that was one good thing for me. In terms of world events, I feel like 2020 is worse in a lot of ways than 2016. Mostly because of Covid, but also stuff like the Australia fires, WWIII scare (though that was a bit overblown), volcanos erupting in the Philippines, etc.
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    Walkazo dying was the ultimate reason 2016 was shit.
    "Model importing guide for game I want to mod"

    "For Blender"
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    My experience

    How to view a mesh's UVs?
    Maya - Select mesh, open UV editor (a button under modeling tab).
    3DS Max - Drop down modifier on the right window, "Unwrap UVW"
    Blender - uhhhh select one of the many windows and change it to the image panel or something. Then rummage through some drop-downs I guess. IDK anything that involves changing those panels strewn everywhere just makes it a headache.

    MOVING vertices to change the UVW
    Maya: Make a selection by click dragging; soft select enable with b. You can select through the UV editor or pressing spacebar to change views. Move with W (translate),E (rotate),R (scale) hotkeys.
    3DS Max - W,E,R hotkeys are the same. Changing views can either be done through the small plus button the viewport or hitting Alt + W
    Blender: WTF how do you select click and drag don't work how do you change from perspective to orthrographic, also why isn't W,E,R working they're doing weird things. WTF why is "S" scale, "R" rotate", and "G" rotate; at least "WER" are right next to each other.

    Maya: All camera changes done with Alt + mouse combination. Alt + LMB= tumble, Alt + MMB =track, Alt+RMB=doly. Select anything is left-mouse click
    3DS Max: Camera changes done by rotating ViewCube. Select anything left-mouse-click
    Blender: Select is RIGHT-mouse click, panning is Shift + middle mouse button, rotate is mmb, zooming is ctrl +mmb

    three other programs I know use alt + mouse buttons to navigate too including headus, substance painter, and Zbrush

    anyway the key setup I'm used to is more like this
    see, i memorized the Blender keys so i'm always screwing up anytime i'm in a different program. Though, Blender 2.8 actually changed a lot of it so that selecting is now a left click for example. I'm still fumbling about with that.
    ive barely used blender but god everything looks so confusing in there.. but its free so i aint got much other choice lmao
    Given your strong stance against Mario Kart Tour, (mostly) for its monetary system, I am curious to know how you feel about Dr. Mario World's monetary system. It's my go-to game compared to Mario Kart Tour because I prefer puzzle games, so I am curious to know what you think of it.

    Thank you for reading.
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    I think the touchscreen works very well for Dr. Mario World. Aside from a few hiccups (and they stem from the game needing to be online to be played), I don't have much issues and I'd rather actually use a touchscreen for the inputs than buttons.
    I suppose it's a good thing that if a certain doctor or assistant is maxed out, then it will be excluded in the pool. Unfortunately, it requires 29 duplicates for that to happen, which is not feasible for a regular person to obtain. I am not sure about Mario Kart Tour, but I have a feeling that it doesn't discriminate duplicates so it's possible to get duplicates.

    Thank you for reading.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Mario Kart Tour has a system for duplicates similar to Dr. Mario World where dupes fill a bar that can level up a kart or so. Dupes are still worthless and clearly nondesirable for the most part though because there's no way you'll really level up again compared to getting duplicates for other undesirable items like Yellow Birdo, Koopa Dasher, Egg Hunt Yoshi, and Mushmellow.
    SmashWiki is helpfully here to remind you that this is my last appearance before they take away my impressive backpockets for good.
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